Chapter 9

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Two Months Later

Jasper had no idea what was happening, they had finished their last exam for the semester, and Sloane had dragged everyone off campus. As soon as they had gotten home, she had blindfolded him and forced him into the car. He heard both Rosalie and Emmett giggling behind him but chose not to comment. Sitting in the darkness for two hours had annoyed him, but for Sloane's sake, he bore it. Sensing her mate's annoyance, the woman ran her hands over his eyes and mumbled in Greek. Both Rosalie and Emmett watched in shock as Jasper passed out. Was he asleep?

"You can induce sleep in vampires?" Rosalie asked as she leaned into Emmett's arms. She kept her thoughts focused on the Greek tourism magazine she had found, silently placing it on her travel list. Sloane looked up at her and nodded. "Greek magic is a fun thing to play with but mixing it with other cultures strengthens it" Emmett seemed to be quite interested in the conversation and politely inserted himself. "I understand your Greek connections but the Egyptian pantheon, how did that come to be?"

Sloane smiled and tilted her head. "My mother was a demigod daughter of the Goddess Isis. She was conceived in a fertility ritual, and Isis answered as only those with ichor and magic in their veins can carry a child of the gods. My grandparents were the best bet" Emmett looked at the family tree he had pulled up and nodded before crossing a question off his list.

"You informed us of demigods, witches, sirens and other beings. Do they all have leaders?" Sloane tilted her head and considered the question before answering the best she could. "Demigods follow the gods generally, but most follow Perseus Jackson and his wife, Annabeth Chase Jackson. Both are powerful demigods who took on their godship strictly to protect many like them" Emmett nodded. He had heard of them when Aphrodite visited a few weeks ago.

"Witches have the great council. It's run by the twelve elders, who represent the three factions of magic, dark, light and grey, with four members for each faction. However, the elders are immortal and have maintained the true balance of magic for many millennia" Rosalie now looked interested at the thought of meeting one of these elders. She would love to hear their stories.

Sloane hesitated for a second before addressing the sirens. "Sirens are different from most supernatural groups as they do not need leaders. The existence of their souls binds them and vows not to break the balance between worlds" The couple glanced at Sloane with confused expressions "Vows?" Rosalie repeated with confusion.

Sloane sighed. "There are two types of sirens those who are born and those who are made; Made sirens are women and girls who have been abandoned and hurt by those on land; these are those whose spirits have been broken and destroyed, those who seek to escape the ocean offers them this in exchange they vow never to use their gifts for vengeance or ill-will."

Something about what Sloane said made Emmett feel physically sick. "They try to drown themselves don't they" The woman looked down and nodded. "Most times, they are on the cliffs, and the ocean's voice reaches them. Others have already jumped 90% of these women accept the gift and go on to live happily".

She seemed to choke and busied herself drinking water while the two came to the horrific realisation that at least 10% of these women chose to drown rather than live had they been so miserable they refused a second chance. Emmett kissed Rosalie's head before turning to Sloane. "Can men be sirens?" he watched as the woman's lip twitched, and she slowly shook her head. "No, but they can be mated to one and often become what humans call mermen" Emmett chose not to continue the topic of sirens and moved on.

The rest of the flight was quite informative for the two vampires, and when the plane landed, Sloane turned and woke her mate up. "Morning, love, welcome to my favourite Caribbean country"

As they exited the plane and got into a car, the three vampires realized that they no longer were disco balls in the sun and turned to Sloane, who was driving down the road, with a smile. "The dragon blood I have been giving you" They all nodded and observed as they passed the many houses and trees; they smelled the many different foods in the stands and shops they passed. Eventually, Emmett's stomach rumbled, and he pretended not to hear it.

Sloane smirked and slowed down in front of a stand pulling to the side before lowering her window. "Good Morning. Can I have twelve doubles with everything but pepper and four solos" The woman nodded, and the vampires watched as the woman started prepping whatever their friend had ordered.

Sloane pulled out a crisp blue bill, and after a little shuffling, she leaned over and handed it to the man, who quickly handed her four red bills and the drinks. Sloane thanked him before leaning back and passing the drinks out. The man glimpsed at her passengers and placed the order in a large bag with extra napkins. The woman smiled brightly as she called them, "Thanks, have a good day".

As she carefully moved back into the road, Emmett unwrapped one and looked at it; Sloane glanced at him in her mirror and smiled. "Take one of the wraps and use it to eat the rest", she explained carelessly, but Emmett listened and caught on nodding in approval at the multiple different spices and tastes that hit his tongue. "Damn, that's good; what's it called" Rosalie rolled her eyes and nudged him. "Didn't you hear when she ordered it, they are called doubles"

Jasper shook his head and quickly dug in, giving a quick thumbs up as he chewed. After a few minutes, Rosalie followed his lead. Sloane giggled and glanced into her mirrors before making a sudden turn pulling into an abandoned road. It was hidden well from others. The road was long and winding as they made their way up the hill.

"Welcome to my home, you guys" The three stared at the house in utter shock. It was beautiful, from the light-coloured paint to the huge porch in the front yard. As Rosalie exited the car, she observed the view and gasped. She could see the ocean and the town. It was quite beautiful; turning around, she observed all the fruit trees in the huge yard and the pool that was placed strategically away from under the trees. The house seemed to be nestled away in a little part of paradise.

"This neighbourhood is a supernatural community; it's protected and, luckily for us, heavily warded to the point no one ever thinks of building here. Now before we start going out, I need to inform you of the supernatural beings native to this island".

His Goddess (Jasper Hale) REWRITINGWhere stories live. Discover now