Chapter 27 || A Journey To The Mountains.

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It was the next day.

You and Revali were journeying up towards Hebra to get rid of a stone talus (ay i remember that guy) that seemed to have been scaring off a few Rito's who wanted to adventure around the snowy area. The two of you decided to do such a job since Revali started complaining about how he wants to fight something for 'entertainment'. Obviously you couldn't say no to your lover and his hilarious facial expressions.

"So.. the stone talus that seems to be scaring them should be... up there!" You pointed towards the steep hill you last shieldsurfed on with the Rito standing next to you. He followed the direction your finger pointed at before using his updraft and already making his way there. "Huh? Hey! At least stay close to me!" You shouted, quickly running after his shadow in a funny way because of how your feet got buried in the snow. All you got as a reply back was just his charming laugh as he turned and watched you stomp your feet in the snow.

"Are you sure you don't need a lift, dear?" He landed infront of you, his face inches away from yours. You almost fell back but easily caught yourself as you stared into his emerald green eyes. You had forgotten how beautiful they were. He rested a wing on your shoulder and waved the other in your face, "Y/N?"

You were thrown back into reality and broke eye contact.

"H-huh?! Oh! Uhm.. yes, im sure." You nodded and gently pecked his beak and continued walking forwards. He watched for a moment before flying above you.

"Where did you leave Mabel again?" Revali asked, looking down at your small figure all wrapped up in fluffy clothing.

"I left her with Merengue. Don't worry, we'll be back at the village as soon as we defeat this talus creature." You smiled at his concern for the child. You then noticed a strange boulder shape trying to blend in with the snow. The talus! You stopped yourself in your tracks and jumped up, grabbing Revali's tail (he wasn't so high up in the air) and pulling him into the snow. He fell flat infront of you with his tail feathers in your hand. "Ah! Sorry!" You panicked and helped him up, brushing the snow off him. He forgave your little mistake and turned to notice that the talus had already awakened from its slumber! You gulped and grabbed your bow, ready to attack. Revali did the same and started shooting the talus as he circled above him.

You also started shooting. You noticed the small gemstone looking rock sat on it's head. Your eyes widened and you quickly ran to a small cliff just right beside it. Revali noticed this and hovered above the air, "Y/N? What are you doing?!" He dodged the large boulder 'hand' and watched.

You didn't seem to hear him. Your main focus was the weak-point of the beast. You put your bow on your back and grabbed the feathered edge you had in your pocket, a gift from a friend should always be used at least once. Without hesitation, you jumped off the cliff and landed on the head of the stone talus. You shut your eyes tightly until you felt you were still alive. You then stood up straight and inhaled deeply, charging towards your main focus and beginning to slash at it while you put pressure on your feet to stop yourself from stumbling off. After a couple more slashes, Revali motioned you to get back onto the snow and started to shoot bomb arrows to finish it off. It wasn't long until he landed beside you and watched as the talus fell onto the ground, eventually becoming a large fog of purple and black.

"Not bad for a bird." You joked and put your feathered edge away, looking up at your lover.

"Not bad for a Hylian." He rolled his eyes with a small smile while following you back to the village. As soon as you made it there, you couldn't help but have a large and joyful expression on your face as a small rito jumped into your arms. "Mother!" Mabel smiled, getting comfortable in your arms.

"Hi Mabel! How have you been?" You stroked her small feathers and turned towards Revali, who was talking to the guard near the entrance about how the talus will not harm the village anymore. Mabel got your attention again and started telling you an entire story about her day and how she was learning to sing with the others. "That sounds like you had fun." You said. You flinched by a sudden pair of wings wrapping around you and lifting you up from the ground.

"It sure does." Revali chuckled before settling you back down onto the ground. Mabel giggled and went to play with the others again.

"Revali! What's up with you scaring me?" You pouted and punched his arm in a playful way. He squawked and rubbed his arm.

"The great Y/N punched me! I'm down!" He fell onto the ground and his clawed feet twitched. You laughed at his cuteness.

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