Chapter 21 || Stay With Me.

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You woke up in an empty bed. You knew that Revali was already awake although he wasn't anywhere in sight. You crawled out and stretched your arms out a bit before putting your clothes back on and tying your hair up in a tight ponytail (sorry if you have short hair). You walked out of the cabin and made your way to the village which wasn't that far from here. You made your way up to the shop and got a few apples and bread before paying and walking back out, greeted by the dusty blue rito, "Good morning, dear." He said, handing you a (F/C) flower until he began laughing at your reaction. He seemed... romantic? it was strange but you smiled and took the flower.

"Good morning, cuccoo!" You joked, patting his head as he fluffed up. "Hey! I am no cuccoo!" He crossed his arms making you giggle. "Right...!" You said, walking down to the stables with him by your side. "I'm going to visit Hateno and check up on Mother back home, care to join?" Revali nodded and waited for you to mount your horse and make your way to the village. You stroked your horses neck to show trust on the way there. Revali was flying above you, keeping his eyes out for any monsters trying to camouflage in the grass. Eventually, you safely made it to the village and you left your horse outside the house and told Revali to stay put. You walked inside the small house and saw your mother staring at you in shock.

"Y/N...? Is it you?!" She slowly made her way towards you and hugged you tightly. "Yes, Mother! How are you?" You smiled as she sat back on her chair and watched as you left the food in the kitchen, "I'm doing just fine. Hateno wasn't attacked... but where in the name of hylia have you been?! I was so worried about you." She was full of joy and concern. You hesitated for a minute before slowly sitting down next to her, "Mother, I fought the Calamity." You said bluntly.

"You whaaaat?!" Her eyes were now wide as she examined your face in case of lies. She gasped once she realised you were being serious, "Were you hurt?! Injured?!" You giggled, "I'm fine. I also uhm... have a...-" Your mum stopped you.

"Shush Y/N! You're ok.. correct?" You nodded. "Good! But let me guess... You have a boyfriend!" Your face grew red as you nodded again. Your mum cheered a bit, "I guess right! May I see him?" You were relieved that she wasn't mad and went to open the door and get Revali. He looked at you, "Done?" He asked as soon as he noticed you walk out. "Not yet, she wants to meet you." You took his feathery hand and walked back inside. You tapped her shoulder as she turned to face you holding the Rito's hand. "What is that?" Your mother jumped onto her feet and grabbed Revali's head, pulling him down to her level and staring into his soul.

"That's Revali, Mother. He's a Rito." You said, fiddling with the feathers behind your ear. She looked at Revali as he gulped, "I- Greetings, Miss...-" Revali said as your mum looked at you and back at him.

"A RITO?! But... Y/N- That's not normal?!" She said, practically dropping Revali on the ground before she ran over to you pulling you a small distance away from him. "Is he treating you well?! Should you date someone else?! I know a Hylian!!" You were about to say something until she continued blabbering on, "Why not Link?" Link. Out of all the friends you had when you were a child. You clenched your fists and looked at your mum, "I never loved Link! He's only a friend and I can choose whoever I want. I don't care about your hate for the Rito... I'm in love with one and that's that!" You shouted unintentionally. Your mother was speechless and shocked. You took Revali's hand and stomped out of the house. Once you were out of the house, you quickly mounted your horse and ran out of the village.

'I'm sorry, Mother.' You thought to yourself before getting stopped by your lover. "Y/N!" Revali was chasing after you, not being able to get your attention until after you reached your cabin back near Rito Village. You jumped off your horse and was stopped by the Rito. "Y/N..." He spoke with a soothing voice while he started wrapping you up in his wings tightly as you began crying into his chest. He hushed as he stroked you back in a circular motion before sitting on the bed and placing you on his lap. "Revali..." He stood infront of you, "Promise you won't leave me..." Your voice was croaky and tears fell down your rosy cheeks. Revali wipes them away with his feathers. Your mother adored your friendship with Link ever since you were a baby to the point where she thought you were going to get married! "Y/N, I would never leave you. I'll always be here for you if you need me." Revali said softly, pulling you back into an embrace. A small smile appeared on your face as you squeezed him tightly. You slowly became tired from all that talking and crying that you fell asleep on Revali's shoulder. He wanted to go train some more so he tried placing you on the bed and getting up but instead you grabbed his tail and pulled him back, "Please... Stay with me."

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