Chapter 18

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Sloane watched as Jessica rushed out of the room and quickly followed her, "Jessica are you alright?" The girl looked at her with wide eyes and shook her head, "Can we talk in private?" The younger of the two asked with shaking hands. Sloane gently guided her into an empty room and helped the girl sit down "What's wrong?"

Jessica looked at Sloane and calmed down a little before speaking "Has Edward pushed a woman to suicide?" She watched as the girl lowered herself into the closest chair and sighed. "He didn't drive her to suicide she was attracted to him but due to religious reasons he rejected her affection". There was a pause as Sloane swallowed "She didn't handle it well; she stalked and harassed him to the point he moved in with us for a few weeks that didn't work. She broke into our home, so he went home and tried to get a restraining order." Jessica now watched the girl with sympathy.

Yet Sloane was carefully telling the story "Eventually she lost it she assumed that he and Alice were dating and attacked her with a knife, she defended herself and ran off when the police found her, she had slit her wrist, she didn't make it" Sloane turned away from Jessica and seemed to be wiping away tears.

"It's the reason they moved here to help Edward and Alice recover from the ordeal" Jessica now felt like she had judged them unfairly and nodded before hugging Sloane and leaving. If only she had looked back to see the devious smirk on the older woman's face. She had mixed the truth with a lie.

There was a girl who had stalked Edward in the past, she was his blood singer and he stalked her everywhere at night. Eventually, the girl grew paranoid and started seeing him around. She did attack Alice and that was how she found out about them being vampires. Unfortunately, Rosalie was not having it. It was the first time Rosalie had used her gift to take a life.

Sloane had found it funny when Edward mourned over the loss of the young human girl, Sloane however did not care. She calmly returned to the cafeteria where Rosalie sat with a huge smile. The woman had heard how Sloane had used the story and wholeheartedly approved. As the immortal sat in Jasper's lap, she got a glance at Edward and Alice's facial expressions the situational seer looked furious at the public display while Edward seemed to be reeling.

Was he still mourning the girl after all this time? He did not seem to understand his place in the ecosystem. He was a vampire, blood singers existed solely to be blood bags. Most vampires that gave in to the urge did not have to hunt for at least a year. They were humans created to die. No blood singer lived past the age of 25, their scent became stronger the older they got. After all, killing little children was frowned upon, however, a teenager near the age of 20 was good enough.

She was always confused about what Carlisle did to his coven, from what she heard Emmett had drained his blood singer and the foolish coven leader forced him to drink animal blood after guilting him. Animal and human blood did not mix it made a vampire feel incredibly hungry few had managed to perfect the art of mixing and even they did it rarely.

The small things mattered; Sloane kissed Jasper's neck while maintaining eye contact with Alice. The woman's eyes filled with loathing if it were possible the glare alone would light her on fire, but Sloane only gave the woman a taunting smirk before focusing her attention on Jasper. The man knew exactly what his mate was doing, and he encouraged it gently squeezing her waist to direct her focus on him. Alice had gotten enough of his mate's attention.

Emmett snickered as he watched the entire interaction before glancing at Sloane "I do have a question." Sloane glanced at Emmett and nodded "Alice is aware that Jasper isn't hers, right?" There was a sudden silence as Sloane's jaw visibly dropped in shock at Emmett's question. Rosalie quickly took a photo as her shoulders shook from trying to hold in her laughter. Jasper was absolutely stunned he did not expect Emmett to verbally declare that Alice was lusting after a taken man.

Alice looked visibly uncomfortable and ignored the stares by continuing her conversation with Edward she would not dare to acknowledge the statement. Jessica's eyes narrowed a bit before she whispered to Angela. "I wonder if she wants him for his money" If Alice could turn red with embarrassment she would.

Angela just sighed "More likely his title and what comes with it" Bella watched the girl and frowned "Aren't they related maybe Emmett was joking". There was a pause as Jessica blankly stared at Bella and then snickered "Not related the way you think Bella but either way you will figure it out".

The two girls silently resolved to avoid Isabella Swan when they could it was clear that she could not read the room. The two girls remained silent as the boys continued to interact with the Bella did, she did not see how desperate the boys were. The two women shook their heads before conversing with each other softly.

Sloane had by now come to her senses and had luckily gathered enough grace to hide her face in Jasper's neck before looking at Emmett. "I am sure that is known Emmett" Rosalie who was still slightly shaking started coughing softly before she gained some control "Emmett please warn us next time you intend to ask such an invasive, inappropriate question like that" None of the students heard the hissed addition of "publicly."

Alice now rose to her feet grabbed her bag and walked over to Emmett ready to pitch her voice "Emmett are you alright? I have no intentions to date a taken man" After she spoke those words another onlooking student snidely inputted their opinion "Oh so if he was single you would chase after Jasper".

Eyes fell on the petite woman who seemed to be surprised by the statement "No of course not I-' Sloane had raised her hand stopping Alice from speaking further her eyes held a victorious gleam as she turned to the woman. "Thank you, Miss Cullen, for clarifying now can you please return to your brother's side I do not want to entertain any more of your antics today".

A clear dismissal it seemed that Sloane was tired of the circus that was small-town gossip. Alice decided to grin and bear it as staying near Sloane would only make her look bad. Turning she gracefully returned to her table and sat down. Unknown to her several girls marked her as a potential boyfriend stealer they had all seen the look in her eyes.

Sloane was lucky Jasper held no interest in the woman, however, they knew that their boyfriends were not that lucky and would be enthralled with the Cullen girls as she was beautiful a bit weird, and the rumour was that she was a virgin.

Alice Cullen had just been marked as enemy #1.

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