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Was my dad lying? Was life getting back at me for my past ways?

That can't be, I never broke a girl's heart on purpose. They knew how I was, I always told them that whatever happened was just a one time thing. They knew how I was and they still came back.

I didn't mean to eavesdrop and after what I heard, I wished I hadn't. My brother had the love of the girl I was starting to feel something for.

I love you, Jace. Forever... Those five words keep playing in my head.

I had come upstairs to tell my mom that breakfast was already made when I heard Jace and Zoe from my room and heard my brother say that he loves Zoe with having her saying them back and as soon as I heard her, I left.

I felt almost sick and it worried me but for another reason, I was already infatuated with this girl and I've known her for no more than forty eight hours.

"Mom, can I ask you something?" I said as I entered her room and seeing that she was already awake.

She nodded. "Yeah, sure."

I closed the door so Jace nor Zoe could hear me. "Is there something going one between Jace and Zoe? I already asked my dad and he said that they were only friends but I just heard them say I love you to each other." I rambled.

At first, my mom looked confused as to why I needed to close the door and then, it turned into amusement. "Oh, Eric, they are only friends, best friends. They love each other but not in the way you're thinking." She said with an understanding yet still amused expression and a small smile.

I nodded and she motioned for me to open the door. We stepped outside her room and she went downstairs. I didn't know what to do, do I believe my parents who think the same thing or believe the facts but then, I remembered what Zoe had told me before about people believing what they want and not making sure if it's true or not.

I decided to ask her once we went out with Maggie and Jace. I wish it could just be the two of us so I could know her better but I guess this was good too, I didn't want Jace to know that I had taken Zoe out on a date and having him think that I'd hurt her.

As the day went by, we had watched Maggie open her presents. Our family never liked giving presents, only Santa was allowed to bring presents. As long as our family was together and healthy, we didn't need presents from one another.

Since it was Christmas day, most restaurants would be closed or so we thought. We didn't want to risk it and instead, Zoe came up with the idea of taking a picnic basket with ice cream, cookies and chocolate in it.

After that, we all took showers so we could go out. I had to take a slightly cold shower after watching Zoe come out of the bathroom and she had clothes on, otherwise I would've taken the coldest shower with the risk of hipothermia. She had put on a sweater and jeans but she looked so fresh with her long and damp hair resting on her shoulder and the waves crafting as it began drying.

I was the last one to be ready so Jace and Zoe were waiting for me in the kitchen, Maggie was watching cartoons and had a volley ball next to her.

I realised that Zoe was the type of girl that dressed in a comfortable way. She looked, well, like herself. Beautiful and effortless. She... I can't even explain her, words are not enough when it comes to her. Anything she does looks natural...

"Are we ready to go?" Jace asked, looking at me as I realised that I was spacing out, again.

I felt my cheeks getting hotter so I went to the fridge as I replied. "Uh, yeah. You guys ready?" I finished as I busied myself looking for something so nobody asked about the redness covering my cheeks.

"Jace, you have the blankets?" I heard Zoe ask my brother, her voice soft and fuck! Why do I keep thinking of her like I've never seen a woman, a beautiful one, in my life.

"Yeah, let me get Maggie." He told her and left the kitchen to go to the television room, leaving me and Zoe alone. We hadn't ran into each other since this morning and I wish I could spend time alone with her while we were on the beach.

After we arrived and settled, Maggie decided to play volleyball. She decided I would be with her while Zoe and Jace were on the other side of the net.

A few rematches later and we were sitting on the blankets, digging on the different snacks we brought. We were all talking about movies and discovered that Zoe's personal favorite was Titanic. Maggie spoke most of the time and was telling Zoe about all the movies she's watched.

Everything was going fine until Jace froze and spoke to me. "Uh oh, Eric, nine o'clock." I was confused until it clicked in my head that that meant to turn to my left.

"Eric, you have a visitor." My mom told me, referring to the overly dressed brunette woman standing next to her.

If only I knew I'd be falling for the woman sitting next to my brother who was discreetly fidgeting with her hands, I would've restraint myself of getting laid with a bunch of women, thinking it'd be as easy to make them understand I wasn't looking for any commitment.

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