Chapter 14 || Interrupted Confession. (2)

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(A/N : I apologise for all the time skips to the next day but time really does fly by in Hyrule. This will also contain some Age of Calamity spoilers from now on! Recommend watching some of the cutscenes before reading.)

The next day, you woke up a bit more later than you usually did. Revali wasn't in the bed with you anymore. You slowly sat up trying to break down everything that happened last night. You finally remembered and your face grew red at the last part you knew. You climbed out of the bed and fixed your hair before walking out and making your way to the stable, your horse was caught by the stable-men and was taken back safely. You smiled softly and pat his head, "(H/N)! How dare you leave me alone in the dark." You joked as he nudged you forward, making you stumble back but you caught yourself. You giggled and gave him an apple. Without you knowing, Revali flew down and sat on a tree, watching you from below. You saw your horse neighing at a tree so you looked at it in confusion before getting surprised by Revali landing down just metres away from you, "Sleep well?" He asked and chuckled at your surprised reaction.

"Yeah.. I did." You answered, still stroking your horses nose. Revali took notice of your horse and blinked before asking a strange question, "Does your horse like me?" He asked, you tilted your head before taking his wing and placing it on (H/N)'s nose. You smiled at the cute sight and Revali's amazed look as he stroked his feathers on your horses muzzle. Once he took it off, he looked at you. "So, Y/N.. Would you like to ask me now what you meant last night about 'missing' me." He wondered. Your face grew red and you turned away.

"W-Well..." you stuttered, "I- Uh...- I think I need more time.." You made an excuse. Revali looked disappointed with this and hummed in response. You were also a bit disappointed with why you didn't tell him there and then. It went silent until you changed the subject, "So.. Can I train at the range today?" You asked. He was a bit anxious because of yesterday but he also didn't want to upset you so he nodded. You smiled and decided to walk there. Revali walked beside you. "Is it just me or is the snow getting higher each day?" You asked, watching as your boots sank into the snow just a bit. He looked down at his feet and stared behind him, claw footprints and boot footprints following behind. You also turned around and smiled, "Hehe! Rito have such small feet!" You giggled at his 'offended' reaction.

Once you made it to the flight range, you took notice of the pit and walked over to it, "Hey... Do you think I can try this updraft thingy out?" You leaned forward, the wind hitting your face. Revali pulled you back because knowing you, you would've accidentally leaned too far forward and fall in. You turned around as he answered your question, "How exactly would you even get down there?" He asked in confusion. You shrugged, "I don't know, is it possible to make a paraglider?"

Revali tilted his head, he didn't seem to know what a paraglider was. You smiled, "We can use random fabric we find! You know.. We can get some from the clothes shop back in the village!" You said. Revali finally understood it, "I see.. I'll go get some. Wait here." He gently pulled you further away from the updraft before soaring into the air with his now called 'Revali's Gale' updraft an began to fly towards the village. You watched and began to continue practicing using the bow and arrow. Revali came back eventually and saw you. He didn't fly down and say anything, instead, he just landed behind you and just watched. You didn't notice until you hit at least two targets, "Impressive." He said, startling you as you turned to look at him. "Hey! You scared me you chicken wing!" You joked as he flew over and gasped, "How dare you call someone a chicken wing after they saved your life!" He said with a wing on his chest and fabric in his other. You laughed and took the fabric, "I'm joking!" You said as you went up in the hut near the flight range and began stitching the fabric together.

Revali sat next to you and watched carefully as you stitched it together. You looked up and saw his little curious face, giggling a bit, "How cute..." You whispered while stitching the last piece of fabric on. "Do you think I can try?" Revali asked quietly. You nodded and handed him the fabric. He held the pin in one hand and stared at it before slowly beginning to copy what you were doing earlier. "Be careful not to hurt yourself..-" right after you said that Revali squawked and threw the fabric on the ground, holding one of his feathers tightly. You snorted a bit and looked at him as he began blowing on it.

You took his hand, once he stopped panicking over such a small thing, and examined it closely, "Honestly.. It doesn't look too bad. You just poked yourself with it so no blood will come rushing out." You sat back down and cut the string off the fabric, attaching it to the two sticks to finish the paraglider. "Ta-Da!" You sang as you jumped up from your sitting and smiled down at your little creation. Revali still pouted at his feathery finger but looked amazed by the paraglider. Without saying anything else, you picked it up and ran to the landing, jumping down into the updraft and being flung into the air. "Huh?! Y/N wait!" Revali shouted, running out and joining you in the air. "This is fun!" You giggled. You flew around for a while until you got tired. You landed back on the flight range and left the paraglider inside before warming up near the fire. Eventually, Revali landed after you and stared at you a bit.

You hummed and looked up at him, "Is everything ok..?" He snapped back into reality and nodded, "Ah.. Yes." He said, sitting down next to you. You smiled and sighed deeply, 'i surely have been spending so much time with revali now so it might be the right time to confess...' you turned your head towards him and spoke in a soft voice, "Revali... Have you ever fallen in love?" Your eyes meeting his.

Revali answered quite quickly, "Yes... I did." Your face lit up but not too much, "Oh... Who is this special person?" You tilted your head, nervous.

He gently look your hand and pulled you close to him, "You, Y/N." Your eyes widened at this each time he continued speaking, "Honestly, I fell for you ever since you returned to the village." He spoke in a completely different tone. Out of habit, you jumped in his arms and cuddled him tightly, "Oh, Revali! I love you too..!" You smiled, his wings wrapping around and rest his head against yours, the bridge of his beak on your nose. Everything was going so well, the crackling of the fire was only heard until a loud crash was heard and a rumbling was made. A faint roar could be heard in the distance. Calamity Ganon...

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