Chapter 18 || A Guardians Demise.

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It was the afternoon. You were back with Revali and Teba up on Vah Medoh. Your hands were shaking a bit. "So this is what it feels like to fight Calamity Ganon..." You quietly, staring at the still corrupted castle. Revali walked beside you and placed a wing on your shoulder with a soft smile to comfort you. You looked up at him and smiled back. Your eyes then quickly gazed towards the central tower which was suddenly lit up, a bright blue beam of light shot into the sky. After a few seconds, Vah Medoh was summoned above the other Divine Beast and troops. You looked down in amaze, "With this much help... There's no way we can lose this!" You said. Teba nodded as Revali crossed his wings with a smirk, "And finally it's our chance to flaunt our power in all it's splendor."

"Make us proud, Master Revali." Teba smile. "Alright everybody, let's go get our sweet revenge!" Master Kohga shouted, the Yiga jumped up. The princess looked up at the four divine beast before looking at her father and nodding. She began speaking with confidence, "Calamity Ganon will be brought to its ruin!" You held on tightly to your bow as you looked below at the large group of people in the different regions. Zelda quickly turned and faced the castle with the beast circling around it. "Now... to the castle!" She motioned her hand towards the castle. All the troops raised their weapons with a loud cheer. The Divine Beast were held back to fire at Ganon once Zelda gave her signal. She made it to a platform safely and quickly used her power to take down Ganon's shield. As soon as the light began shining in the sanctum, Zelda swiped her hand to the side, "Now fire!" She shouted.

"C'mon!" Daruk shouted with a loud beaming voice.

"Take this!" Revali pointed a feathery hand towards the castle.

"Here it comes!" Urbosa said after, her arms crossed.

"We must!" Mipha held her hands together close to her as she shouted in a more softer tone.

The Divine Beasts all shot a blue laser at the same time towards where Ganon would be resting. Right after you shot everyone was going to head towards the castle until they looked up at the sky, greeted with a bloody red moon. "What the..-!" Your eyes widened as you stopped in your tracks. Zelda looked around for Link before looking up, surprised by the sudden blood moon with fear. "Oh no...! The blood moon rises, Ganon's power waxes stronger now!" You heard a small scoff come from Revali and Teba. Zelda told us to be very careful of where we went because all the monsters we had already killed had returned to flesh. You got your paraglider out (don't ask how lmao it's hard to explain) and jumped off Vah Medoh, making your way down to help Link fight off an electric Lynel. Revali and Teba  eventually followed behind and flew above with the other Rito. Once you and Link defeated the last Lynel, everyone ran towards the sanctum. Zelda and Link suddenly stopped running, making you and Riju almost bump into them. There was a man... floating in the air while holding a strange object that looked like a planet except it was covered with a fog. "Who..." you whispered quietly. The stranger called everyone 'despicable pests' which made us draw our weapons. He moved to the side and there was a corrupted guardian behind him, it looked kind of like the guardian that followed Link on this journey.

Everyone there began to fight the corrupted guardian which suddenly evolved into a large spider looking one, equipped with plenty of ancient weapons. As soon as you finally defeated it with Link, you went back out of the training room when the gate opened. You were interrupted by the normal egg guardian walking away from the malice trying to take over it. You and Link stepped infront of the princess to protect her from the 'villain'. "How... the great Calamity Ganon.. selected me! This humiliation... This cannot be my destiny.. It cannot be!" He stood up from the ground and held on tightly to his arm, pointing a finger at the princess before swiping it to the side, "Hear me Calamity Ganon! It's time for you to devour these..." He felt a strange feeling in his hand and once he gazed over to his hand, it was already covered in malice. You and zelda looked at each other and you could see a hint of concern in her face. The strange man then became limp and was dragged up towards the ganon. He was killed.

The small white guardian quickly ran infront of you and shot a laser with its now bright, red beaming eye. Before it could hit you and Zelda, Link was fast enough to use his shield and parry it away. Zelda gasped a bit because of the malice taking over their partner. You inhaled deeply before shooting the guardian right in the eye as Link used a sheikah rune to stop the guardian from hitting you with a spin attack. After a few seconds, the guardian was thrown onto a pile of dirt and a few broken pieces from the castle buildings. You lowered your bow and Link put his sword on his back. You both turned around and saw Zelda walk slowly over to the guardian, her eyes beginning to get watery as she kneeled down and placed her palm on the broken guardians head. Your head turned over to Link and back at the princess, walking over to her quietly and looking down at the two. Zelda began crying. The guardian then began to play a small lullaby, squeaking could be heard in between. The champions and the ones from the future eventually joined you and stayed silent at the sad sight. Zelda shut her eyes tightly. She was remembering something from the past.

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