Chapter 17

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The lunch period provided Isabella with the relief she needed, as Eric guided her over to his table. She did not want to sit somewhere that would put her in awkward situations. As she greeted Jessica and Angela, she noticed Rosalie and Emmett walk in with two other beautiful people. Only they seemed to be in a disagreement before Rosalie leaned back and walked off, and Emmett chased after her.

"What was that? and who are they?" Angela rolled her eyes as Jessica smirked and leaned forward "Oh the Cullen and Hale families they are cousins but from different backgrounds. They moved here two years ago. The Cullens from Washington and the Hales from Alaska. Doctor Cullen wanted a change in scenery and Tanya Hale Denali wanted her siblings to have the space they needed" Isabella raised an eyebrow at that comment.

What older sister gave her siblings space, as she thought about it a thought occurred to her according to the same rumours, she heard the Hale siblings had moved in with their partners. Maybe that was why. Jessica just continued as if Bella's eyebrow raised did not happen "The petite girl with short hair is Alice Cullen she is weird always zoning out" As if the girl knew they were talking about her she smiled and just glanced at the guy next to her.

Bella felt her breath hitch and her heartbeat speed up "And him" Jessica sighed "That is Edward Cullen, perfect guy incarnate he is smart, rich and hot but not interested in anyone here." The girl just looked at her plate before continuing "As for the Hales, Rosalie and Jasper are siblings I'm pretty sure you have seen Sloane right" Bella nodded when the thought of the girl appeared she tried not to blush "Right she and Jasper are engaged to be married same for Rosalie and Emmett, never try to talk to the guys when Sloane and Rosalie are not around, don't flirt with them at all either."

Angela smirked "Last year Lauren lost her mind and tried to kiss Jasper, Sloane judo flipped her and got her brothers to pull some strings the next day Lauren got a restraining order "Bella blinked in shock "Brothers?" Jessia nodded "Sloane David Volturi as in Volturi industries". Now the pale girl was shocked she would have never guessed Sloane was one of the elusive yet famous members of the Volturi family.

"David Volutri?" Jessica rolled her eyes before sharing a glance with Angela "Her mother was from Israel and to honour her when she died her father had both last names placed on the birth certificate, apparently, they are some big important families in the middle east".

Bella mentally noted that as something she should research later "So the elite marry the elite" her comment while said under her breath was heard and Angela furrowed her eyebrows "Obviously, they are old money families that have connections to nobility and heads of other high-class families. They live in a totally different world. The hales for example do you know who they are related to?"

Bella just shrugged she wasn't too interested as it couldn't be that important, Angela rolled her eyes "They are descendants of Countess Alice Hale the wife of the 1st Earl of Norfolk their British nobility, plus the family that moved to the states are also big deals Dorthy and DeWitt Hale ring a bell" Bella's eyes grew wide okay it seems Angela was right they were a big deal.

Jessica tilted her head "The fact a daughter of those families is marrying the eldest son of the Hale family is a huge deal, if the rumours are right when they marry, she will be Duchess of Pembroke or Norfolk "Unknown to the gossiping girls Rosalie and Jasper heard everything and hide back their sniggers.

Sloane, however, rolled her eyes "Technically they aren't wrong many don't realise the British royal family are supernatural and accept venom-turned descendants Alice de Hales and her daughter Margaret were turned and eventually, they turned her grandson John Hastings the 3rd Earl of Pembrooke yeah he screwed Rosalie's great great grandmother so biologically and through venom, she does have both titles" Rosalie stared at Sloane for a bit before sighing "Jasper you can take one of those titles"

The man blinked before nodding the two never expected to get a history lesson on the Hales but they accepted it. Sloane however now paled and quickly searched for something on her phone before letting out a frustrated sigh "That gossip Jessica was talking about was the Volturi, David and Windsor families making joint announcements." Now Rosalie glanced at the page and sighed.

"Duke of Norfolk Jasper Hale set to marry David/Volturi heiress" the woman blinked before continuing "His Grace the Duke of Norfolk proposed to his childhood friend and lover Lady Sloane David Volturi nearly two years ago, last month the families of both parties released official announcements as the wedding date draws near." Rosalie could not help but give the couple a teasing smile only for Sloane to shake her head and start reading the following paragraph.

" Alongside the Duke, his twin sister Lady Rosalie the Countess of Arundel also has impending nuptials as she marries her childhood sweetheart and boyfriend of 5 years Emmett McCarthy a descendant of the famous McCarthy clan and the cousin of Aro Volturi's famous bodyguard Felix." As Sloane read Rosalie groaned and shared a look with a horrified Emmett neither of the two wanted their business all over high society gossip pages.

Sloane however smirked "This is them covering all the tracks, the royal family have been covering their supernatural links well they needed something to distract from the latest gossip two heirs of peerages long thought extinct is perfect" The group stared at Sloane as she continued eating as if that did not bother in the slightest. Only for the woman to focus on Jessica's voice.

"Did you do something to Edward Cullen? Cause he is staring at you" Rosalie now hearing the comment observed the scene shrewdly. Bella seemed to blush and tried to hide her face behind her hair "No, I didn't" Jessica hummed and glanced back over to Edward and Alice who seemed to be chatting, but she noticed every time the man turned to watch Bella. She scowled and Angela nudged her before looking back at her camera.

She glanced over at Sloane and her group only to see both Rosalie and Sloane watching the exchange of shy glances between Edward and Bella. Both had an expression she recognised was annoyance before Sloane rolled her eyes and turned to Rosalie and spoke. Jessica to keep up read her lips and gasped before quickly excusing herself.

If what she read was true, she really needed a few days to properly accept the information she could have sworn that the words Sloane said were 'Not again he keeps dating playing with them and dropping them, the last one was so drained it showed at her funeral' Had Edward Cullen pushed a girl to suicide while they dated? Why did all the hot ones have to be crazy?

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