Chapter 12 || Flower Bracelets.

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You woke up earlier than you usually would. Your head wasn't leaning on anything anymore so you took it as a sign that Revali woke up before you. Since you were still half asleep, you slowly sat up in a more comfortable position and had time to properly wake up before getting on your feet and climbing down the ladder to see Revali practicing in the updrafts, not noticing you awake quite early. He shot as many targets as he could before flying back out of the pit, getting a bit startled by your presence, "Wow! That was amazing!" You walked over to him, your boots digging into the snow which had just gotten a bit more higher since last nights snow.

"Y/N? Why are you up so early?" He asked, you just shrugged.

"I don't know. Why are YOU up so early?" You asked him the same, he responded with a response you weren't really expecting, "Well.. I've always been waking up early ever since I became a champion. I practice hard, y'know?" You just blinked before shaking your head, "Alright fancy pants, you do you. I'm going to go to the stable and maybe take (H/N) for a ride.. Also, you should probably get a break from training every now and then." You smiled and walked away, Revali thought for a moment before grabbing the spare bow inside the flight range and catching up to you.

"Take this just in case, I'll see you at my landing once you get back." He gave it to you and stared in your eyes for a bit, 'The feeling is back again..- Wait- there is no way I can be falling for a Rito! Is that even normal?!' You thought, slowly taking the bow out of his hands, "Thanks.. Revali, do you maybe want to hang out for a bit at the village?" You smiled softly as he nodded, "I guess I could have a bit of free time so might as well."

"Perfect!" You watched him fly back to the range and continued making your way to the stable. When you arrived, your horse looked a bit annoyed by the fact you weren't taking him out for rides that much ever since you got here. You noticed this and sighed, "Don't worry! We're going for a ride today." You giggled as he neighed playfully as a happy response. You got in the saddle and began walking away from the village. During the ride you began talking to your horse as if you were a crazy person. "I am very curious... I always get this funny feeling when I am around Revali. Could it be what I think it is, (H/N)?" You looked down and he just snorted, "I'm literally talking to a horse.. Sometimes I'm confused by myself as well." You smacked your head lightly, trying to get some sense into yourself. An hour later, you decided to head back to the village. 'Is someone watching me.. from above..?' You thought, hesitant to look above you. You finally returned back at Rito Stable, hopping off your horse and giving him a carrot as a treat.

You walked to the entrance of the village and made your way up to Revali's Landing, greeted by him the same way he showed-off infront of Link yesterday. You jumped in surprise by his entrance and smiled once he landed infront of you. "You sure took a while." He spoke in his usual annoyed tone but it didn't seem to effect you. "What can I say? My horse hasn't been out on a ride that much since I started staying here." Your tone was a lot more softer than his, "Anyway, What should we do first?" Revali answered quite quickly to your first question, "Well, I thought we could maybe fly around for a bit but at the same time it's really up to you." You were about to accept until you heard a few high-pitched voices come from behind so you and Revali turned to see who it was.

"Hylian! Mother just taught us how to make flower bracelets! Want to join us?! Oh! Champion Revali is with you? How strange..." You looked at them then back at Revali who had a confused face on which turned into a speechless one after hearing what they said last, "We can teach him how to make one as well! Please make the bracelets with us, hylian!" You smiled and nodded.

"Of course! Revali would love to join us!" You laughed as he was dragged to another landing by the yellow and purple Rito. Whereas you were being dragged by the pink, orange and red rito. They sat you both down next to each other and placed a bundle of flowers in a pile. Revali sighed but he still participated in the rito children's fun. The children taught you how to make a flower bracelet, you got the hang of it quite quickly but Revali was still confused on what he was supposed to do. "What are you doing?" You held in your laugh at Revali's bracelet, which was just a bundle of green and blue flowers.

"I don't know... Can we go fly around after this?" He looked at you then back at his odd-looking bracelet. You nodded then helped fix his flower bracelet.  The rito children looked up at you two and the pink one blurted out a sudden question, "Are you two dating?"

You froze. You felt your face heating up and Revali had a faint blush on his cheeks. You looked at each other before you answered with a bit of a stutter, "P-pardon? No, we're not dating!" You said, your face still a bright red. "Oh.." the rito children frowned in disappointment. Revali swiftly took his bracelet back and began to finish it quickly. You did the same. "You two would look cute together!" The yellow one stood up and walked over to you, staring at both of your red faces. Revali finished his and so did you. Since Revali couldn't really wear the bracelet he gave it to you. You smiled and you both went to the flight range to go for a fly. "Your bracelet turned out a bit funny." You said as you climbed on his back.

He gasped dramatically and soared into the air, "How dare you!" He made an offended face which made you laugh. But the fact that the Rito children thought you were dating made the butterflies in your stomach get a bit more bigger.

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