Twenty Four

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Twenty Four


I couldn't sleep all night long and to top it off, I cried because of a man. I kept going to the bathroom, trying not to make any noise so I wouldn't wake up anyone. Everytime I'd feel the need to cry, I'll spend it on a corner in the bathroom until I'd calm myself down and go back to Maggie's room. By six I was still awake, I had officially pulled an all nighter. I felt exhausted because of all the crying I did not because of not being able to sleep all night. I guess that's the perk of college life: not getting sleep trying to finish a proyect.

I went downstairs and to the television room. Still quietly, I turned on the television, going through all the channels and not finding anything interesting but I kept changing them, hopeful of finding something to watch to make time go faster so I could have Maggie hang with me and maybe even Jace. Everything so I could not think of Eric.

I couldn't stop thinking about him though. Everything had been good, perfect even, yesterday until we were making cookies that he seemed a bit distant. We didn't share another kiss after the one outside his house, only small smiles and glances. We didn't talk as we waited for the cookies to bake and that's when it started. He seemed to look at nowhere in particular and as soon as his family arrived, he bolted to his room with the door closed. Jace went to wake him up when dinner time rolled around but he said that Eric wouldn't wake up, that or he didn't want to come downstairs to avoid me. That's what my mind kept telling me because I couldn't find any other reason after he seemed to enjoy our kisses together.

Does he regrets it? I thought I would and it turned out that he was the one doing all the regretting.

Until I remembered that Eric is a player, Jace comfirmed it and Rose and Hailey were proof of it. I let myself fall for it when I promised I wouldn't let him get near me as I was not sure if I wanted to put myself out there to be played even when knowing what I'd get myself into.


Stupid mind that won't shut up. I gave up by seven and decided to start breakfast, knowing that the Smiths were early risers. All of them except for Eric and there it goes again, me thinking of him.

First I went to the bathroom to try to get rid of the tear stains on my cheeks and to refresh my face after the lack of sleep. Back in the kitchen, I started taking the ingredients for breakfast and then remembered yesterday when Eric and I hung out and how easy it had been to talk to him and be with him.

Maybe it was me thinking of Eric or my lack of sleep or me being a klutz. "Shit." I hissed when I felt a sharp pain on my hand and wrist as I attempted to cut mango slices and the knife slipped from it and cut my skin instead. I dropped the mango and knife and went to the sink to let the water clean the cut.

My eyes widen at the sight of the gash on my hand. The pain of when it went through wasn't as bad as the cut. It was at least four inches long but not too deep which was good.

I faintly heard footsteps from behind me but I didn't turn around until an alarmed voice spoke. "Shit, Zoe! What happened?" It was Eric. Of course it had to be him. The person I spent all night crying for had to be the one finding me in this state of stupidity after having pulled an all nighter.

"Nothing." I mumbled as I tried not to cry once again. At that moment, everything was taking a toll on me, my lack of sleep, my broken heart and the pain from my cut.

Eric was looking for something on the drawers after looking at my still bleeding cut. "What do you mean with nothing? This is obviously something." He said as he took my hand and put an old looking towel around my hand and wrist to stop the bleeding and then led me to the kitchen entrance while applying pressure.

"Happy Birth- What happened?" Jace worriedly asked us when he saw my hand. He came closer to me and took my hand in his. "Come here." He took me from Eric and led me to the bathroom. Once in there, he took the first aid kit and prepares whatever he'd need to attend my injury.

I felt something on my arm and turned to look at Eric taking the towel from my hand, making my eyes widen at the sight of so much blood covering the towel. I didn't think the cut had been that deep. "Zoe, I'll have to put alcohol to prevent any infections. Are you okay with it?" Jace asked me and as much as I didn't want to feel the sting, I knew I didn't have an option. It was for the better and I'd rather get it healed sooner than having the constant pain on it. I vaguely nodded at him, causing a tear to slip from my eye. "Here, come." He told me as he sat on the toilet seat and brought me to sit on his lap.

I obliged and prepared myself for the sting. As soon as I saw the cotton ball wet with the alcohol, I hid my face in Jace's chest and shut my eyes. A couple of seconds later, the sting started but seeing as my cut was long, it seemed as if the pain had multiplied ten times causing me to let out a high pitched scream which probably woke the entire neighborhood up.

I kept crying as my wound was still being attended but I remained hidden on Jace's chest. It seemed as the cut has taken what little energy I had still in me. I found myself feeling sleepy and a few minutes later, I felt Jace carry me and started walking.

"What happened?" It was the third time I heard someone ask but I could barely hear the hushed voices as I continued sobbing and whimpering but at that point, I couldn't care any less about who was watching me. I was drained and all I wanted to do was sleep to get over everything that has happened in the past twenty four hours.

I felt Jace's chest vibrate as he was probably explaining his parents what had happened and then he stopped and he started walking again. He went up the stairs and kept walking until he stopped and tried laying me down but I stopped him by clutching myself to him, I didn't want him to leave me. He cooed sweet nothings in my ear, successfully calming me down until I had almost stopped whimpering.

The last thing I remember was feeling a kiss on top of my head and a faintly murmur of 'Happy Birthday' against my lips.

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