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*edited 2/21/21*

I focused entirely on my tablet playing a game of Battle Blox as I waited with my parents in the emergency room at the Beach City Regional Medical Center. I let myself completely zone into it, blocking out everything from of my surroundings. I had to put all my focus and senses on one thing, if I didn't I would've been overwhelmed. I'm hypersensitive by nature, but when I'm under stress that's upped by 100 and I notice everything single detail within my environment, every sound, every smell, the meager filter I usually had was nonexistence.

My parents warped me to the hospital as soon as I was able to. Soon after I realized what happened to me, I sat in the canyon, crouched into a ball, with a bloodstained shirt and a gem shard latched onto my breastbone, and shut down entirely. The events of today overcame me in a relentless wave and hammered on by the fact my parents wanted to take me to the emergency room immediately . I knew my body enough to realize I was in the rumble stage of an eventual meltdown, and if I was pushed from that spot all hell would break loose.

"Back off!!" I snapped at the Crystal Gems who immediately ran to comfort me. Aunt Pearl looked as if I hit her, but Amethyst understood. "She needs space guys. It's too much for her."

 Aunt Garnet nodded. "Bismuth, you, Peridot and the Lapises return to the cabin and inform Greg on what has happened. We'll stay here until things are stable." Aunt Bismuth nodded, and my guardian Gems set off.

Selene remained, watching me panicked unsure of what to do. "Should I go over to her? Should I help her. What is going on?" It was Mom who explained it to her. "I did not know humans were sensitive that way."

 "Not all humans." She responded, reluctant to say more. I quickly gave her a look and nodded. With my approval she explained what autism was, how it made made perceive the world and communicate differently from other humans. She explained it in way that made it sound what it really was, not a crippling disability, but a trait that was part of who I am with a few challenges I've overcome.

"Selene." I called to her, showing her my palm. "She wants you over there dude." Amethyst explained. "Hold your palm against her hand like you're doing a high five." She demonstrated. "Go on!" she nudge her with a cocky smile. Selene slowly approached, sitting cross-legged across from me. Apart from the gemstone, she appeared practically unchanged, still wearing the same dress and hairstyle as before. However, I noticed tiny flecks of brown in her grey eyes, noticeable only in the sunlight.

I shed tears at the sight of her damaged gemstone, clutching the missing piece on my chest. "It doesn't hurt." She reassured me. "I'm fine, I feel fine. Just a little different than before." We pressed our hands together and a wave of calm assurance washed over us. "You saved my life."

"And you saved mine." the Gem replied.

"But it wasn't on purpose." I said. "I have no idea how I did it."

"It doesn't matter."

"It does." I said guilt ridden. "Selene, your gem is broken and part of it is lodged in my sternum."

"But does it hurt you?"

"No." I shook my head, touching the stone. "It feels weird, maybe there's a way I can get it back on you..."I yanked on the stone, causing a sharp pain tearing down my spine. I recoiled and so did she, we clutched our shared stones.

She shares my pain! This is unreal!

"Nora!" Mom warned. "Don't try to remove it! If it's stopping the bleeding it needs to stay in for now." She sat down next to me. "We need to have this looked at by a medical professional."

"What are they gonna do about it?" I said. "This is a Gem thing!"

"Nora." Dad said urgently. "You have to see a doctor! Even without the gem you were thrown across the canyon by a violent impact. We need to check and make sure there's nothing serious we can't see." He took my other hand in comfort. "We'll go to Grandma's hospital and we'll see her. It will be a familiar setting and she knows you as much as we do."

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