Guardian of the Lost Isle

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A crowd of spectators gathered around me, watching intently as I played Alien Invaders arcade game. I didn't even pay attention to them, I was completely in the the zone.

Yes, I'm on fire only a little bit more!

The only sounds I were attuned to were the 8-bit blinging of the arcade game and Rush's Tom Sawyer blasting on the speakers, fueling my determination as I shot closer each time to my goal.

I'm gonna make it! I'm gonna beat the high score!

The crowd around me screamed as I jolted staring at the screen. I jumped and screamed in victory. "YES HELL YES!!!!! NEW HIGH SCORE BABY!! Kimchi take a picture!!"

"I'm on it!!" Kimchi snapped a photo.

All of a sudden the game blacked out and the entire arcade went dark. The music stopped and the everyone surrounding me bellowed in disappointment, including me

"You gotta be FREAKING KIDDING ME!!!" I banged my fists on the arcade game. (I actually used a stronger word than 'freaking'). "Hey chill out!" Kimchi said. "Look I got the proof! It wasn't for nothing!" She showed me the picture.

"But the game didn't save the score." I groaned. "Aww man and I really wanted to keep that score!"

The people surrounding me started to lessen and I saw  Old Man Smiley  walking out of the back door scratching his head. "What happened Mr. Smiley? Why's the power out?" Kimchi asked him. "I have no idea." He said puzzled. "I'll try to get the generator on in the meantime you should come back later. I've feeling it'll be out for a while."

The sight when we walked outside was baffling. Everyone was standing on the boardwalk, the light on the shops were completely off and the jumbotron was black. Kimchi and I looked at each other as we walked down the boardwalk. Kimchi got a text from one of her friends at the amusement park. "They're evacuating everyone off the rides and giving them free passes. I think the whole boardwalk is out of power."

My phone rang and I answered to Aunt Pearl's panicked voice. "Nora where are you? Are you somewhere safe?"

"I'm fine Aunt Pearl." I said calmly. "I'm with Kimchi on the boardwalk, there's been a power outage."

"Get back home right now!" She clucked like a nervous hen. "The power's out all over Beach City!" "Huh. That's interesting." I murmured before talking to her again. "Calm down Auntie P. It's nothing to worry about, power outages happen all the time in my hometown during the summer. I'm sure we'll be fine."

"But the traffic lights are all out, you could get hit by a car." She gasped. "Or electrocuted!"

"Aunt Pearl you're being dramatic."

"I am not! Please, come home. Selene is very worried." No she isn't.  I thought to myself. "I'll come back to the temple right now." I said quietly.  "I love you, I'll be back soon." I ended the call with a grumble.

"What's wrong?" Kimchi asked seeing me frowning. "Aunt Pearl's being a panicky bird-mom again. Seriously, I swear she forgets I'm a quarter Diamond."

"But she remembers you're three quarters human." She laughed. "I get it, my dad's the same way with Agatha and I. Like the other day when I was two minuets late coming home from movie club, he was all up in my grill saying Mamamamamamamamamaa.' and  'mamamamamamamamamama!!'"

"What the hell does he even mean by that?"

"Beats me, my dad is weird."

We parted ways as Kimchi went home and I made my way to the temple, walking  along the beach. I noticed all the houses had no lights on. "The whole town is without power." I noted to myself. "What might have caused an outage of this scale?"

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