Chapter 5 || We meet again.

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The rito spoke with quite a posh tone as he turned to look at you with his wings crossed. You examined his face a bit, your eyes widening when you saw the red circles which sat upon his cheeks. "Is it really you?" You stared at the circles before looking up to his emerald eyes. He was confused as to who you were and why you were even talking to him, he didn't seem to recognise you at all.

"Oh.. pardon me- My name is Y/N." You sighed, knowing he might've forgotten about you. He still stared at you before turning back to face the snowy mountains from afar. You felt offended since he didn't even greet you back.

"What are you even doing here?" He began, still not looking at you.

"I came to meet an old friend of mine.. His name was Revali. You looked similar to him so i just wanted to check.. Sorry if I interrupted anything." You quickly apologised, breaking eye-contact.

"Well aren't you lucky? I am the one and only Revali!" He was standing towards your direction now and did a small pose. Your face lit up and you ran back to him, jumping on him.

"REVALI! I had a feeling it was you!" You hugged him tightly. You quickly realise what you just did and blushed in embarrassment as he looked at you, his cheeks also glowing a faint red but it didn't show as much as yours. You then quickly walked backwards to allow a small distance between you two. He was still a bit confused one who you were so you had an idea. "Uh.. I still have no clue who you even are? Is this some kind of joke?" He questioned it until you suddenly took his feathered hand and ran to the entrance. You then arrived at the small pond where you went to catch a salmon with him when you were younger. You let go and watched as he examined his precious feathers before looking down at where you took him.

"So.. does this spark a memory?" You kneeled down and looked up at him with large eyes as you pointed at the salmon swimming around.

"Hm.." he squinted his eyes a bit as he tried to think of a time he went there. His eyes got wider and he looked at you, not saying a word. You sighed before getting back onto your feet and looking down, "This isn't going to work at all... sorry for wasting your time." You were going to go back up into the village before getting interrupted.

"Wait." The rito walked infront of you and stared into your glowing (E/C) eyes. "Y/N, was it?" You nodded, your hopes growing again. "Why did you leave me without saying goodbye?" He crossed his wings after speaking. You became silent as you felt a bit bad for completely forgetting about that moment.
"Well.. you see.." You began to explain the whole story. After a long while of explaining and gaining revali's trust back, you began to get very tired as the sun went down. Revali noticed this and walked with you back to the Inn.

"Y/N.. it was a pleasure to see you again, truly." he had a small smile on his face which also made you smile.

"Yes... goodnight, Revali." You walked into the Inn and sat on the end of the bed. You had a small smile pasted onto your face as you glanced outside before slowly falling asleep.


The next day you woke up to a bright light of the sun hitting you in the face. You closed your eyes tightly and turned around so you can properly open your eyes. Once you got to open your eyes fully, you slowly got up from the bed. You looked around before changing into your tunic, putting your boots and trousers on. Once you finished changing you walked outside and saw Revali flying down towards you, landing in front of you.

"Good morning, Y/N." He greeted you once he landed. You were a bit surprised by his sudden entrance.

"Oh- good morning Revali!" You looked up at him as he began to speak again. "I was wondering if you would like to visit the flight range with me.. I think you'll be interested in what I'm currently learning." you agreed with his offer and followed him as he started to walk towards the clothing shop as you followed behind, "But first you will need to get some of the snowquill armour." He lead you inside and pointed at the clothes on the mannequins. You walked inside the shop as well and examined the clothes with wide eyes. "It looks cute! I'll take them." You smiled and paid for the whole set. You went into the changing room and changed into the tunic.

Revali waited for you to finish at the entrance. Once you put the whole set on, you walked out of the changing room, holding your boots, trousers and shirt in your hands. Revali offered to help you and took the clothes out of your hands, his eyes widened a bit as he saw how the clothes suited you perfectly. The corset-like tunic fitting perfectly around your small waist along with the feathers tucking behind your pointy ears. You noticed his stare and waved your hand in his face, "Revali?" He was brought back into reality and stuttered a bit, "Huh? Oh! Yes Y/N?" He almost dropped your clothes but he caught them before they could hit the ground. You couldn't help but giggle at his cute little mistake and took the clothes off him. You went to put them away in your bag which was under the bed you slept in.

"Oh right! I need to say good morning to (H/N) <<horse name>> before we even go anywhere." You remembered before walking down to the stable with Revali following you. Once you crossed the first/last bridge you skipped over to your horse and stroked his muzzle. Revali wanted to say something but was hesitant about it. You began to feed your horse some apples and while you were doing that you heard Revali inhale deeply before saying his joke (got this one off yt lmao credits to them!), "Y/N.." you turned to look at him. "Don't you think (H/N) seems rather ill?" He has a small smirk on his face as you looked at your horse in the eyes before looking back at him confused.

"No why?" You asked confused.

"Well... he sounds a little.. hoarse." Revali snorted a bit as he tried his best to hold in his laugh. You also tried your best to hold it in before you both lost it and began laughing.

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