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Happy New Year to whoever reads my story!

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I had been asleep for maybe a couple of hours when my phone rang. I wasn't going to answer but it might be something important so I reached for it and answered it without looking at the screen.


"Hi, uhm," A girl's soft voice said. "Is this Eric?" She asked.

By now, I was awake. I couldn't recognize the voice though, I've never heard it before so it mustn't be from one of my one night stands. "Yeah, who are you?"

A male's voice could be heard in the background. "Jace, shush it..." Jace? The girl hissed at my brother and then, it sounded like she closed a door. "Hi, uhm, I'm Zoe. I'm a friend of your brother and well, sorry for calling you. I know you must be really busy but he asked me to call you and beg for you to come home for Christmas tomorrow. He told me you said you couldn't but he still asked me to ask you because he wanted that so yeah..." She trailed off and I couldn't help but, slightly, chuckle at her ramble, it was really cute and her voice was really sweet which made me almost forget that she was telling me something important.

"Yeah, don't worry but like I told him, I can't leave. I wish I could but I can't. Sorry..." I told her and crossed my fingers. Please, don't let this come back and bite me in the ass.

"Uhm, yeah. I'll tell him that, again." She said and I chuckled making her chuckle as well, and man, did she had a pretty laugh.

"Yes, please." I said.

"Alright, well I have to go and tell him and pray he doesn't kill me for this." She said, her voice softer than before.

Damn! All this trouble just because I won't be home for Christmas. Now, I seriously feel bad, I involved this Zoe girl and she'll have to deal with a pissed and sad Jace.

"Eric, eric? Hello?"

I snapped out of my thoughts and realised that I was still on the phone. "Yeah, sorry. Listen, if Jace says something to you, just call me and I'll calm him down. Alright?" I said before realising what I said. I know my brother won't do anything or say anything to her but she sounded so sweet, I said that. It's not her fault my lie.

She just scoffed. "Oh, don't worry about that. I know how to tame Jace. Well, it was nice talking to you but I really need to get going so until next time, I guess." She said.

"Yeah," It was nice talking to you too. I wanted to say. "Bye." I told her.

"Bye and Merry Christmas." She said and hung up.

"Merry Christmas to you too." I said to the now, deadline.

I remained seated on the bed for a few minutes, just processing what happened. Jace made this Zoe girl call me and pursue me to come home, finding out that this Zoe girl has a really nice voice and leaving me wanting to hear more of her voice.

I shook my head and went back to sleep. Seriously, me thinking of some girl I haven't even met and barely talk to her on the phone. I really need to get laid soon.

The next morning, I woke up early and had some breakfast before leaving for the airport.

The flight was tedious to say the least. I'm not a big fan of flights but I couldn't drive at this time of the year with so much snow. Plus, it'll take me a lot of time to arrive home.

When I finally arrived home, it was almost one in the afternoon which was not bad at all. I approached the door and rang the bell because I just couldn't go inside when my family wasn't expecting anybody and so it was truly a surprise for me to arrive.

I had to wait a couple of minutes at the most when someone opened the door but when I looked up to see my receiver, I was taken aback.

Am I in the right house? I asked myself and took a step back to see the number of the house I was at. 1520. I'm definetely at my house, unless my parents sold the house but that was impossible because my sister and brother were in love with this house so there was no way in hell that this house could be sold.

I looked back at the angel that was standing in front of me, well, not really an angel but close because this girl was definetely beautiful and soon, it clicked. The hazel eyes, the chocolate brown hair and now, I can see for myself the beautiful lips she has and the eyelashes that were too perfect to be natural but they were, complementing the eyes that did no justice to the description Jace gave me.

"Zoe?" Someone called her, making her look back and then, back at me.

"Who's at the door, darling?" My mother appeared next to her, drying her hands on a towel.

"Your son who made your other son suffer." Zoe said with a smirk latched on to her soft features, making her look like trouble.

Fuck This girl is going to be the death of me with her innocent looks but maybe, not so innocent mind.

Thank you for reading and excuse my grammar!

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