Chapter 19

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Sloane had not paid Isabella Swan any attention in the past few days even though she had been made aware of the girl's constant staring. Of course, it was easy to deal with once they saw her in person. Today, however, they would have a picnic on the beach. Rosalie was worried about the pack but remembered what Sloane had done and happily rushed to get changed. The guys were responsible for food this time and it was Sloane's choice of cultural food this week and she made it very clear.

Sloane grabbed her beach bag and keys before walking into the kitchen "Okay time to go" Jasper looked up from the heated food basket he had just finished packing and his eyes narrowed. Before he just walked behind her and started doing her hair in long but medium-sized twisted braids.

Sloane glanced at him in shock before he finally spoke "So it will be easier to wash your hair later" The two smiled at each other before making their way to the car with everything. "Rose are you and Emmett ready?"

The couple walked over with bright smiles before hopping in the vehicle. The drive to the reservation was nice and full of joy. Everything would have been great if not for the shifters showing up and blocking their path. Sloane stopped as Jasper took a protective step in front of her. Sam glared at her. "Your kind is not welcome leech". Sloane tilted her head as her eyes glowed, causing Jared and Paul to step back in fear.

"I am no leech boy." The voice that had spoken was not Sloane's, no this was the show of her divinity this was the daughter of Phanes. The granddaughter of Isis and the favoured great-granddaughter of Hecate and Nyx. This was the demi-primordial who had slayed titans and gods. Standing beside her distant cousin Perseus as his equal a true destroyer of worlds, it was time for the wolves to understand that.

Jared whimpered as the sky filled with storm clouds and a bolt of lightning hit the ground between the wolves and Sloane. She stepped forward pulling Jasper behind her as she spoke "I am Cleopatra VII Thea Philopator The Queen of Egypt and the last living descendant of the Ptolemaic dynasty." 

A strong wind pushed the wolves a few steps back as the woman started walking over to them. "The daughter of the great Primordial Phanes the granddaughter of Isis and the legacy of Hecate and Nyx. I am a born being of the Gods my blood runs gold in my presence, you BOW" Unknown to Sloane her eyes had taken on the same golden colour of ichor as she spoke.

"So, Boy" Sam flinched as she practically spat out the word with absolute venom "Get on your knees and acknowledge your betters." Sam could no longer fight against his instincts and dropped to his knees. Paul and Jared followed behind him without pause each felt fear bubbling in their hearts as the storm raged on.

Yet before they could speak Rosalie stepped forward and snarled at them "You were warned when she took away your ability to shift" Rosalie's eyes now looked like a kaleidoscope filled with fury and something inhumane. 

Sam flinched back but the daughter of Aphrodite and blessed adopted of Ares was fuming as her blood churned and called for blood. Yet her focus was not on physically hurting them as the lightning flashed around them. "You have disrespected the beloved cousin of Lord Zeus and Lord Poseidon should they wage war on your kind and wipe out your people?" A feral grin spread across the girl's face as the men paled.

In Olympus, Zeus looked on in fury before turning to Aphrodite "Your child's idea pleases me a true demigod that bleeds ichor". The twelve thrones were all filled as the gods looked on in a fury. Poseidon nodded in agreement with Rosalie and a sinister grin covered his face as his brother seemed to share his sentiments. However, before he could word his agreement Phanes appeared with Nyx and Hecate on his arm "It seems that being blessed by Hecate and Nyx has made them proud and obstinate."

Nyx rose at her full height and looked at her grandchild "She should bathe in their blood for the disrespect". Hecate however was silent and then smirked "Now she won't Sloane enjoys their fear the scent of it brings her a sadistic joy she wants them to fear her and her name. She wants their legends to name her as someone to fear and respect. After all, that is what we all enjoy." The Olympians watched as the Titan and Primordial spoke before the trip turned to Aphrodite. "Your daughter bleeds more ichor than any demigod the venom feeds her ichor and Ares's blessing feeds her need to hunt and destroy. On your next war council let her be present to show the softer demigods what a true Hunter looks like"

The three then took their leave Zeus tightened his hold on the throne as he watched how one of the three clenched his fist and glared at his cousin. He should slaughter them a soft hand brought him out of his thoughts. Hera. She too seemed furious but shook her head "We know Sloane do you think she would let this be?"

Sloane felt her cousin's intervention when the lightning grew more controlled and laughed before grabbing Paul's face "You have annoyed Zeus and if I had not decided to punish you myself, I would let him smite you." Paul was furious to be on his knees by some strange girl that had stripped his wolf away but the reminder of who she was scared him. 

Sloane then looked at them and grinned "You so love your imprints. Should I strip them away from you? The afterlife may be a safer place for them compared to being near you" She then turned to Rosalie and smirked. "My sister happens to be a daughter of Aphrodite I'm sure she could break the bonds you made and cause them to fall for someone else". Jared was drained and fearful, yet he spoke "Please spare us, Your Highness, we forgot ourselves and acted stupidly, please we have learned our lesson".

Sloane could smell the fear and desperation and smirked then looked at Sam "Bow" and so he did the woman grinned and the storms came to an end. The gold faded from her eyes as she stepped back "Leave" were her only words and that was what they did.

That beach returned to normal, and Emmett smirked: "That was fun, now let's eat."

His Goddess (Jasper Hale) REWRITINGWhere stories live. Discover now