Chapter 4

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Carlisle knew something had changed when he arrived home that night, His son was glancing over at the three members of his family with anger and confusion while his daughter seemed to be sulking in the kitchen. Walking over to his wife he asked, "What is it?" Esme tilted her head up at him and sighed at him and sighed "It seems that Alice cannot see certain aspects of Rosalie, Jasper and Emmett's future anymore".

That was bothersome but understandable Alice would only see things based on decisions as far as he was concerned it just meant that the three vampires had not made any destiny-changing decisions. After all, they would only be here for four years and then move to Forks.

Sometime during the night unknown to the others, Jasper had left. He made his way deeper into Maryland before he made it to the restaurant Sloan had mentioned to him Gregorio's Trattoria entering, he glanced around before making his way to the hostess "Reservation for David" she asked him before he could even open his mouth, he guided him to a table were Sloan sat "I'm glad you made it."

Jasper smiled and sat down he was curious about why she had invited him here and why had she done so in such secrecy when the waiter placed two plates in front of them Jasper gulped "I'm not sure what you wanted but I thought extra rare would suit your taste" Jasper's head snapped up in surprise he finally noticed the knowing look in her eyes.

"Your wine is cougar blood," Sloan said as she took a sip of the red wine in her glass her eyes never leaving Jaspers, she wanted to see what he would say only he did not speak he looked around the restaurant with new interest the woman could not help but smirk.

"It seems that Carlisle keeps his coven isolated" Now Jasper was very curious about his mate she was definitely more than meets the eye "What is this place exactly?" for the first time since he sat down he saw the mischievous look in her eyes with a small smirk she answered "A restaurant what else" Jasper fixed her a stern but slightly amused look and being the gracious woman she was Sloan laughed and answered "I'm not lying it's a restaurant but after a certain hour it isn't open to the mundane and before you ask about the owner he is a demigod one of the many sons of Dionysus"

Jasper was shocked so vampires and wolves were not the only supernatural out there and the gods existed. How had this failed to reach his ears, all this time had Carlisle known that they were not the only supernatural creatures in existence. Sloan watched as her mate seemed to be absorbing the news and more questions seemed to rise. The woman wanted to laugh honestly but after hearing of Carlisle's reputation she had many questions.

Carlisle Cullen had lived with the Volturi for a long enough time to know about all these creatures and the other immortals that roamed the earth. Aro had been quick to point out that the man lived to learn and experiment it was no wonder that he and Aro had a relationship until Carlisle left the black-haired man heartbroken. So, in his stalkerish nature, Aro kept an eye on his ex-boyfriend.

Carlisle Cullen was like a cult leader he took the role of the adoring father who cared for his new 'children' presenting himself as their salvation due to the fact he saved them and mentored them, and his son Edward was the golden child of his delusions. What bothered Sloan was how isolated they were within their coven and the diet they stuck to animal blood was known to weaken gifts often causing them to become overwhelming. In conclusion, Carlisle Cullen was a lousy coven leader.

She felt a bit guilty she had not told the blonde that she had her blood mixed into the wine that Jasper would be served however she would not have an out-of-control mate. If Jasper was not able to control his gift, he would never be able to deal with his bloodlust. Eventually, Jasper snapped out of his thoughts and downed the wine glass.

"Do you feel better now?" there was no care or emotion in her voice if anything it was full of sarcasm with an almost sinister undertone that Jasper decided to ignore before he nodded "I believe so, may I ask what exactly you are?" A dark almost sinister smile appeared on Sloan's face "The question you should be asking is who not what".

Listening to her words he rephrased his question she gave him a smile "Cleopatra VII Thea Philopator The Queen of Egypt and the last living descendant of the Ptolemaic dynasty" Jasper was shocked as the woman who sat opposite him was one of the most influential women in history did the Pharaohs really discover immortality or was it just her?

"As to what I am the term demi-primordial is most appropriate" Jasper raised an eyebrow at that weren't those Greek wasn't she Egyptian as if reading his thoughts, she glared at him "You are aware that I'm Greek right?" Well, now he knew the blonde gave her a nervous smile that she could not help but find adorable.

"My parents unknowingly had a threesome with Phanes hence my birth I'm part of the Greek and Egyptian pantheons more Greek though" Jasper leaned forward with interest wanting to know how she was connected to the Egyptian pantheon "My mother was an enigma the demigod daughter of Isis yet a legacy of both Hecate and Nyx" All Jasper heard with that explanation was his mate was powerful and most likely immortal so he would not be losing her anytime soon.

However, Sloan wanted to deal with the reason she had called him here "So you are my soulmate" Jasper nodded as he studied her trying to find a sign that she would accept him he was startled when she offered him her hand. Without a thought he took it and they vanished into the shadows.

It was dark and quiet as they walked towards a large cave inside was a beautiful place of Greek architecture. The floors were covered with dark marble the only light that was provided was from the stars and the moon, yet something was off about it. As they walked past the pillars Jasper noticed the statues of a beautiful woman surrounded by a dark mist where had she taken him."

Grandma Nyx I brought my soulmate to meet you and grandad" Suddenly a woman appeared she was incredibly pale with long dark hair she was dressed in black and silver as she walked towards him a small smirk appeared on her face "Yes darling this one suits you" Sloan hugged her grandmother before leaving with Jasper appearing in the middle of the woods.

"It was nice spending time with you Jasper but now it's time for you to return to your coven" Before the vampire could say a word Sloan was gone. With a sigh, the vampire sneaked back into his room with a small smile.

Unknown to him Sloan had returned to Tartarus to spend time with her grandmother the next time Jasper would be seeing her would not be what he expected.

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