Shattered Gems Tell No Tales: Part 3

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We only stopped running when the tremors ceased and we were far enough into another cave. I told Agatha to follow the glowing slate on the walls, which guided our way like markers on a trail. To where it led, nobody knew, only that it would take us somewhere important.

"Maybe to the real treasure." Agatha said optimistically.

I gave her a questioning look.

"What?" She crossed her arms sassily. "You're not giving up are you. You can't! Not after everything we went through we gotta find it! Besides, what are we gonna tell these guys?"  The Watermelon Stevens grumbled irritated, murmuring their doubts to each other. "The map doesn't lie you melonheads!" Agatha snapped at them. "It took us to the Power Core and it will take us to the treasure! Right Nora?"

I didn't answer her, remaining quiet.

"Agatha. Nora is tired from fighting, let her rest." Selene answered her softly.
We stopped and rested at un underground lake. I sat by the edge, filling my purifying thermos and sharing it with Agatha once the water was filtered and sterilized. Selene had gone to scout out an exit, ordering us to stay put and watch over our poofed comrades until she returned.

"How will you find your way back?" I asked her. "I'll find you." She said curtly, glaring at the Watermelon Pirates who gurgled among themselves. "If I find out you hurt either of them," Agatha translated her warning. "I'll make smoothies out of you." She ignited her arm cannon to prove a point.

"They definitely got the memo." I chuckled, seeing the pirates kept their distance from us. "Here, drink more."

"No thanks." Agatha shook her head clutching the three gemstones in her hands. "Don't worry, they're going to be okay." I reassured her. "When Gems are badly hurt, they lose their physical forms and  go inside their gemstones to heal themselves.  They'll reform with new clothes and new looks, feeling better than ever." I brushed my fingers across the stones, feeling the essence of my friends pulse beneath my fingertips.

"How long will it take for them to come back?" Agatha asked.

"Depends on the Gem type and how long they want to take. Some come back quickly like Rubies, others take their time, like Pearls." I answered, holding Skyla's gem to my heart, hoping  she could sense me protecting her. I'm sorry I didn't act quick enough, my friend. Please return quickly.

"They better come back soon." She held up the gems to her face. "You hear me? Get up soon!" I chuckled. " I hope so."

"You know what's weird?" Agatha said. "They're gemstones, right, but they don't feel like rocks. They feel alive. When I hold them, they're warm and smooth, and I swear I feel a heartbeat in 'em."

"You're right." I remarked. "It's really incredible isn't it?"

Agatha nodded. "Nora, are we still gonna look for the treasure?"

"We don't have a choice." I shrugged, looking at the Watermelon pirates. "I never should've gotten us into this. Because of me, Uncle Andy's caught, Sky and Callie are poofed, and Squaridot got away with the Power Core. I should've  just given the map to the Gems or Dad and they would've dealt with it, they may have even stopped Squaridot, but no! I had to think myself Crystal Gem and be a hero."

"But you are a hero Nora." Agatha said. "You defeated a bully to get my toy back! You stood up to pirates! You fought a bad Gem and sent her running away!  You have these amazing powers and swordfighting skills and you're not afraid to use them, and even if without 'em you use your brains to beat your enemies or make friends with 'em! You're a hero to me and the coolest person I've ever met in my entire life, and ya know what? You're the bravest too! I wanna be like you when I grow even if I don't  have super Gem powers!"

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