Interlude: We Are One

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This idea just popped into my head and I had to write it down. This takes place between Connection and Nora's Bear. Nora is still extremely confused about the nature of her connection with Selene and worried about the Sapphire's prophecy that has changed her life, can she fulfill it? Should she change herself to make sure it happens? Steven comforts her...

I watched the sunset over the beach as I stood alone on the statue's hand. Thousands of concerns swept through my brain, about the past and future. I turned my head hearing the the warp pad activate. "Hi Rosebud." Dad smiled. "I thought you might want some company."

"Thanks." I said. I looked at him and he saw the brooding in my face. "Nora, it's okay to be scared. You've been through a lot, if you need to talk, I'm here for you."

I smiled. "Thank you." I looked out onto the ocean. "I am scared. I have a living shard lodged in my bones that binds me to the Gem who owns it, and there's a prophecy saying I'm supposed to take down a Remnant Empire, ruled by the Commander my Grandmother hurt and betrayed. I don't know what to do Dad, should I do anything? How am I going to keep Selene safe? How am I going to live with this connection I barely understand?"

I sighed. "I just feel so alone. Nobody's gone through this before."

"You're not alone, Nora." Dad comforted me. "And you do not have to deal with this alone. We're all here for you." He picked up his old ukulele and began to play. He would always sing to me whenever I was upset and that never changed when I grew older.

As you go through life, you'll see
There is so much that we
Don't understand
And the only thing we know
Is things don't always go
The way we planned

He placed a comforting hand on my shoulder.

But you'll see every day
That we'll never turn away
When it seems all your dreams come undone
We will stand by your side
Filled with hope and filled with pride
We are more than we are,
We are one

"How is that going to help me stop Tanzanite?" I said. "Even with everyone behind me I alone can end the Remnant. I'm not enough. I can't topple an empire the way I am now, do I need to change myself?" I saw my reflection on the warp pad, a young teenage girl trying to understand herself.

If there's so much I must be
Can I still just be me,
The way I am?
Can I trust in my own heart,
Or am I just one part
Of some big plan?

"I don't want you to change who you are, and I don't believe you need to. You're enough. You have always been enough." He thought of his mother and the Crystal Gems.

Even those who are gone
Are with us as we go on
Your journey has only begun
Tears of pain, tears of joy
One thing nothing can destroy
Is our pride, deep inside
We are one

We are one, you and I
We are like the earth and sky
One family under the sun
All the wisdom to lead
All the courage that you need
You will find when you see

"You're not alone in this, Rosebud." Dad wrapped his arms around me and hugged me close. "Whatever happens, your family will stand beside you. To comfort and support you, and to stand by your side when the going gets tough. Never forget that we love you, and we will stick with you to the very end."

I didn't complain when he kissed me. I nestled into his shoulders, listening to the gentle thrum of his pulse.

"I love you Dad."

His arms tightened around me. "I love you too Nora Rose."

Together we watched the sun set over the ocean, and I felt better knowing we had each other and my family to support me through this new and extraordinary change.

Together we watched the sun set over the ocean, and I felt better knowing we had each other and my family to support me through this new and extraordinary change

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