Chapter 3

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Her alarm blaring caused the sleeping Queen to groan as she sluggishly made her way out of bed. Grabbing her phone, she checked the date her eyes slowly adjusting to the brightness when she suddenly jumped out of bed and raced to the bathroom. It was the first day of classes and she could not be late. While most wanted evening classes she tried her best to get the morning classes as she had a lot of meetings in the evening.

Luckily for her, she did not take very long to shower, her hair, however, was a problem taking off her bonnet she unloosed the twist in her hair and ran her hands through it. Suddenly she was glad that she had combed out and heavily moisturised her hair the night before it was now easier to manage.

Grabbing a comb and brush the woman angled herself in front of the mirror her hair gel and spritz bottle were within reach after a while Sloan managed to wrangle her hair into a bun. Two small braids she had done in her hair framed her face. With a content smile, Sloan got dressed her class started at seven, so she had to leave soon grabbing her bag she slipped in her laptop, the two containers holding her lunch and a bottle of water all her other things were already in her purse as the woman made it her habit to pack the things she wants using into the bag.

Grabbing her keys Sloan left her home locking the door behind her and subtly raising the wards before she got into her car. Keeping to her word she stopped by the same Dunkin Donuts for her breakfast before quickly leaving. Her brown eyes were filled with happiness as she munched on the croissants leaving one in the bag, she checked her face and clothing before grabbing her things and exiting her vehicle, as usual, the people in the surrounding area stared at her in awe she was gorgeous.

Sloan held back from rolling her eyes as she made her way to the admin building and dropped off the croissant before following the map to her first lecture. Entering the classroom, she takes a seat in the very back of the room taking the time to observe her classmates. When suddenly two people walk in, and the room goes silent.

Immediately she glances at them in the corner of her eye they are both inhumanly pale with golden eyes. They have dark shadows under their eyes as if they haven't slept well in years but somehow, they still look immensely attractive. The female was a tall, leggy blond with the figure of a model her long hair flowed down her back looking like spun gold, yet her eyes held a look of pride and annoyance hidden behind that look was pain.

Next to her was a tall gentleman he was lean and muscular his blonde hair was pulled into a man-bun, and his posture was amazing and somewhat militaristic. What intrigued Sloan were the many bite mark scars littering his body, but she knew not to ask as the human eyes would not pick up on that. He had seen war it showed in his posture and his eyes, but the immortal woman could not help but smirk instead of there being one predator in the room there were three if only they drank human blood, then things would have been fun.

The two siblings took a seat not too far from her, but Sloan made no effort to really talk to or approach them and when the lecture started, she pretended to take notes using her laptop to browse through dress shops instead.

Jasper was losing his mind luckily for him Rosalie was here, the blonde knew that Jasper had found his mate and was willing to accept the girl or guy into their family cause Jasper was her brother and she loved him dearly. She glanced at the girl who sat almost near them and something in her posture made Rosalie feel a bit inferior girl's posture alone would make her mother look lazy.

The woman seemed to be disinterested in the topic until a certain point came up the Powerful Women in History. So, Jasper's mate was not the damsel in distress type. She watched as the girl's eyes narrowed when one of their male classmates pointed out that these women did not know their place.

Rosalie was stunned by the slow but sinister smile that came over Sloan's face as the previous monarch raised her hand "I'm sorry professor but I need to inquire about something?" The professor was enthralled by the sound of her voice before quickly agreeing to let her ask "And where would history be if these ladies had not made the choices they made?"

"As a researcher one of the things you need to learn is thinking outside the box and looking at this in a way nobody else has considered" Both Rosalie and Jasper watched as the boy flushed in embarrassment but gave the girl a curt nod before he was quiet again.

She was both beautiful and intelligent that was a deadly combination one that they had to consider if they wanted her in their world. An hour passed and soon their class ended both vampires followed her. Jasper could not help but admire how her pants accented her hips and legs as she walked. Soon she walked into the library luckily for them, that is where they were meeting Emmett.

Sloan slinked off into a dark corner her eyes filled with power as she stared at the floor, he was here she could sense it the ancient magic rolled off her in waves as she looked around her eyes stopping on the golden-haired boy from her class. Before she knew it, she was walking over to them "Hello you're both in my class, yes?" Jasper and Rosalie both nodded while Emmett looked on in confusion "Yes I'm Jasper this is my twin sister Rosalie and her boyfriend, Emmett" Sloan nodded "I'm Sloan David."

Jasper was enthralled and frankly, Rosalie found it hilarious "Would you like to sit down with us?" Sloan smiled at Rosalie before accepting the empty seat on Jasper's side. Before any of them knew it they had become friends.

Alice had no idea that in those moments she could not see Jasper had found his mate or that her family's bonds were already fading.

Alice had no idea that in those moments she could not see Jasper had found his mate or that her family's bonds were already fading

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~Sloan's outfit~

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