Chapter 9 || An Old Friend.

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A new day came. You woke up in the Inn since you fell asleep and Revali didn't want you falling off on the way back to the flight range. You changed into your snowquill outfit and fixed your hair before walking out and you
beginning to look for Revali. "Hm... where is ylhe?" You whispered before feeling something tugging at your leg, "Hm..?" You looked down to see a little pink rito staring up at you. "Oh hello! Do you need anything?" She just looked at you before gently grabbing your hand and taking you to a small group of other rito children, surrounding a pile of vibrant coloured flowers.

"... You look pretty, Hylian! Want to join us in making flower crowns? I bet you'll look even more prettier with one sitting on your head!" The pink one asked in a joyful tone. You thought for a moment, 'Hm.. Revali might be busy and I wouldn't want to bother him... This sure does look fun though, it may also kill time while I wait!' You smiled at them and nodded. You sat down next to them and watched as they taught you how to connect the flowers together. After a small demonstration, you started making your own, picking out your favourite coloured flowers. During the making of it, you did need some help but eventually it came out really well. "How does this look?" You showed the rito children your flower crown and giggled at their amazed faces. 

"Wow! It looks beautiful!" The orange rito said.
"Can you do mine?!" The yellow one raised her arm, jumping up and down.
"No! Do mine first!" The pink one did the same. You smiled, it's been a while since you've had the chance to do something fun like this. "I'll try to help you with all of yours!" You put your own to the side for now and helped them make theirs one-by-one. While doing this you couldn't help but feel someone staring at you but it didn't bother you that much since you were too busy helping. As soon as you finished helping you decided to meet your horse, "Alright guys.. I'm going to have to go now. It was nice joining you all!" They all frowned once they heard this.

"Wait! Before you go.. I want you to have this! It'll suit you perfectly!" You crouched down as a small purple rito, who joined you later in your little flower crown session, ran up to you and put your (F/C) flower behind your ear, the stem hiding under your hair.. "Why thank you! I must admit.. you're all so adorable... Goodbye!" You got back up and watched as they continued making more crowns. You made your way to the stable, holding the crown you made close to you as if someone would try taking it away. "Hey boy!" You pat your horses head and looked at him, then the flower crown, and back at him. "Hehe..." You had an idea and placed it gently on his head, "My.. aren't you just beautiful (H/N)!" You giggled and gave him an apple. You heard another horse neigh from afar and looked behind your horse's wide body, focusing on the boy with a dark chestnut horse. He was wearing a blue tunic and had what looked like a special sword. He jumped off and did a brisk jog towards your direction, the face sparked a memory and you gasped in shock.

"Link? Are you the princess' knight?!" You were expecting an answer but he just nodded with no expression, you remembered why he didn't speak, "Oh right... What brings you here anyway?" You asked in a nice way even though his silence scared you a bit. He pointed towards the village and you knew that he was here to 19visit Revali. "Oh right.. I couldn't find him earlier but i guess he's back now. Go check and I'll join you in a minute." He nodded again before walking across the bridges towards the village. Right before you gave your horse an apple, you noticed that your horse tried eating the flower crown.

"H-Hey! Don't eat that!" You quickly picked it up from the ground and put it on a small stool nearby, "Maybe I can give it to someone else.. someone who won't eat it!" You joked, "I'm kidding.. but still!" You gave him the apple before picking up the flower crown and making your way back up to meet Link. Although... Once you got up to Revali's landing you saw Revali showing off. You watched from behind the market sign and listened to what they were saying. You couldn't hear the first part of their little conversation but you still heard quite a bit of it.

"But lets not— pardon me for being so blunt— Let's not forget that I am the most skilled archer of all the Rito." He stood next to link, his almost tall figure towering over his. He looked annoyed at the knights unamused reaction and continued blabbering on, "Yet despite these truths, it seems I have been tapped to merely assist you. All because you happen to have that little darkness-sealing sword on your back." You could tell that Link really admired Revali's skills but his arrogance? Oh boy... that's just a whole other level. Revali began to get more annoyed and scoffed a bit before continuing again, "I mean, it's just... asinine.. Unless... You think you can prove me wrong? Maybe we should just settle this one on one?" His attitude made you quite angry. "But where...? Oh, I know! How about up there?!" He motioned his wing towards the Divine Beast Vah Medoh, the one that he was now officially piloting, circling the village before turning back to link.

"Oh! You must pardon me! I forgot you have no way of making it up to that Divine Beast on your own!" He used his now famous gale and soared into the air, leaving link watching from below as he laughed loudly down at him (Instead of saying 'Good luck sealing the darkness!', he just laughs at link in the japanese gameplay). Once he got on the Divine Beast, you slowly walked out from you little hiding spot as Link continued staring up at where Revali flew off to, "Hm.. He certainly is different around everyone else." You mumbled, still holding the flower crown close to you. Link noticed this and looked at you, then back at Revali, and back to you. You saw him do this in the corner of your eye and your face grew red of embarrassment, "I-It's not what you think!" You shouted a bit, practically hugging the crown now, "A-Anyways.. Shouldn't you go back to the princess? I'm sure you have better things to do rather than just standing here!" Link realised this and nodded before running back to his horse. You sighed and loosened your grip on the flower crown, hoping you weren't too harsh even if he didn't seem to care.

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