Chapter 14

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Pre - Twilight

The students of Forks High were curious, they had heard of the new families moving into their community the Cullens and the Hales. While Carlisle Cullen and his wife Esme were well known, their children had not been seen since they moved to the small town and apparently, this was their first day. However, everyone was interested in the Hales as their guardian and eldest sister Tanya had been a huge donator towards the betterment of the school and the town's sheriff department.

She had been spotted on several occasions, but her younger siblings and their significant others were elusive. Teenagers were naturally curious and lived on gossip so when they heard of four teens living together without adult supervision, they got curious. So, when the Cullen kids arrived, they stared at Alice and Edward.

They had to admit the new kids were hot and dressed to the nines. The girl glanced up her short hair gelled down but her ends still stuck out it was cute. She gave her brother a bright smile before they linked arms and entered the building. Many were commenting on how petite and attractive Alice was while others talked about Edward he would be dealing with human girls for a while.

As the two entered the building two new vehicles entered the school parking lot drawing a lot of attention. The first one was a black Chevrolet Silverado 1500 it was quickly parked and out jumped two of the most attractive guys anyone had seen. The first one was around 6'3 with honey-blonde hair and hazel brown eyes with flecks of green. There was a large smile on his face as if he had been laughing previously, he was dressed in a tight black top that highlighted his muscular figure, over the top he wore a black leather jacket and a gold chain. The black jeans and boots were clearly expensive.

The other guy was a bit taller and broad probably the perfect quarterback in Mike's opinion. He had black hair and beautiful blue eyes that seemed to sparkle with mischief and a proud grin on his face. Like his friend, he too wore all black except for his t-shirt which was a dark grey.

Jessica and Lauren stood side by side admiring them, considering if they had a shot. When the other car parked and drew their attention. Jessica stared at the car with envy she had begged her parents for the convertible when it came out early that year. It was her dream car but there it sat in front of her and so out of reach.

She watched as the two delicious-looking gods turned their attention to the car with eyes filled with love. She finally looked at the driver and passengers and felt her heart drop. The blonde was beautiful she looked as if she belonged on the cover of a magazine, she was tall, and the heeled boots only increased her height a little bit. Her eyes seemed to flicker in between a shade of blue-violet and purple. A pair of black jeans clung to her long legs; the grey long-sleeve top also clung to her like a second skin exposing her curvy toned figure. The taller of the two guys grinned as she slipped on her leather jacket and took his hand intertwining their fingers.

"Oh," she thought bitterly "they're dating" Her eyes were stuck on them for a bit before she looked away of course they were dating. Gorgeous people had a habit of gravitating to one another. It was the second girl that made her pause, she was dark-skinned with beautiful green eyes her hair was braided and in a ponytail that stopped at the back of her knees. She matched the honey blonde dressed head to toe in black with a leather jacket and matching chain. Lauren scoffed when he walked over and took her bag off her shoulders, that scoff soon became a small sigh when she saw a soft kiss be exchanged.

The group turned to the final member she was pale with strawberry-blonde curls and bright blue eyes. Like the others, she was dressed in black, but it was a business suit and heels. Jessica immediately recognised her "That's Tanya Hale". As soon as she whispered those words Lauren sighed "Then those are the elusive and engaged Hale siblings," she said while directly pointing out the two blondes.

Jessica no longer had to wonder why they were engaged after seeing the group all she could say was "If my boyfriend or girlfriend looked like that I would be engaged too" Lauren couldn't blame her and nodded.

They watched as the family entered the school and sighed there went their chances of dating the hottest guys in the school. Whispers immediately broke out "Did you see them they are gorgeous" as the students gossiped about the group in the office. Tanya was working out the details of guardianship and emergency contacts "I travel for work so if you cannot get me, you can call Aro, Marcus and Caius Volturi, they are Sloane's brothers if they can't come, they will send their representatives".

The principal flinched these new students came from rich and powerful families he rather die than call the CEO's of Volturi Enterprises. Sloane smirked as she heard the man's thoughts before glancing at Tanya who nodded and gave them a smile "Go ahead and get your schedules I'll see you all for dinner okay".

When the four left she turned to the principal "My siblings have been through a lot, Sloane and Emmett have been by their sides for years I hope you do not abuse the trust our families have placed in you".


The day had passed by quickly and the Hale family had just entered the cafeteria when Alice spotted them. They however sat as far as possible away from the Cullens before the girl could even think about waving. As they sat at their table Sloane once again handed out their lunches.

Rosalie glared at Emmett knowing this was his request "Spaghetti and meatballs with lasagna, are you trying to tell me something." The man just smiled and shook his head before digging in. Sloane laughed before handing Rosalie a Sprite bottle. The two guys had already opened their cokes and started eating. Sloane and Rosalie however said a prayer before they began to eat.

The group did not notice Jessica and Lauren coming over "Hi, I'm Jessica and this is Lauren." Rosalie paused her eating and watched the two girls "We are aware of who you are, why are you talking to us?" The two girls flinched at Rosalie's cold attitude before speaking "Well we heard that Emmett and Sloane live with you, and it sounds like they don't have a place to live so we wanted to make an offer."

Sloane paused and dabbed her lips with a napkin "So you listened to rumours and decided to stick your noses into business that doesn't concern you?" Now the cafeteria went silent, and all eyes were on the group as Sloane stood "Let me introduce myself since we share no classes and you apparently were not told who I am, Sloane David Volturi and I can't say it's a pleasure to meet you."

Jessica and Lauren paled as Emmett burst out laughing, Rosalie and Jasper however had smirks on their faces. They had seen it coming but it was amusing to watch, nonetheless. The two girls rushed away, and Sloane retook her seat "I hate gossip" was all she said as she daintily shrugged her shoulders.

By the end of the day, the whole school knew to leave the group alone as they wanted nothing to do with gossip and wild assumptions. Tanya was going to love this.

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