A Strange Ally

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The Watermelon Steven blinked , surprised to see me as much as I was to see him. "Hey little guy." I grunted sitting up in the sand. The Watermelon Steven backed away and ran off into the jungle.

"No wait! Come back!" I wobbled onto my feet and pursued the Watermelon through the thick foliage, nearly tripping on the undergrowth and pushing the leaves out of my face. I found him near the edge of the trees by the dirt road into town. He'd fallen on his back and was splayed out unconscious.

"Hello? Are you okay?" I gingerly nudged the Watermelon Steven who was unresponsive. "Oh no I killed him!" I gasped. "I scared him to death!"

The Watermelon Steven opened his eyes and jumped onto his feet, glancing around disoriented for a moment before focusing on me. "Hey." I waved. What just happened? "Are you alright there?" The Watermelon Steven nodded with a smile before garbling at me in a string of angry noises.

"Quit yelling at me! I was only trying to help you." I backed away, ready to turn around, but the Watermelon blocked me with a regretful look in his eyes and mumbled what sounded like I'm sorry'.

"It's cool. I think." I sighed. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you. I washed up on this island, and I need to find a safe place where I can wait for my family."

The Watermelon stared at me perplexed.

"What am I saying?" I shrugged. " Forget it. You probably don't understand me." I walked onto the road. My throat was parched and I felt lightheaded. I need to find water before I start looking for a rendezvous point. I flinched when Watermelon Steven held my hand.

"What is it?" The Watermelon Steven tugged me the direction that led inland. "You wanna show me something?"

He nodded, leaving me shocked. "Wait a minute, did you just nod?"

He nodded again.

"Can you...understand me?"

The Watermelon Steven smiled and nodded.

"Oh my stars." I murmured. Either that or I'm losing my mind. He pulled at my arm again. "All right . I'll follow you." The animated gourd led me on the road like a parent leading a child. "Okay, this is one of the weirdest things that's ever happened to me, and from my track record that's saying something!"

The road was flanked by farmlands on both sides, where other Watermelons tended to their fields . They paused and watched us as we went by, staring at me in nervous surprise. I'd be staring too. They've probably never seen a human before.

"Is that a well?" I rubbed my eyes. The Watermelon Steven nodded, leading me to it. The well was  reached below my knees, but was perfect size for him. My little friend drew up the water and gave it to me. "Thanks." I drew the water to my lips and chugged it down. "Here, want some?" The Watermelon shook his head and pushed back the bucket. Drink more he meant to say.

"Thank you for helping me. I know I must be really scary looking to you, we're more alike than you think . Maybe you already know that , the fact that you went out of your way to make sure I was okay means a lot to me."

The Watermelon smiled with teary eyes and touched his hand to my heart. I smiled . "Looks like I've found a friend. My name's Nora." Watermelon Steven replied with a word that sounded like 'raar'. "That's adorable, you sound like a little dinosaur." I chuckled. "I think I'll call you 'Little Brother'."

The Watermelon Steven cocked his head. "Oh yeah I should explain. See, I was created by the same person who created your species, so that makes us siblings in a way."

The Watermelon laughed and nodded. "Good, glad you like the name! Maybe you can help me. I'm looking for my Dad, he's a human like me, and he's with people called Gems. They look human but they're different species with rocks on their bodies. Have you seen them around here?"

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