Chapter 30 || Finale.

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You got on your horse and followed Revali, who was carrying Mabel on his back. You smiled as you pat your horse and looked up again. Mabel was playing with Revali's braids. You heard an annoyed sound come from him making you laugh.

Eventually you got to the flight range. You got off your horse and tied him up somewhere nearby. You then climbed up the ladder and sat down on a cushion, watching the two ritos.

"Can you use a bow?" Revali asked a silly question to Mabel. She shook her head and he decided to show off his skills. He grabbed his Great Eagle Bow and flew high into the air and once he was far enough he began to fall freely, his scarf now flowing behind him. He counted the targets and grabbed his bow with his clawed feet, soaring back down.

You rolled your eyes playfully at the fact he was showing off. Mabels eyes were glowing with amazement, she began waving her little wings, cheering for her father. After a while of shooting a few of the targets, Revali landed back down infront of the child with a smug look on his face. He flipped some imaginary hair to the side which made you lose it. You started laughing and covered your mouth, trying to hold back your laughter but your puffed up cheeks gave it all away. Mabel giggled as well and tried grabbing Revali's bow.

He realised what she was doing and placed in her small wings, chuckling lightly as she almost fell because of how big it was. "Revali, why don't you get a smaller bow?" You asked, kneeling behind Mabel so you can catch her incase she did fall back.

"Hm.. I'll try and find one, if not then i guess we'll have to make one." He walked inside the small flight range hut and searched around. Eventually, he couldn't find one anywhere which means you would have to make one!

You were quite happy about the idea of this because you get to learn how to create something new.

Revali went to get some wood and string for the bow. You watched as Mabel waved a stick around as she pretended to fight off an imaginary enemy. You giggled a bit as she stumbled over, safely falling onto a small cushion which was near the pot. You heard a familiar sound of wind gushing above you and you guessed right! Revali landed on the platform with an average amount of wood wrapped up in some spare string.

"I'm back." He let go of the materials from his talons and picked it up with his wings, carefully making his way over to you. He dropped them next to you and settled down opposite of you. Without hesitation, Mabel appeared out of nowhere and started gently hitting Revali on his chest with the small stick she found. He went along with the child play and pretended to be an enemy. You watched their drama act before rolling your eyes playfully and carving the wood into a bow shape with your feathered edge.


After a few moments, you finished making the bow. You tied a small bow on the tip of the string and admired your work, "Mabel look!" You shouted for the small rito as she turned with amazement in her eyes, not hesitating to run straight up to you. Revali also got up from his defeated act and looked at what you created, clearly amazed. You smiled and handed it to her, standing up on your feet and brushing the dust off your bottom and legs.

"Why don't you ever fix my bow?!" Revali pouted as he remembered the time when the string of his Great Eagle Bow snapped in half and you had no clue how to put it back together.

"I guess I didn't know I could even do such a thing." You shrugged and pecked the tip of his beak before walking over to Mabel.

"Can dad teach me how to use one? I want to ride the updraft!" She jumped around. You looked at your lover with begging eyes, making his cheeks flush red and quickly turning to look down at the small rito.

"Fine." He walked onto the landing and crouched down to let Mabel on. Once she was securely on his back, he used his gale and flew into the air. Your eyes widened as you immediately ran out and looked up to make sure Mabel was ok, 'HOLY HYLIA HE BETTER NOT DROP HER' You thought aloud. You were concerned but it soon got better as you saw an arrow hit a target.


Minutes passed, Revali and Mabel were still finishing off all the targets and when they were done he landed back into the small hut and put Mabel on the ground. You seemed to have gotten tired and fell asleep near the fire. The two looked at each other and chuckled quietly walking over to you. Revali was planning to scare you but he noticed that Mabel was waddling over to rest on your lap. "How cute..." Revali whispered, instantly shaking his head side to side as he realised what he said.

He fixed the fire a bit more to stop it from dying and the next thing you know, you were resting your head on his shoulder with his wing wrapping around your small waist. You smiled softly as you buried your head under his chin.

'Hold me tight.'

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