Chapter 24 || A Mother's Smile.

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You let go of Revali and smiled. You grabbed his face and pulled him down, pecking him on the tip of his beak before giggling at his red face. He began pecking at your head, "Ow!" You pouted as he started to chuckle, "How rude." You walked away and sat down near the fireplace.

"I'm going to see the elder real quick, I'll be back later." Revali said before making his way out of the cabin and flying up to Rito Village. You sighed. You looked up and noticed Mable, who was trying to reach for an apple on the table. You blinked and walked over, "Here you go, Mabel." You said, grabbing an apple and handing it to her.

"Yay!" She giggled and ate it. You had a certain smile on your face... a mother's smile to be exact. Although you just started to take care of Mabel, she already seemed like your own child. She finished eating it quite quickly, looking up at you.

"Mabel, would you like to try drawing?" You watched as she suddenly stopped dancing around.

"Huh? Yeah! I want to learn how to be an artist!" She said, climbing up into one of the chairs as you went to get some paper and pencils.

You searched for a few pieces of paper from where you and Revali were drawing last night. You eventually found some pencils and the paper in a drawer and grabbed them, although something else caught your eye, 'Champion Revali's Diary' the title read. You swallowed hard before averting your eyes and making your way back to the table. Once you placed the paper on the table, Mabel instantly dragged one infront of her and began scribbling a rainbow mess on the paper. You laughed.

"This is fun! I wonder if Ravioli knows how to draw! I'll ask him once he gets back!" She spork with a large smile on her face while she continued making squiggly lines on the paper. You snorted at the nickname she gave Revali.  The two of you continued to make random drawings of each other. The door opened and Revali came in, small bungles of snow snuggled up in his feathers. "Ugh.. I didn't know it could snow that hard at this time of day!" He said, brushing the snow off his head.

"Mad at the weather, huh?" You giggled, standing up from the chair and helping him get the snow off. He nodded and looked at Mabel, who was now doodling little flowers after what you taught her. He looked down at you, his wings wrapping around your waist.

"We're.... keeping her then?" He rested his head upon yours. "Mhm." You mumbled, still trying to get a small snowflake that was buried in his arm. You got it out and looked at it before walking to the window and blowing it out of your palm. You watched as it slowly drifted away in awe before turning back to look at Revali, snuggled up near the fireplace. Mabel looked at the rito and gasped. She grabbed her picture and hopped off, flapping her wings as she ran over to Revali. "Look what mother taught me!"

That word.

She said 'mother' while pointing at you. You froze on the spot. This warmed your heart so much. 'Does she not remember well..?' Revali looked at you. Even he was quite shocked by her sudden approach. He ignored it for a moment and looked at the picture of small flowers mixed with funny looking rainbow scribbles in the background. "Oh, that's nice." Revali smiled softly at the (f/c) rito yawned quietly.

"I'm tired..." You walked over and picked the rito up, bringing her to the hammock. You placed her in it and stroked her fluffy feathers.

"Hm... goodnight, Mabel." You had the mother's smile again as you watched her slowly drift into a slumber. Once she was fast asleep, you walked out and sat cross-legged on the edge of the bed next to Revali.

"I don't think she'll remember her father, even if we remind her of it.. She is still very young and it would possibly hurt her to say that she's. well... adopted." You looked at Revali with big eyes. He seemed to agree with you even if he wasn't too keen on having Mabel stay with you for a while. You sighed and fell back onto the bed, getting into the blanket with your back facing him.

Revali took off his armour and soon joined you under the fluffy duvet, his wing wrapping around you tightly as he pulled you close to him. His fluffed up chest gently hitting your back. You moved your hand down and rested it on his arm before slowly dozing off after him.

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