Chapter 16 || A New Ally.

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Once Zelda finished telling all of you what happened, her, Link and the two gerudo quickly got off Vah Medoh right before some flying guardians started to target us. You were helping the unknown Rito by shooting the guardians before they could shoot their lasers. Revali was controlling the Diving beast, his back turned to them. You were about to shoot more but you realised you didn't have any arrows left. You panicked a bit and looked back up towards the rito, still distracting the guardians from shooting at Revali. He almost fell from the sky but kept going.

Revali took notice and grabbed some bomb arrows, aiming at the three flying guardians in sight. He shot and hit them all perfectly. The white Rito stopped and looked down, "There he is. The champion of the Rito.." He said quietly. You turned and looked towards Revali as he placed his bow on his back. "Well then..." Revali said, his wings now hiding behind his back, "I suppose the time has come to reveal.. Vah Medohs divine power!" He had a smirk on his face as he went to control and take down all the monsters in Hebra Region. The white Rito landed, finally taking notice of you. You watched carefully as the monsters tried attacking the Divine Beast with bomb barrels. Everything was going quite well until that ganon creature showed up infront of Vah Medoh. Revali growled a bit as he began shooting at the horrid creature. "How is it back?!" Revali shouted a bit. The other Rito spoke after, "It doesn't matter. We need to get rid of it somehow!"

You agreed with that idea as Revali continued shooting. It disappeared again. "How long will it keep coming and going..?" You asked, almost inaudible. "I don't know... he's back now, this is our chance!" The rito said, Revali shot his large laser beam right in the eye of the ganon. It was finally finished once you heard it's faint crying. You walked forwards a bit and looked down at the limp bodies of monsters laying on the ground. You were a bit amazed at how many there were before turning back towards the two Rito. You both looked at the white Rito as he cleared his throat, "Oh right, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Teba, Rito warrior."  He crossed his arm.

You smiled and Revali tilted his head to his shoulder, "Ive never seen you in the village before..." Teba went silent as his arms slowly glided back down to his sides. "Well.. This is quite hard to believe... But I seem to have journeyed here from the future." You were a bit surprised at this as Revali thought it was a simple joke until he began again. He told you about how he heard a strange noise coming from outside of the flight range when he was teaching his son how to do archery and when he went to check on it, he was greeted by a strange portal with you and Revali under attack. You began to believe it although Revali sort of believed it. "I see... Well, Teba, Would you like to join us in an important, upcoming battle? Considering you traveled from the future I'm sure you would love to see how it went today." Revali offered.

Teba was flushed with excitement but easily hid it, "Of course, anything to fight beside Master Revali and...-" He looked at you. You were zoned out a bit.

"Oh! I'm Y/N!" You replied. Teba smiled and turned back towards Revali. "She's my... girlfriend." He looked proud of what he said as he looked down at the faint red blush that took place on your face. He held your hand tightly, forgetting about the presence of Teba. "Hm... The Champion sure does have a soft spot." He chuckled as Revali's feathers seemed to have fluffed up, making him look like a bear with a beak. You giggled. Revali controlled Vah Medoh back to circle around the large rock sitting in the center of the village once again. Teba looked down at the village in awe. "It seems nothing changed even after 100 years..." he said, almost inaudible. You walked over to him and looked up to face him, "100 years?" He nodded. "It was said that the champions were defeated by ganon 100 years prior... and yet, i couldn't have been more prouder to have stopped that from happening." His face lit up before slowly going back down, knowing that time travel doesn't last that long. You smiled and cheered him up. A little while later, Revali carried you back to the flight range, with Teba flying behind. He landed and you skipped inside, lighting the fire that was all gone now. Revali helped you while Teba was walking around as if he's never been here before. Once the fire was lit, Revali and Teba went out to make sure no monsters were nearby as you looked around the hut for something to do.

You tapped your fingers on your knees while looking around, "I think I've read almost all the books Revali has here... Maybe I should try cooking." You said to yourself, eyeing the recipe book hiding in the pile of small pile of the books you and Revali already finished.  You crawled over and grabbed it, quickly going back into your crouching position. You read the 'apple pie' page carefully before grabbing some of the ingredients you found, hidden in the little bag where you kept all the food. You put it all in the pot and waited for it to merge together (because the author is tired and needs to think about what she had planned in the next chapter... Wait what).  Once it was done you heard the two ritos claws tapping on the planks as they walked over. "Oooh, what did you make?" Revali asked, standing next to you. Teba also admired the food you made. "Apple pie... here try it!" You handed them a slice and ate it while the night began to close in.

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