Chapter 2- The New Initiate

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*AN: I'm curious, if you've played the games, which one introduced you to the series, and which one is your favorite?


All you could do was cry your little two year old heart out, at the loss of your mother.


After balling your eyes out at the death of your mother, you realize that she gave you a mission, a purpose to keep going without her.

Looking at the necklace she gave you, you look up with as much determination as a two-and-a-half year old can muster and begin gathering what you can. Grabbing as much food, clothing, and money you can, you exit the house as quietly as possible. You were now on your own, in the streets of Japan. 

(Time skip roughly two years)

You've lost track of the time you've been on your own, you've wandered all around trying to search for any clue of the symbol on the necklace. So far, you've found nothing. You've still grown stronger, and have gotten better at climbing, and running. 

However, unfortunately for you, you're running low on food, and money, having used the majority of it to pay off nearby homeless to leave you alone. You needed to resort to something drastic. Stealing. 

Walking through the shopping district, you kept to crowds, and watched for any potential targets. Soon you spotted an easy mark, an elderly couple going back home from grocery shopping. 

You slowly make your way to them trying not to act suspicious. As you walk past them you quickly reach into the old woman's purse and grab the wallet that's slightly sticking out of the top. You walked away casually, and kept moving until you reached the safety of the alley nearby. Rifling through the wallet, you grab as much cash as possible and ditch whatever you don't need. This was your first taste of stealth and criminality

Now that you have some money to survive, you decide to continue your search for the symbol. You keep looking through alleyways, and on top of rooftops, most of what you found was graffiti, or bird crap.

During your search you honed your pickpocketing skills and got better at blending into crowds. If you didn't want to be found, chances are you wouldn't be.

One day while walking through an alleyway you see a small sharp protrusion sticking out from under the street art. Using your gift, that you still do not know the name of, you see the symbol in gold. 

You look around, and try finding some sort of mechanism. You climb up the building to try to see if there's anything there. You see a skull surrounded by the symbol. Walking up to the skull you put a finger in each eye socket and pull down.

The scraping of stone on stone violates your ears and you quickly run down to the alley to see the wall has opened. Getting inside, you were met with dust and cobwebs. To make matters worse the wall closed behind you, drowning you in pitch black darkness. 

Activating your ability, you moved forward, and tried to find something to light the space around you. Soon you realize that you are on a declining slope. Dodging as many webs as you can, you eventually come across a switch on the wall. Flicking it on, you see a large room with banners all around, all of them showing off the insignia that you've been looking for for the last 2 years.

In the center of the room seems to be some sort of arena, and there were three other hallways branching away from this large central room. Walking to the one farthest to the left you follow it along until you come across a library chock full of ancient looking books and scrolls. Opening a book nearby you see it has a technique on tackling something from the air. 

Deciding that you should look around the rest of this facility before trying to learn everything in there. You walk away from the library and come back to the big room. Going into the middle hallway from the entrance, you come across a meeting room. It's large and has a stage with a giant bowl looking thing with pieces of metal sticking out of the top.

Noting nothing of importance, you go back to investigate the last hallway. You see weapons lining the walls, and little alcoves with strange looking robes. One sword in particular caught your eye.

Walking up to you it, you see engraved into the hilt, "Elizabeth Frye

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Walking up to you it, you see engraved into the hilt, "Elizabeth Frye." You have found where your mother wanted you to go. You have found a way to fight back, and learn, and avenge your mother. Now all you need to do is take that first step, and it all starts in this sanctuary.

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