Chapter 5

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The pit was horrible, filled with pain and darkness but Sloan was never bothered by the sounds of screams or cries for help as she was with her family. She sat next to her grandmother explaining all the strange things mortals did while the woman ate. Very few noticed how sadistic Sloan was as she had hidden it behind a kind facade her grandmother however saw all the sides of the legacy of night.

There was more ichor in Sloan's veins than Zeus knew what the god failed to acknowledge was that Ichor burned and, in some cases, it burned away mortality. So, the woman did not really see the issue with humans dying every time the gods threw a tantrum. She had grown up knowing of the dangers of the pantheons she belonged to the woman had slain many for power. So, Nyx was not concerned about her granddaughter.

Yet when she heard the actions of mortals, she always wanted to laugh they were strange creatures. As Sloan spoke to her grandmother, she sensed Jasper's distress a frown appeared on her face and then she checked the time it had only been an hour since she left him in the woods. Focusing on her mate she decided to look in on his home gathering the dark mist in her hand she formed a mirror, and it showed her the Cullen house.

~Cullen House~

Jasper had just gotten comfortable when Edward barged into his room "What did you do?" he hissed this drew everyone in the house to Jasper's room "Why can't I read your mind?" Carlisle suddenly watched the blonde with suspicion as other than Alice the others could not block out Edward's gift.

Rosalie and Emmett stepped into the room blocking Edward from attacking Jasper who genuinely looked alarmed however Alice was not having it "Not only are you blocked from my visions so are Rosalie and Emmett what are you hiding" Now Carlisle was getting annoyed had they discovered a gift or did they break his rules.

"Did one of you slip up and try to hide it" He accused without remorse he knew that Emmett had once and Jasper well he had no self-control. Hearing those words the three flinched a bit hurt that their coven leader would think such a thing they looked at Esme with pleading eyes, but she just clicked her tongue in disappointment.

Carlisle then looked at Jasper's eyes they were gold, but something was different about them "You drank from a human didn't you!" Jasper shook his head "No I got mountain lion" Carlisle laughed at him his eyes suddenly dark with anger "Don't lie to me, boy".

Edward watched with a pleased look on his face till he suddenly realised how dark the room had gotten.

Sloan was furious at what she saw turning to her grandmother she bowed before the mist swallowed her and she appeared right in between Jasper and Carlisle her eyes glowing with anger as the dark mist embraced her. Carlisle took a step back when she appeared "You dare approach what is mine Carlisle Cullen" Sloan was too far gone and her power had distorted her voice it was not the usual sweet singsong tone she had when she and Rosalie spoke in the library or the sultry yet mischievous tone, she had given Jasper over dinner. No this was sinister and eerie something in her voice made Edward afraid everything about her made those unfamiliar with her afraid.

The mist faded away as Sloan turned to comfort her mate, Jasper seemed to snap out of his daze when was surrounded by the scent of blue lotus, coffee, and jasmine all things he had associated with his mate. Sloan used her magic to soothe Jasper eventually putting him in a sleep-like state. Turning she glared at Carlisle "You are pathetic" As if her words were venom the man reared back in shock, yet she wasn't done "What kind of coven leader listens to the word of two over the others"

Esme glared at the woman "You cannot speak to my husband like that " she said stepping in front of Carlisle, Sloan just watched her and laughed "You aren't any better, but they are your favourites aren't they".

The couple had no idea who this woman was, but they were not pleased that she was in their home Edward reading their thoughts stepped up "You are trespassing" Sloan's eyes flickered in his direction before she smirked "Fine then Jasper, Rosalie, Emmett grab your thing you are staying with me tonight."

Esme gapped as she studied the woman suddenly she recognised her "You're the girl from the grocery store" Sloan eyed the woman "Yes and you are the chosen mate of Carlisle Cullen after he rejected both his true mates for you" Sloan grabbed a bag and packed most of Jaspers things using her magic to shrink everything and place it in the bag before grabbing her mates hand and pulling him out of the room.

Rosalie and Emmett were right behind them each holding a duffle bag, as they followed the woman out of the house "Emmett you and Jasper will follow Rosalie" With those words the two vehicles left the Cullen garage and exited the property once they got far enough this disappeared in the dark mist that filled the road.

Soon appearing in front of Sloan's house the woman immediately got out of the car and opened her door "Come in" and for the first time since they had become vampires, the three felt calm and at peace.

His Goddess (Jasper Hale) REWRITINGWhere stories live. Discover now