Chapter 1

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Maryland was not where she had ever seen herself moving to, but she had stayed a bit too long in Trinidad the Caribbean country was beautiful and frankly quite fun to live in the Egyptian princess loved the country but unfortunately, people there had long memories and she could only pretend to be a descendant of Sloan Joseph for so long.

She had lived in the States before in Las Vegas the place was constantly busy and booming but it did not make her happy so this time she chose Maryland it was only a 43-minute drive from Washington so she could still attend her university additionally nobody would recognise her here. As her new home came into sight the immortal sighed and parked in front of the door, she had old acquaintances unpack and style her home so that she would not have to.

While it had been years since she was the great Cleopatra she was still stuck in the old ways and the woman liked living in nice places. However, over the years, the nicest places for her relied solely on comfort and accessibility. Additionally, she had over a thousand years of savings which only seemed to grow no matter how she spent it.

Placing her bags down she looked around it seemed that Jane and Heidi did a great job she would have to thank Aro for his assistance. The vampire had become a rather close friend of hers and she enjoyed visiting Volterra to spend time with the coven her soul bonds with the kings their guard and their wives made them a large family so the woman could never move somewhere without them ensuring she had the best.

Frankly, it amused her, but the kings adored her she was their sister and a vicious woman when angered. Sloan sighed and pulled out her phone quickly dialling the number she had for the kings.

"Ah, little sister how are you? " Aro drawled while watching as Caius held his excited wife back from grabbing the phone "And how is Maryland?" The vampire perked up when he heard his sister's soft laugh "Are you trying to avoid the phone getting snatched brother" Of course, she knew Sloan could hear the noises in his background better than most vampires.

Aro sighed "Yes but really tell me how is it we wish we could visit but there is no rest for the wicked it seems" As the man mumbled he heard the sound of something being poured and his sister taking a seat "You guys are not the wicked Aro enforcing the rules does not make you evil and as for Maryland it's nice but it's not Egypt, Arabia or Volterra I shall send you pictures so inform your next secretary to look out for mail"

Sloan smirked as she heard the noises stop and Caius let out an almost inaudible thank you the woman took a sip of her wine before walking outside and sitting down she was conflicted about the move as she loved the Caribbean "Also please inform Demetri that he is not allowed to use any of my homes in the Caribbean at all" At this Marcus burst out laughing the man was one of the few that knew what the tracker had done to the woman villa in Rome.

Sloane continued to talk to her brothers as she drank her wine this was the norm for them as she travelled it gave her comfort and peace and calmed her brothers enough that they would not send her bodyguards. As the sun began to set the woman said her goodbyes before hanging up and walking inside.

Her eyes shined a bit as she summoned her pet, she was glad she lived alone as humans were such jumpy creatures that her pet made them uncomfortable, but she loved him "Basilius" the woman spoke as the 8-foot Egyptian cobra wrapped itself around her he had been with her since she was a young girl and when she became ruler, he stayed with her. She walked up to her room and opened the chest holding a heating rock "This is for you my dear" and like a dog, the snake rubbed his head against her neck before moving over into the chest.

Sloan ensured that the space for him to come and go was aide open before leaving her pet to rest she had other snakes, but Basilius was the only one that travelled with her. She was exhausted however she had things to do the woman unpacked her suitcases and started organising her closet luckily for her she had already dealt with her books and shoes after she was finished with her clothing she could go to bed.

The princess glanced at the clock and then the pile of clothes she would not be doing this the mortal way waving her hands she watched as everything organised itself before she grabbed her outfit for the next day and then promptly made her way to bed.

Hopefully, her classmates would not be annoying.

His Goddess (Jasper Hale) REWRITINGWhere stories live. Discover now