Chapter 8 || Do you trust me?

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You rested in his arms for a bit until you heard a horse neighing outside, you rubbed your eyes gently once you stopped crying and got up on your feet, walking towards the entrance of the flight range to check what it was. Revali also got up and followed you as you looked outside to see the princess coming over again this time with a familiar looking boy at her side. Revali flew down to them and looked at the small knight beside her. Zelda hopped off her horse and so did he. She greeted the Rito and introduced her appointed knight, although she definitely didn't look as happy like how she was without having him following her all this time. You didn't really care that much about what was happening so you quietly went back and sat near the fire. But while you were going back you felt someone staring at you and the thoughts made you shiver.

You heard zelda say something about Korok Forest and you immediately ran back to the top of the ladder again, looking down at them. You always found the koroks cute in certain pictures of books you used to read but you never actually saw one in real life. "I would like it if you could join us on our way there, it would be helpful to have someone look out for us... plus- maybe you can bring your friend to join us... although it may not be the best idea since monsters are lurking around." She was carrying a strange device on her hip which you took more interest of instead of noticing her gaze towards you. Revali cocked his head towards your direction and thought for a moment before accepting to join the princess on this journey. As they left, Revali flew back up to you and walked towards you. "Korok Forest?!" You ran up to him with wide eyes, "Do you know how nice that place is? Please can I go with you?" You tugged on his scarf like a child asking for someone to play with them. He looked down at you with a straight face as he shook his head side to side.

"Can you let go of my scarf.. Please?" He asked in quite an annoyed tone but still in the nicest way possible.

You blinked for a moment, a bit annoyed on how he wouldn't let you go with him before shaking your head, "No." You held in your laugh at his reaction before letting go. He brushed his feathers over where you touched his scarf and walked away, staring down at the updraft in the pit. "Y/N, do you trust me?" He asked. You tilted your head in confusion as to why he would be asking such a question, "Yes, I trust you... Why?" You stood next to him and looked up to meet with his glowing emerald eyes. He crouched down and you thought you were just going to fly around, so you climbed onto his back and he used his updraft to fly into the air.

As soon as you were high enough, you realised that you weren't going towards the village and instead, you were just flying in circles around the pit. You were going to question something but before a word could even come out of your mouth, he dropped you. You screamed while you were falling, you didn't even know how high he went! "REVALI! YOU JERK!" You shouted through your screams as you fell. Once you saw the ground appear more in your vision which made your heart race. You closed your eyes tightly, still screaming. After a small minute, you built up the confidence and opened one of your eyes, noticing that you were floating on something. Your heart began racing as soon as you looked down. Revali was on his back flying with you sitting on his stomach. Your face grew red and you crossed your arms, "What was that for?!" You pouted.
Revali just chuckled, "Heh.. Hold on tightly now, I will have to turn over." You rolled your eyes and wrapped your arms around his small neck as he flipped over, flying normally now.

He flew back to the village and landed on his famous landing. You hopped off his back and pat your stomach, "I'm hungry... Do you know where we can get good food?" You asked softly.

"Yes, follow me." He began walking towards a small bakery which was just a few steps away. You both entered and you immediately started staring at all the sweet treats they had for sale: donuts, cupcakes and sweet bread. You stared at them for a long moment before hearing the Rito behind the counter laugh a little, "Would you like anything from here ma'am?" She smiled at you as you nodded quickly pointing at the most detailed cupcake and donut there. You paid for it quite quickly and watched as the Rito took two of each and put it in a small bag, handing it to you. "Thank you!" You smiled and walked out with Revali. "Let's sit there." He pointed at his landing and you both sat on the edge of it. You opened the bag and grabbed one of the donuts, taking a small bite out of it first.

"Mmm!" You had a bright smile on your face after taking a first bite. You turned your head towards Revali, who was standing up behind you and watching the rito children run past. He sighed until he noticed you handing him the other donut, "Here! Try one!" You got on your knees as you waved the donut in his face. He shook his head side to side but you wanted him to at least take a bite of it so you pouted and got up on your feet, still waving it in his face. "No thanks.. I-" you shoved the donut in his mouth while he was talking and you laughed at his face. The donut was hanging out his beak but he eventually ate it after you called him a rotten blue chicken wing.

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