Chapter 6 || Flight Range.

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After a minute of laughing you finally calmed down. You fed your horse one more apple then asked revali where you were even going. "Hm.. you'll see. Now get on." He crouched down and looked over his shoulder, chuckling at your reaction to this. "U-Uhm.. Ok.. But why..?" Your face grew a faint red as you moved closer.

"Don't worry." He replied smoothly as you slowly climbed onto his back, gripping tightly onto his shoulders. He did a quick run up before soaring into the sky. You screamed quietly but then you got used to how high you were and looked at the view ahead, it was beautiful. Your eyes began shining as you looked around. Eventually, Revali landed near a small area, surrounded by snowy mountains. There was a large rock in what looked like an odd pillar in the middle of an empty gap which was filled with multiple targets. "Welcome to the flight range." Revali said as you climbed off his back. You immediately climbed up the ladder and ran to the edge of the landing, looking down at where the wind was coming from. "Wow... This must be where you would train, right?" You turned to see Revali lighting the fire as he nodded at your question. "Indeed.. I'm going to try mastering my unique skill now. Feel free to watch once you've warmed up." He sat up once the fire was lit and flew down right below the small hut. You crouched down near the fire and warmed up your hands. While revali was still working on whatever he was doing, you decided to explore the area. You got up and walked over to the small desk. You examined the bow which sat there next to a batch of five arrows, it looked different compared to the others you saw back in the village. Revali flew onto the landing and saw you staring at his bow. You didn't even notice until you heard his clawed feet tapping against the wooden planks right behind you. "What are you doing?" He startled you a bit, making you almost fall backwards since you turned on your heel so quickly.

"I-I was just looking at this bow!" You gulped, thinking you weren't supposed to be lurking around. He just hummed before taking it off the desk and taking your hand with his empty one, "Come watch." He walked towards the landing and sat you down on the edge. You stared at him as he jumped down. He then crouched down and a gush of wind suddenly appeared around him, your eyes getting wider. He then soared into the air, the wind circling around him like a tornado. You got on your knees and watched him, your eyes glowing with  curiosity. Sadly, he seemed to have lost control and was thrown back onto the ground. "Revali!" You looked down at him with worry before getting distracted by what looked like the princess, watching revali practice. You gasped and quietly stepped back, you were a bit scared of messing up infront of royalty but before you could even hide back inside the hut. The princess glanced up at you with a smile on her face. She seemed friendly.

You sat down near the fire, listening closely to their conversation. You heard Revali speak to the presence of the princess, his tone being completely different to how he spoke to you, "You know, your highness.. It's rude to eavesdrop." He got up from the ground, fixing his posture.

"My apologies..." The princess began, "I went to the village, and I was told I could find you here." She spoke in a sweet tone.

Revali began again, "You have need of me. To defeat Calamity Ganon, correct?" You were a bit shocked by this and peeked around the corner, watching what was happening, "To slay that beast once and for all... It will be my great pleasure." You frowned at this, although it was an important job, you knew how difficult of a challenge beating Ganon would be.

Zelda's face lit up by his response, "Thank you, Revali. If we work together I'm certain we will be able to defeat—" She was then cut off by the Rito. You found it quite rude how revali had the audacity to cut off someone as important as her.

"However!" Revali then crouched down again and did his move again, you wanted to check closely to make sure nothing bad happened again. you looked down at the Princess and admired her beauty, she noticed you and smiled softly, waving a little. You smiled back, she didn't know you yet she was so polite. Revali took your attention and soared into the air, staying in the center. Once he was high enough he began to just fall, his wings not moving at all, he then looked at three targets and took his bow in his clawed feet, gliding down swiftly. You watched as he grabbed his bow and took out some bomb arrows, aiming them at the targets and shooting. The targets were blown up and he landed on a flat rock which sat at the bottom of the empty pit. He then used his updraft again to fly out before the whole thing blew up, he made his way out safely, his scarf leaving a trail of smoke behind. He landed on the railing on the landing.

"I know I play the biggest part in helping that, ahem... That little knight with the darkness sealing sword. Correct? Well if he loses his confidence after seeing me in action... Don't come crying to me!" He had his bow in one hand and his other on his hip. Zelda was a bit speechless before nodding slightly, "Uhm.. right! Well thank you, Revali.." she bowed before walking back towards her albino white horse and mounting it, "I hope to see you very soon... Maybe bring your friend." She looked at you once more before going away with her guards.

Revali still had his smug look as he hopped off the railing and put his bow to the side, sitting down near the fire, warming up his feathers. You sat next to him, also warming up your hands. "You sure are different around others.." you spoke in a quiet voice. Revali seemed to have forgotten you were there and looked away in embarrassment, "Well..." He scratched the back of his head. You giggled at his response. After a few hours, the fire began to go out making the cold air hit you again. You shivered slightly and even though you had the snowquill armour you were still very cold because you were in Hebra Mountains. Revali noticed this and sat up, "I'm going to get some more wood... here." He took off his long scarf and wrapped it around your neck gently. "I'll be quick." He flew out of the flight range and made his way back to the village.

You had your legs up against your chest as you were burying your face into the scarf you were given. It was dead silent. You felt anxious about the place you were in. You weren't as skilled when it came to fighting but you sure did have some experience with using a sword after being taught by Link. You waited for a few long minutes before Revali returned. He seemed to have taken longer since he village elder wanted to talk to him. Once he landed he noticed how you were fast asleep, wrapped up in his long scarf. He put the wood down and lit the fire again before sitting right next to you and putting your head on his shoulder. You were actually just half awake but you pretended to be sleeping to see what he would do. He didn't seem to say anything though, all you could hear was the fire crackling and the quiet wind blowing outside.

You actually began to get tired but before you could doze off you could hear Revali speak to you in a soft voice, "Goodnight Y/N."

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