Chapter 3 || A Sudden Goodbye.

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You woke up a bit too early the next day only because of your mum running around trying to buy a lot of stuff to take home with you. You didn't want to leave but at the same time you thought it would be weird if a hylian were to grow up in a village full of bird-like people. You sat up in your bed, your eyes following your mum walking in and out of the Inn before she even took notice of you being awake.

"Oh! You scared me..! Good morning dear, get dressed now because we will leave in two hours!" she didn't even look at you once she spoke as she was too busy packing everything up. You sighed and changed into a (F/C) jumper, trousers and small ankle boots (fashion icon at a young age wow). You ran out of the Inn and quickly ran to the landing where you met Revali and so you could say goodbye to him. He wasn't there. You were confused before looking around the other landings. Still no sign of him. As time went by, you were starting to get a bit worried so you went to check once more starting from the very entrance of the village and making your way up again. You almost crashed into two large clay pots because you were distracted by Revali and his dad standing in the centre of the biggest landing. He looked like he was telling revali off for something but you weren't really sure if that was the situation or not. You wanted to lean in closer and listen but you were interrupted by your mum taking your hand and walking away, "There you are Y/N! I was looking almost everywhere for you! I know you may like it here but our new house back at Hateno would just go to waste if we weren't to live there." She stopped for a bit and fixed your messy hair, tying it up gently before continuing to make her way back to the stable right infront of the first bridge of Rito Village, dragging you along with her. "B-but mother...!" You frowned because right when you were pulled away from trying to listen to what Revali was song told, the conversation literally just ended right at that time. Your mum put some snacks into the horse's saddlebag and began leading it along the path where you first arrived, still holding onto your hand as if she thought something or someone would try taking you from her. You held back your tears as you saw your friend in the corner of your eye, flapping his little wings as he tried to fly after you as he did not have any clue that you would be leaving so soon or about why you didn't tell him about this. You wanted to run back and say an actual goodbye but you couldn't because your mum was too overprotective of you and although she was a nice person, she didn't really trust much people.

After a long walk back you arrived back to Hateno. Your mother seemed very happy to be back whereas you were the complete opposite. You saw a small figure in the corner of your eye and immediately knew who it was. Your face lit up a little bit and you quickly ran over to the small blonde boy. Link has been your best friend since, well, diapers! He has always seemed like an older brother to you although he was just a year younger than you. You jumped in his small arms, he was probably the only person you were happy to see again.

"Link! I missed you!" You had a small smile pasted on your face as you hugged him. He also had a smile on his face, "I missed you too Y/N!" Soon after, you both sat on top of a small hill and watched the clouds fly above you.

"Link... Have you ever met a Rito before?" You broke the silence and turned to see him with a funny looking confused face. He shook his head side to side and asked, "Uhm... No? What is a Rito?" He sat up from where he was laying in the grass and stared at you. You jumped up from your spot and started running in a circle with your arms out while saying this:

"I'll tell you! A Rito is basically a bird but it can function like a Hylian..- If that even makes sense..- Anyways! I met one! He was a dark blue one with braids in his hair! He then became my friend and he is probably the best Rito EVER!!" you jumped in the air at the very end of your sentence as Link watched you, holding back a laugh.

"You look silly Y/N." He snorted a bit as you froze in the spot at his sudden words.

"Excuse me?! I was just explaining to you what a Rito is and you just say im silly? Hmph! At least thank me for telling you about them!" You crossed your arms with a pouty face.

"I- Ok thank you."  He quickly apologised, he always got a bit nervous when you pretended to be mad because last time you stole his chicken when he said you were very silly. On the other hand, you found it funny at the since you're only doing it to tease him.

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