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*Edited 2/20/21*

The giant fusion grasped us tightly in her hands as she stomped her way out the castle. Not tight  where she'd crush our bodies, but enough to send the message to not try an escape.  She made a low warning growl when Selene tried to summon her arm cannon. "It's okay, she's not gonna hurt us." I reassured me. She gave me a pitiful look and mouthed 'I'm sorry'. 

"Don't be. It's my fault. I'm the one who pushed to come here." Turning back at the Castle I saw Chalcedony peer timidly from the entrance, making eye contact with me with her Clawshot at hand. I subtly shook my head.

My stomach lurched when she set us down on the warp pad.

"GO HOME." Aunt Garnet's voice rumbled from her primary mouth. "NOW."   She saw me looking past her leg at the castle where Chalcedony watched and removed her visor, glaring at me with seven violet eyes. Selene gasped, immediately standing in front of me and I gulped.

That'll give me nightmares for the rest of the month. "I'll go." I activated the warp pad.

I thought I was never gonna hear the end of it.

I wanted to shrink down and die hearing three of the Gems berate me about disobeying their orders and putting myself in danger. (Aunt Bismuth was visiting Lapis and Peridot in Gem City. Thank the stars, I doubt I could've handle her yelling at me too.)

"Bad enough you risked your own life." Aunt Pearl glowered. "You also put Selene in danger! Hasn't she been through enough?"

That hit a chord in me I didn't expect. "I'm sorry." I murmured tearfully.

"You should be." Aunt Garnet crossed her arms. "Nora, you deliberately disobeyed our orders and for that you will be punished. Now go to your room while we decide on what will be done." I drooped my head and was about to walk upstairs when Selene took my hand. "Wait." She addressed the Gems.

"If you're going to punish Nora for her disobedience, then punish me too." She clenched her other fist. "It was my idea to take her  to the castle so I could show her what I couldn't say. It was the only way I could skirt around my commands and reveal to her the nature of our enemy." She started crying. "This is all my fault, because I can't speak I had to risk our lives. I hate what I am! Even free on Earth I'm still bound by the nature of my kind!"

"Don't you dare blame yourself." Aunt Pearl said severely. I thought she was angry at her for taking the heat for me, but  Amethyst and Aunt Garnet stepped close to my Pearl Aunt and held her hands in reassurance. "Selene, this not your fault , don't even think it for a second. I understand how painful it is being unable to reveal things for people you care about. We're not angry about that at all.  You  had a great idea, you found away around it all so you could show Nora. I'm proud of you for that, we all are."

"But you should have waited for us to return, then we could all go together." Aunt Garnet said. "Even Nora."

"I understand, but please. Go easy on her."

"She's still in trouble." "Even if it might have been worth it." Garnet glanced at me. "Nora,  show us what you saw in the castle." "Show you?" I said confused before opening my mouth realizing what she meant. "Aunt Garnet I want to but-"

"It's all right." She answered. "You're in the Temple and you're with us.  We'll tell your father we asked, and he will understand."

I nodded with a sigh. Clearing my thoughts I raised my hand and projected from my memory the murals in the castle. Explaining with each one the story behind it. When I was done, the Gems all sat with me on the couch, with serious looks on their faces.

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