Author's Note

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The next chapter should be up soon, it just might take a while because Nora hits a big milestone, and it's an ability that is difficult for her to master.

Also 7k views!!!?? Thank you all for sticking with this story!! This is far from over and there's much more to go, challenges will be met, and surprising revelations about certain characters will be revealed. In the meantime, what would you like to see more of? Your theories on some of the characters?

Another note with Nora and her neurodiversity. Like I said in an earlier A/N I wanted to write her in a way that breaks common stereotypes (she's affectionate, she's empathetic, she's got a sense of humor, she has a small social group of close friends, and she's talkative to people she knows) The way she thinks and communicates is based on my experiences being on the spectrum, and like me, she is more high functioning, but like in real life, every individual person on the Autism spectrum has it different. For my neurodiverse readers, what can I do to portray her autism more accurately?

Thank you all again for the votes, reads, and comments. You guys are the best and I can't wait to show you all the challenges and big reveals on Nora's adventure with her Crystal Gems. Keep on Readin' Readers!

Side note: The above picture  is from the Steven Universe: End of an Era artbook. It's a must have and I highly recommend it for SU fans!

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