Chapter 1

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I sat half asleep, my mind drifting like a wayward balloon in what felt like the longest class ever. My spiral notebook is wide open, though instead of being riddled with notes like it usually is, drawings took up the entire two and a half pages. I looked up at the clock slowly ticking away. Damn it's still forty-five minutes left. Why do the most boring classes take forever to finish but the best is done too soon? Guess I'll just kill time doodling, it's not like there's anything important to listen to.

The clocked ticked away as the substitute teacher yammered. Why on Earth did our teacher decide to instruct her with an important class right before going on maternity leave? Sure, she meant to get it over with so we wouldn't have to worry but what's the point of having another class right before summer? Our brains were steamed all ready and I could have pleasantly spent time at home studying for my next final instead of languishing in class for forty-five minutes listening to material we're going to forget anyway over three months. So happy I brought my sketchbook.

My name is Nora Universe, and I'm a sixteen-year-old high school student trying to make my way in life. I love reading books, listening to music, and especially playing on the guitar my grandpa gave me as a birthday gift last year. My favorite color is purple, I detest the color pink, and I can quote every single line from Cretaceous Campground and all three of the Indiana Joan movies. Jigsaw puzzles are my obsession and I am a five times fencing champion.

And I love history. Not American history, which bores me to death or stuff dealing with the World Wars or anything like that. I like medieval history with knights, kings, royalty, and chivalry, the stuff you'd find in a fantasy novel or while playing Warlocks and Warriors with your friends and SkyGuard on your computer late at night when you are the only one awake in the house. I love Gem history, especially learning about the Rebellion, Pink Diamond, and the turn of Era 3.

Why am I telling you this? Well, if I tell you my name you'll immediately recognize me as the daughter of a famous person, especially if you're a Gem. I take pride in my heritage and family, but I want people to know I'm an individual person with her own likes, dislikes, and interests. I don't need to be compared to my father every time somebody recognizes my name. If you really wanted to know me and I was comfortable talking to you, this is what I'd tell you. I wish I could tell that to the substitute teacher who wasn't so subtly darting her eyes at me every time she wasn't looking at the board.

My phone silently buzzed, and I saw the message was from Corey, my friend and student aid. Dude, the teacher is looking at you. I hid my phone with my textbook and responded back.

I know.

I squeezed the clay stress ball in my hand. Ten minutes left, you can do this girl, you're good at being quiet and out of focus. Once that bell rings you can make a run to it for your next class before she even gets the chance to ask you the question they always ask.

My phone vibrated again. Corey.

She's trying to be discreet about it, but the whole class sees it. Don't look, act cool. Pretend you're reading your book. If she asks anything I've got your back.

I gave him a quick smile and texted. Thank you. He winked and gave a quick thumbs up. I turn to my textbook and pretend to read what the teacher is going over when my phone vibrates. We can leave, she knows you have permission to leave ten minutes early. I'll go talk to her and ask if we can do that.

No. That'll only draw her attention to me, and the entire class too. Thank you though.

Corey nodded, looking at his phone.

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