Chapter 21

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~Three weeks later~

Sloan Volturi David stormed through the dense forest, her steps quick and purposeful. Her mind was clouded with frustration and anger, fueled by the incessant buzzing of her phone with messages from Jasper's ex, Alice Cullen. Sloan had had enough. She couldn't bear to see Alice's name pop up on her screen one more time, reminding her of the unwelcome intrusion into her relationship with Jasper.

As she approached the elegant Cullen house, Sloan's magic crackled around her, a visible manifestation of her growing agitation. Her eyes glowed with an otherworldly intensity as she pushed open the front door, the wood creaking under her force.

Inside, the atmosphere was tense. Alice sat in the living room, her gaze fixed on her phone as she typed away furiously. She seemed oblivious to Sloan's presence until the witch's voice cut through the silence like a blade.

"Alice," Sloan's voice was low and dangerous, her words laced with magic. "We need to talk."

Alice looked up, her eyes widening in surprise at the sight of Sloan's furious expression. "Sloan, what are you doing here?"

Ignoring Alice's question, Sloan advanced towards her, her steps echoing ominously in the spacious room. "I'm here to put an end to this nonsense. Jasper is mine, not yours. You need to stop texting him and leave him alone."

Alice scoffed, her demeanour shifting from surprise to defiance. "Jasper is free to talk to whoever he wants. You can't control him."

Sloan's temper flared at Alice's defiance. With a flick of her wrist, she unleashed a burst of magic, sending Alice flying across the room and crashing into the wall with a loud thud. The impact silenced the room, leaving only the crackling of Sloan's magic echoing in the air.

As Alice struggled to regain her composure, Sloan stepped closer, her eyes blazing with fury. "Listen carefully, Alice. Jasper is my mate, not yours. If you continue to harass him, I will not hesitate to end you."

Alice's eyes widened in fear as the gravity of Sloan's words sank in. She nodded weakly, understanding the danger she was in.

Satisfied that her message had been received, Sloan turned her attention to the two vampires who stood watching in horror – Edward and Carlisle Cullen. "And as for the rest of you," she said, her voice dripping with venom, "remember that I am the daughter of a primordial ichor that runs through my veins. I have no qualms about wiping out your coven if you continue to annoy me."

Edward and Carlisle exchanged nervous glances, realizing the depth of Sloan's power and the danger of provoking her further. They nodded silently, their expressions reflecting a mixture of fear and respect.

With her message delivered, Sloan turned on her heel and strode out of the Cullen house, leaving behind a stunned silence in her wake. Outside, the night air was cool and refreshing, a stark contrast to the tension-filled atmosphere inside.

As Sloan disappeared into the darkness of the forest, she couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. She had asserted her dominance and made it clear that she would not tolerate anyone threatening her relationship with Jasper. And woe betide anyone who dared to challenge her again.

Jasper was pacing anxiously in the living room of their shared home, his thoughts consumed by worry over Sloan's sudden departure. He couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled over him ever since she had stormed out to confront Alice at the Cullen house.

As the door swung open, Jasper's head snapped up, his eyes locking onto Sloan's figure as she stepped into the room. Relief flooded through him at the sight of her unharmed, but it was quickly replaced by concern as he took in the intensity of her expression.

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