Chapter 6- A New Recruit

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*AN: Time to introduce the first assassin other than yourself. Enjoy


As you were parkouring, you heard someone struggling, and what sounded like someone choking on their own blood. 


Quickly looking over the edge of the building, you see a man clutching his throat and another man pinning a girl against the wall. On the ground you can see a small knife coated in blood. You couldn't see what the girl looked like though.

Thinking quickly, you jumped down catching the ledge on the opposite building, and jumping back and forth until you reach the ground. 

As soon as your feet touched the ground, you ran up to the man and put him in a chokehold. He released the girl and started gasping for air. 

Now able to actually see the girl, she had blonde hair, and golden eyes. She seemed scared, yet excited at the same time. She wore a school uniform that was splattered with blood, and she seemed to be wanting to get to the knife on the ground a few feet away from you.

 She wore a school uniform that was splattered with blood, and she seemed to be wanting to get to the knife on the ground a few feet away from you

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(AN: Credit for this amazing artwork, goes to Kaxukin on DeviantArt. Hope they don't mind me using their artwork.)

She grabbed it with both hands, and aimed the tip of the knife at the two of us. Although it was kind of in vain, the man in your hold was knocked out and probably wouldn't get back up for a while.

Looking at her you put your hands up as a show of peace towards her. You quickly asked her, "What are you doing out here all alone and with a knife no less."

She was hesitant to respond, but did anyways, "I have no where else to go, my parents kicked me out because of my quirk, and I don't have any relatives to take care of me. As for the knife, I need some sort of protection on the streets."

You nodded in understanding, looking back at the now dead man with a slit throat, you realized that she had promise. You spoke, "I have a proposition for you, if you accept you get food, shelter, and a purpose in life. If you decline you get to live the same as you have been, and I forget I ever saw you."

She was definitely skeptical, a random dude just came up to her and pretty much offered her everything she needed right now. It was too good to be true. "What's the proposition, I need to know what I'm getting into before I decline or accept."

You looked up at the rooftops above you two, "How about we have this conversation not five feet away from a dead body, and a little more in private, hmm? Maybe where you've been staying currently?"

She slowly put the knife down and nodded, prepared to show you where she was holed up.

Much to your astonishment, she scaled up the wall with practiced ease, and looked down at you from the edge. You quickly followed behind her and once you were on solid ground, you looked at her.

She didn't really expect you to be able to follow her. She had a face of shock that quickly turned to seriousness as she ran across the rooftops, jumping and parkouring to her current living arrangements. You followed her, and with the way she was moving made it seem like she was on the rooftops often. It was a wonder how you hadn't met her already.

Soon you arrived at a run down apartment complex that had no lights on and it looked like it was leaning to one side. She jumped to one of the balconies and then climbed up to the roof of the building. You followed her, thankful for the hook blade and it's usefulness in climbing. 

As you peaked over the edge you saw her enter a hole in the roof and assumed that was the entrance. Walking over to the hole you looked down to see nothing but inky darkness. Taking a deep breath in you jumped down the hole and hoped you would land safely. 

With an "oof" you landed on something, and realized it was a pile of mattresses. Looking around, the place wasn't too bad, it was lit by candlelight, and there seemed to be some pretty comfy furniture around. 

Looking at one of the couches, you saw the girl sitting there. She was waiting for your proposition and wanted to know what was so good for you to follow her down a dark hole in the roof of a run down apartment.

You got up and dusted yourself, realizing this was some sort of safehouse that people wouldn't know about, you took of your hood. You couldn't see it in the light but she blushed at your face.

Quickly recollecting herself, she spoke, "So what proposition is so important for you to follow me into a dump like this?"

You glanced at her before sitting down at a couch somewhere else in the room. Once you were situated, you looked at her, "I want your help in rebuilding a world saving organization. I want you to become an assassin." 

You showed her the symbol, on your necklace. Her eyes seem to glint. She was still reluctant though, you sounded kind of crazy by putting, "assassin" and "world saving" in the same boat.

You continued, "I can't tell you a lot about the organization, without revealing many secrets of the world to you. But know this. You would be a major asset to have. Your skill set so far is already assassin material. I can only imagine what your quirk could be."

As you mentioned her quirk, the glint in her eyes faded, and was quickly replaced with something cold and lifeless. She spoke, but her tone was dead and monotone, "You wouldn't say that if you knew what it was."

This peaked your interest. What was so bad about her quirk? "So why don't you tell me what it is then?" 

She tensed up and was reluctant to speak. She did though, and was prepared for the worst, "My quirk is called Transform, if I ingest someone's blood I take on their appearance. The duration of the transformation depends on how much blood I've ingested." After the words left her mouth her head hung low and she didn't want to meet your eyes.

You sat there in shocked silence. This quirk. Was. Perfect. So much infiltration, and approach would go so much faster. Info gathering, and using other's to frame or throw off authorities. So many uses in one quirk was astounding, and you made sure she knew it. "That is absolutely, positively perfect!" 

Her head shot up and there were tears in her eyes. You kept going, "Your quirk would be amazing as an assassin, we literally kill people, you could kill a guard and infiltrate a building without any effort, or use someone else's face to throw people off our trail." 

You were in La La Land in imagining how much easier assassin life would be if you had that quirk. Until you heard a quiet, "Toga." You turned your head to the girl, she had a genuine smile on her face and had tears threatening to pour out. 

"My name is Himiko Toga, and I accept."

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