Chapter 22

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The tension in the Volturi mansion was palpable as Sloane paced back and forth in the grand living room, her mind swirling with anger and frustration. She had just received news that Edward Cullen had broken their pact of secrecy by revealing the truth to Bella Swan, and Sloane was furious.

With each step she took, Sloane's magic crackled around her, a visible manifestation of her growing agitation. She couldn't believe that Edward would betray her trust in such a blatant manner, putting her and her family at risk of exposure.

As Sloane's anger reached its boiling point, she made a decision. She would confront Edward and the rest of the Cullen family, and she would make it clear that there would be consequences for their actions.

Gathering her resolve, Sloane stormed out of the mansion, her footsteps echoing loudly in the empty halls as she made her way towards the Cullen's home.

When she arrived, the atmosphere was tense. Edward, Carlisle, Esme, and Alice were gathered in the living room, their expressions wary as they awaited Sloane's arrival. They knew they had crossed a line by revealing the truth to Bella, and they were prepared to face the consequences.

As Sloane entered the room, her eyes blazed with fury as she fixed her gaze on Edward. "You betrayed our kind, Edward," she spat, her voice laced with venom. "You broke our pact of secrecy and put my family at risk."

Edward met Sloane's gaze evenly, his expression unreadable. "I did what I thought was best for Bella," he replied calmly. "She deserved to know the truth."

Sloane's temper flared at Edward's response. With a flick of her wrist, she unleashed a burst of magic, sending objects flying across the room in a whirlwind of chaos. "You had no right to interfere!" she exclaimed, her voice echoing off the walls.

Carlisle stepped forward, his voice calm and steady as he tried to diffuse the situation. "Sloane, please," he said gently. "We understand that you're upset, but we had to tell Bella the truth. She has a right to know."

Sloane's eyes narrowed at Carlisle's words, her anger simmering beneath the surface. "You had a right to nothing," she retorted coldly. "You broke our agreement, and now you will face the consequences."

Turning her attention to the rest of the Cullen family, Sloane's voice was filled with icy determination. "If any of you ever breathe a word about who I am or who my family is to anyone else, I will destroy you," she warned, her words dripping with menace. "Do you understand?"

The Cullens exchanged nervous glances, realizing the gravity of Sloane's threat. They knew they had underestimated her power, and they were not eager to incur her wrath.

Satisfied that her message had been received, Sloane turned her attention back to Edward, her eyes flashing with anger. "And as for you, Edward," she said, her voice low and dangerous. "You have until graduation to turn Bella into one of us, or else she will be killed."

Edward's eyes widened in shock at Sloane's ultimatum. He had never expected her to be so ruthless, so unforgiving. But as he looked into her eyes, he knew she was serious. He had no choice but to comply with her demands if he wanted to protect Bella.

With a final warning glare, Sloane turned on her heel and stormed out of the Cullen house, leaving behind a stunned silence in her wake.

As she disappeared into the darkness of the night, Sloane's mind was consumed with thoughts of revenge. She would make Edward and the rest of the Cullen family pay for their betrayal, no matter the cost.

Sloane stormed back to the Volturi mansion, her fury still smouldering like embers beneath her skin. She knew she had to inform her brothers about the ultimatum she had given Edward Cullen, and she wasted no time in seeking them out.

As she entered the grand chamber where her mate and coven, were gathered, Sloane's presence commanded attention. Grabbing her phone she immediately called the castle "I need to speak to Aro now" Her brothers looked up from their discussion, their expressions shifting from curiosity to concern as they heard her voice from inside the throne room and Gia quickly entered before handing Aro the phone.

"What troubles you, dear sister?" Aro inquired, his voice smooth and composed as always.

Sloane wasted no time in getting to the point. "Edward Cullen has betrayed our trust," she began, her voice cold and controlled. "He broke our pact of secrecy by revealing the truth to Bella Swan."

Aro's eyes narrowed at the mention of Edward's name, his expression darkening with displeasure. "And what did you do about it?" he asked, his tone sharp with curiosity.

Sloane's lips curled into a bitter smile. "I confronted him," she replied. "I made it clear that there would be consequences for his actions."

Caius leaned forward; his eyes gleaming with interest. "And what consequences did you decree?" he inquired; his voice tinged with anticipation.

Sloane's smile widened, a dangerous glint in her eyes. "I gave him an ultimatum," she explained. "He has until graduation to turn Bella into a vampire, or else she will be killed."

Aro's eyes widened in surprise at Sloane's revelation. He had not expected her to be so ruthless, so unforgiving. But he knew that this was the best way to hurt Edward everyone knew the boy saw being a vampire as a punishment and the destruction of one's soul to do that to his lover would destroy him.

Marcus, ever the silent observer, nodded in silent approval. He understood the gravity of the situation, the delicate balance of power that hung in the air like a heavy shroud.

As the implications of Sloane's ultimatum sank in, the chamber fell silent, the weight of her words hanging heavy in the air. The Volturi brothers knew that they were now embroiled in a dangerous game, one that could have far-reaching consequences for them all.

But for now, they would stand by Sloane's side, united in their resolve to protect their family from any who dared to threaten them. And as they prepared for the inevitable showdown with the Cullen family, they knew that the fate of both vampire clans hung in the balance.

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