Chapter 13- A Date With Himiko Pt.1

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Well, at least as normal as two trained killers can make it.


You and Toga arrived at the mall and just took in the size of it. It wasn't huge by any means, but it was still a large building. You hoped to never have to climb it. 

Finally getting over the size of the thing, the two of you moved inside to try to figure out something to do.

"Well we both need new clothes, so we should probably start there." You rationalized. Toga nodded in agreement, and with that the both of you made your way to the clothes store. 

As you two were walking Toga suddenly got an excited gleam in her eye, "Hey, why don't we pick one outfit for each other?"

The sudden look of confusion flashed on your face, "Why would we do that?"

"Because it sounds fun, and we get to see what we think would look good on each other. Although we should probably set some ground rules for it."

While walking you two decided on a few things. One, nothing overly skimpy or otherwise indecent. Didn't need two pre-teens walking around like they just came from the red-light district. Two, keep it in a reasonable price range. It would suck to have them run out of money on the first thing. Third and finally, you have to wear the outfit picked for you for the rest of the date.

After walking for a bit you two gave a quick peck to each other's lips and separated. You continue walking until you get to a pop-culture store and look around. You don't find much but you do find a t-shirt you think fit her nicely. 

You then move onto a new store. It was a bit more upscale and expensive. You found a pink zip-up sweatshirt and a dark skirt. Now you just needed accessories and shoes. 

Shoes were a no brainer for you. Buying some high-tops just felt right. Accessories on the other hand were more difficult. You didn't think you needed to add much. She was beautiful already. So you did the logical thing and didn't get her any. 

Using your Eagle Vision, you spotted Toga on a floor above you. Although upon further inspection, your blood started to boil. 

There were three guys trying to hit on her. The one in front looked like he was part hedgehog. One of what seemed to be his lackeys had demonic red wings. The other had shoulder length hair and his fingers seemed weirdly long.

Looking around for the best way to get there you decided on climbing. The escalator was on the other side of the mall and the elevator was cramped with people, wheelchairs, and strollers. 

You took a running start and climbed on one of the kiosks. You then jump from kiosk to kiosk, until you reach a banner that hung from the railing of the second floor. Gripping on either side of the canvas, you ascend using just your arm strength. As soon as your hands touch the railing you were over it and were ready to defend your girlfriend. 

Now that you looked over they now had another victim. A girl around your age with violet hair and aux cords hanging from her ears. She was on the smaller side, in height, and in figure. 

Taking light steps, you get behind the harassers. You catch the tail end of the blonde one's statement, "-and why should I care about some shitty extra being your boyfriend!?"

At this point Toga met your eyes, and the mischievous glint was unmistakable. "Maybe because that, 'shitty extra' as you called him is right behind you."

The three looked back to see you in all your glory. Your arms were crossed and you were easily taller than them and more in shape. Especially in the winged one's case. Just the size difference clearly intimated the lackeys, but the blonde one was unaffected. You then suddenly smirk, "I'd be happy if you could leave my girlfriends alone."

The purple haired one suddenly grew a blush, but didn't correct you. Now wasn't the time. 

The blonde one then suddenly pushed past the two of his lackeys, "Huh! How did some ass monkey like you get a girlfriend, let alone two?!"

You didn't hesitate in a reply, "Maybe because I don't act like an asshole like you. What with all your shit-talking."

This irritated him and he sent a palm strike at your face. You smacked his hand up and had your fist an inch away from his chest. The explosion that came out of his palm reverberated throughout the mall. 

He went to attack with his other hand, but his grunts held him back. "Bakugo, chill! This dude almost knocked you on your ass and you didn't even notice."

He was struggling in their grip. "What are you extra's talking about?!" He then looked and saw your fist centimeters away from his chest. "Tch, whatever, I have better things to be doing."

You glared at his back until he disappeared into the crowd and you turned your attention to the two girls in front of you. Toga instantly latched onto you and it didn't seem like she was letting go anytime soon.

The other girl had a light blush on her face, as well as an awed face at your reactions. You figured you should rectify the situation with her. "Sorry about calling you my girlfriend, I figured, that would be enough to scare them off."

She quickly waved her hands in front of her. "No no, it's ok I'm glad you did."

You smirked, "Woah, didn't think you'd be that forward."

Her blush was atomic, "I didn't mean it like that. I meant to get me out of there. I did the same thing to your girlfriend, trying to get her out of there. You saw how that turned out though. Name's Kyoka Jiro."

"Y/N Kenway, and this little hugger, is Himiko Toga." A muffled 'Mph' came out of your chest. 

She collected herself, "Nice to meet you. I should get going though." She pulled out a paper and pen and wrote something down. "This is my number, I'd like to repay you somehow, so just give me a call and we can hang out."

She then started to walk away, and you had a thought. Did she just ask you out in front of your girlfriend?

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