Chapter 26- Quirk Apprehension Test

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This was an interesting turn.


"That's not fair!" The brunette spoke out again.

Aizawa flared up, "Fair? The world isn't fair, villain attacks, natural disasters, orphans. Do you really think we care about fairness here?" Everyone was silent, no one really thought about it like that. Aizawa continued,  "The first event is the 50 meter dash. You'll be partnered up and try your best. No holding back, got it?"

The first to go was engine man, and a frog chick. Then the green kid and Bakugo went, after a few more races it was down to you and Toga. You turned to her, "You ready to lose Himiko?" 

She smirked at you, "I should be asking you that."

You two set up at the starting line. Then there was a gunshot, "GO!" You and Toga both started running to the finish you starting getting a slight lead. Toga soon got in front of you though, and the robot at the end called out, "5.8 seconds." Then you passed it, and it called out, "6 seconds."

You took a deep breath to help regain some stamina. Toga walked up to you with a smirk, "So, were you ready for that?"

You smile, "You won the battle, but you haven't won the war."

Toga puts a hand on her hip, "Well how about this, whoever gets lower overall, has to clean the place all by themselves."

You put out your hand for a shake, "Deal." She shakes it.

The tests continue for the grip strength you get 65.4 Kg, and Toga gets 41.7 Kg.

For the standing long jump you got 3.52 m and Toga got 3.36 m.

You two had this neck and neck thing going for the whole test, until it came down to the ball throw. 

Everyone was going and getting scores from 50 meters, to a couple hundred. Until the brunette stepped to the plate. When she was given the ball, a pink sparkle came from her hands and she threw the ball. Once it left her hand, it just kept going and going.

Soon Aizawa flipped the tablet in his hand around and said, "Infinity." People starting freaking out and saying how that was impossible. "Shut up." Aizawa shut down the uproar, "Midoriya, you're up next, hurry up."

The green haired kid walked up to the circle. He seemed to go deep in thought before winding his arm back and throwing the ball. It went on and on and on through the air, and landed a whole 46 meters away.

"What! I swear I was using it!" Midoriya was freaking out trying to figure what the hell happened. 

Then he was interrupted by Aizawa who wrapped him up in his scarf and pulled Midoriya towards him. "You impractical problem child. I don't know why we decided to bring in someone as impractical as you. You can't always expect someone to be there to save you whenever you hurt yourself because of your problematic quirk." He then released Midoriya from the scarf, "Go again, either don't use your quirk and get a bad score, or use it and get hurt then expelled. Your choice."

He walked back into the circle, and went even deeper into thought than before. Pretty soon, he winded his arm back again. This time though, wind was billowing up under him and red lines covered his finger. He went to throw the ball and flicked it with his finger. The ball launched and went far far away.

It took a few seconds, but the tablet beeped again. "705.4 m" 

"DAMN DEKUUUUUU!" Bakugo literally exploded at Midoriya, but about half way there his explosions stopped and he was wrapped in Aizawa's scarf.

"Damn kids. Stop making me use my quirk, it's giving me some serious dry-eye." Bakugo made some muffled protests. "Well, we still have two people that still need to throw. You two get back with the rest of the class so they can go."

Midoriya walked back clutching his finger. Bakugo trudged back with his hands in his pockets and a scowl on his face.

"Now L/N come up to the circle."

You walk up to the circle. Aizawa tosses you a ball. You get into a pitcher's stance and prepare to throw. You take your stance, and throw the ball. It took a solid few seconds before the tablet beeped "93.4 m"

The red-head called out, "DUDE, I can't believe you did that without a quirk!" Everyone looked at him like he was crazy. To which he responded, "What? You guys didn't notice?"

Aizawa stifled their questions, "Technically he's been using his quirk the entire time." Now everyone turned to him in confusion. "His quirk is called enhanced reflexes, he can react to things just over the speed sound. He just hasn't really been able to showcase it."

People nodded in understanding except for Bakugo who just looked pissed, "How the hell did a weak quirk like that almost beat me!"

He charged again, but at you this time. Aizawa was about to make a move but you made a gesture to stop. He kept charging and as soon as you were in range, he pushed his arm forward to blast you.

In response and as a reaction, you grabbed his arm and pushed it up so he launched the explosion in the air. Then you put your other hand on his chest and slammed him down into the ground.

People ooo'd and ah'd about what just transpired. Someone shouted, "Manly!"

Aizawa broke up the reactions, "Alright, alright we all can see what he can do now, so let's get the last person up here so we can continue on with our lives, yeah? Toga, come up here."

You let go of Bakugo, and let her come up to the circle. Bakugo followed you back grumbling obscenities' to himself. You turned to watch Toga, who suddenly turned into the guy with huge lips and even bigger muscles known as Sato. 

She prepared to throw and launched the ball, "234.4 m." 

If you looked among the crowd you'd see Sato wide eyed. "What the fu-"

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