Chapter 14 || Confessing (1) (Valentine's Special)

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You woke up, it was a bit too early so you could still see some stars, to Revali still cuddling you. His head resting on yours. You thought he was a plushie or pillow so you continued cuddling him back until you quickly realised who it was and you jumped back a bit, startled. "H-huh?!" You said, almost inaudible. Revali woke up to your sudden action and looked at you, still half asleep. "Y/N..? What's wrong?" He asked quietly while rubbing his eyes before sitting up on his elbows and looking at you. Your eyes widened and you shook your head in a fast pace, "I..- Uh... It's nothing. Sorry for waking you up." You whispered, now sitting cross-legged beside him. Revali examined your face closely only to see a red blush appear on it. He thought it was the cold so he pulled you back close to him and placed his feathers on your cheek before slowly falling asleep again. You squeaked and slowly put his feathers off your face as soon as you knew he was in a deep slumber.

You then hopped out of the bed, and walked out of the Inn, quietly making your way to Revali's landing. Once you made it there, you sat on the edge of the landing and stared at the sky, there were still some stars stuck in the night sky so you had a bit of time to admire them, "Confessing at night would surely be a beautiful time." You said to yourself. After an hour passed, the sun began to rise slowly and you noticed this. You quickly ran back down to the Inn and forgot about Revali being in your bed so you just flopped on him. A literal squawk came out of him and scared you. You rolled next to him and quickly turned away to pretend to be asleep. Revali looked around for whatever pounced on him and he noticed how you weren't in the blanket. "What are you doing, Y/N?!" He asked tapping you. You stayed still, holding in your laugh to his loud noise. He heard you snort and leaned his head over yours. "Oh! hello bird." You said innocently.

Revali sighed at your silliness but he didn't seem mad about it at all. He looked at the sky from the entrance and slid out of the bed, "I'm going to go now." He mumbled you turned and watched as he was about to grab his bow. You grabbed onto his tail with a pouty face, "Why?" You whined as he looked at you, "I have to meet Zelda and the others at Hyrule Castle for a little meeting. I'll be back later, don't worry!" He smiled before gently pushing your hand off his tail and walking out, flying into the air. You sighed and got out of the bed once it was a decent time to get up. You put on your boots, the snowquill armour and kept your hair down since you couldn't be asked to put it up in something. You walked out and suddenly had an idea. You searched for the little rito children you have befriended and saw them playing on Revali's landing. "Hello!" You smiled, walking over to them. They stopped and looked up at you.

"Hello Revali's girlfriend!" They said, in-sync with each other. You smiled a bit, "No.. I am not dating him.. Although I was just wondering if you knew anything Revali truly loves the most." You asked politely. The children looked at each other and went silent before the pink one spoke up, "Well... We only know how much he loves archery. Although father is quite good friends with the Champion! He might know what he likes! He fixes bows plenty of times so he is up in the little house over there!" She pointed a small feathery finger towards a small hut just a few stairs up. You nodded and thanked them before walking towards the location. You peaked around the corner to see a pale blue rito who seemed to be fixing the string on one of the bows. He looked up and took notice of you, "Oh, hello Hylian. Do you need something?" He spoke kindly as you walked inside, "Hello! Are you a friend of Revali's..?" You asked, a bit anxious if you even got the right person... well, Rito. He nodded slowly, "Yes, we've been friends for a while now... Why do you ask?"

"Well, you see... I feel like I'm.. in love with him..." You said out of nowhere, almost stuttering. He seemed shocked at this but at the same time, not surprised. "Well.. That certainly is funny. A Rito and Hylian.. Who would've known?" He chuckled, "And what exactly do you need from me?" You inhaled deeply before answering.

"I was wondering if you knew what Revali likes the most... You know.. something he enjoys doing." You said.

"Well... I know quite a few things about him and as far as I remember he loves archery, spending time on that Divine Beast up there and maybe writing a few songs." He whispered when he mentioned songs. You tilted your head before he continued, "Songs are mainly something the Rito women do, like how the rito children usually create little flower accessories." You opened your mouth and made an 'ah' noise, finally understanding. "But... I think you should just go simple. Give him a small letter about your feelings. He may seem like an arrogant rito with a decent ego but trust me. He is completely different once you confess, that's what he told me at least." You smiled, you didn't want to go too far into surprising Revali but at the same time you also didn't want to give him such a small surprise. "Thank you...-" You said, practically asking for his name.

"Azu." He finished. "Thank you, Azu! I truly appreciate your help." You had a soft smile on your face as you bowed in respect before walking out. You went down back to the Inn, got your small bag out from under the bed and grabbed a small notebook, ripping a page out while grabbing a small pen. You sat on your bed and began writing. A few minutes late you saw a dark blue rito land near the entrance and walk up the steps, greeting anyone that passed. You finished your letter just in time. "Revali!" You skipped over to him with a pure smile on your face, hiding the letter behind your back.

"Hello Y/N. How have you been?" Revali asked, "I've been doing just fine.. Can we maybe.. visit Vah Medoh?" You asked kindly. Revali was confused as to why you wanted to go up there but ended up shrugging, "Hm.. Sure, why not?" He crouched down and you climbed onto his back. When you were holding on tightly, he soared into the air. You had a tight grip on the letter, so tight that your fingers went pale. He landed on the Divine Beast. You climbed down and turned to him, staring at your feet.

"Revali.." He looked down at you, surprised by the rolled up piece of paper. He took it and read it carefully.


(This may be a little cheesy)
I truly didn't know I would fall in love with a childhood friend!
I always got this funny feeling when I'm near you,
My face always heats up when you say my name in your usual dulcet tones.
I can't help but feel lonely every time I'm left without you,
My heart beats get faster each time we make eye-contact,
What madness, what obsession...
What can I even say of my state now?
I guess I should just confess this now...
You are my only desire,
I love you.

Yours truly, Y/N.

Revali looked up from the paper and saw you fiddling with your fingers. He lifted your chin up to make you face him. Your face grew a faint red. The night was slowly closing in as stars began to light up the dark sky. "Y/N..." He said softly, you panicked inside but looked up at him. You were greeting with his forehead touching yours and the bridge of his beak touching your nose. 'This must be how Ritos show their love... right?' You thought, almost jumping at the feeling of his wings wrapping around your slim waist and pulling you closer to him. He eventually moved his head away, still holding you close, "I love you too." He smiled.

(A/N: yay happy valentines day lmao. next chapter will be good tea i promise).

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