A Growing Bond

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I creeped silently down the stairs. My swimsuit beneath my clothes, a blanket and towel hidden in my backpack. I thought I'd give it a shot discreetly a walking out on the beach.

"Going somewhere?"

I swiveled my head seeing Aunt Garnet leaning against the door with her arms crossed.

Of course. Can't get away with nothin' while she's around.

"Hey Aunt Garnet." I smiled. "I was just-."

"Sneaking out to swim on the beach." She tipped her glasses. "Don't try to fool me. I've got my eyes on you." I shrugged, kicking my foot. " Can't I just take a quick dip? It's gonna be 87 degrees today."

"Nora, you are still in trouble." My aunt replied sternly. "No arcade, no amusement park, no beach. You're lucky we're allowing you to walk on the boardwalk."

"Can I do that at least?"

"No. It's too hot to be out."

"Aww come on!" I slumped against the wall. " The beach is right there and it's free! What if I wait until the others come back from Gem hunting? Or Grandpa comes home from work?"


"There you are!" Selene jogged down the stairs. "I was looking for you. I wanted to know if you could show me the water. I've never been near an ocean before and humans evolved from aquatic life forms so I thought you might stand with me." The dumfounded look in my eyes told Aunt Garnet enough I wasn't expecting her to do that.

"Please Aunt Garnet. Can't I just go in the water? I won't swim out far and I'll stay right in front of the Temple." She looked at Selene's baleful gaze, then at me. "Fine." she concluded. "You can go but stay close. I'll be watching."

"Thank you!" I hugged her. "Come on Selene. Let me show you how humans Beach it!" As we raced onto the sand, my aunt chuckled to herself.

"You should have said no." she spoke to herself, rather Aunt Ruby spoke through her ."Honey, I know what you've seen in your future vision, but she's still grounded. We have to be firm with her."

"She'll be fine sweetie." Aunt Sapphire murmured, also still speaking through Garnet. "This will be worth it." She chuckled. "Just another step towards-."

"Sh. She's listening to us." Garnet looked over at me on the beach, I waved at her smiling. She waved back with a grin.

It was mid morning and the sand hadn't gotten hot yet. I felt the heat in the air, it was going to be a scorcher today.  I set up the blanket underneath the shadow of the Obsidian statue's hand, laying down my towel on the sand.

"Did you know I was planning on sneaking out on the beach?" I asked, taking out the sunscreen from my backpack.

"I might have overheard you and your aunt." She smirked.

"You sly gal." I chuckled.

"You've helped me so much Nora, I wanted to return the favor."

"Thank you." I said.  You really are the best." I removed my shirt and pants, revealing the purple tankini with golden stars I wore beneath.

Selene instantly stepped away. Her face flushed in deep silver as her shrunken pupils pinned on my body.  I looked away embarrassed. Oh stars she thinks I'm stripping down to my underpants!  I'd explained to her humans needed privacy when they're changing clothes and she understood when I closed the door in my guest bathroom to do so. Now here I am taking off my top covers right in front of her. I must've confused the heck out of her just now!

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