Forty One

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Forty One


As soon as the flight attendant let us use our phones, I pulled out mine and checked for any missed texts or calls. I had a missed call from my boss and a text from Zoe. I ignored the missed call and opened my girlfriend's text.

'Just arrived.

I miss you.

Call me when you can.

-Zoe x'

I smiled stupidly at my phone that even my taxi driver gave me a weird look but I couldn't stop.

Zoe was everything I could've asked for in a woman and more. My heart starts beating uncontrollably at the mere thought of her.

The first thing I did when I stepped into my apartment was calling Zoe. She answered at the third ring. "Hey, how was your flight?" She asked as soon as she picked up.

"Hey, beautiful. It felt short actually, I just couldn't stop thinking about you." I told her honestly.

"Oh..." She whispered and I could tell she was blushing and looking down. Her hair was probably falling and she may tuck it behind her ear once she took a deep breath. "I miss you." She said so lowly I almost didn't catch it.

"I miss you too." I said in a tone higher than her.

We talked for almost two hours but it felt like a couple of seconds.

Getting sleep that night was next to impossible. Something was missing and it was Zoe sleeping besides me with her head on my shoulder and her hand wrapped around my waist, her legs intertwined with mine. By five in the morning, it was clear that I wasn't falling asleep anytime soon so I decided to just get up and start my day.

First, I texted Zoe to have a good day for when she woke up. Next, I changed into a pair of sweatpants and a simple shirt so I could go for a run. The sky was a bit clouded and the wind was chilling my body but as I ran, I began to feel comfortable. I kept running for almost an hour. My legs were killing me but I needed to get rid of all the weight I put on from Christmas. I also needed to think of something else other than Zoe. Not because I want to forget about her now that I'm not with her. I wanted to keep her off my mind or else, I'll catch the next flight to get to her and hold her and kiss those beautiful pink lips of hers.

Faster than I could react, my face was on the ground and everything was spinning. I couldn't feel my legs and keeping my eyes open was a struggle. I put my hands on the ground to get up but I couldn't. My body felt ten time heavier and I was starting to see black dots everywhere.

"Eric!" I heard a female's voice call me from afar. At first I thought it was Zoe's voice but then I remember that she's not here. Who's calling me then? "Eric, hold on. It's okay." I know that voice but from where? "Can you roll over?" Oh, Mindy.

"What are you doing here?" I rasped out and realized how rude I sounded. "Sorry, how did you found me?" I asked her as I rolled over. I squintet my eyes and saw her blonde hair and then her eyes. She looked thiner than the last time I saw her.

"I had just begun my morning walk and saw you collapse from afar. What happened to you?" She wondered. I could see the worry in her eyes and a frown on her lips.

I sat up with her help and answered. "I don't know. I had been running and suddenly I'm on the ground. I guess I was just distracted."

"...and sleep deprived. You look like shit. Weird on you." She teased.

I wanted to roll my eyes so bad at her and her comment but I could barely move. Even when I just fell, she won't stop her flirtatious ways. "Thank you for the ego boost." I joked so I didn't sound like a prick. After all, she's helping me. "...and for helping me." I added. "I better get back home and get some sleep." I said as I tried standing up.

Mindy was fast to help me and I was unfortunately grateful. I didn't want to make her think that I wanted her but I could barely stand so I'll have to suck it up and accept the very much needed help. "Let me help you get home." She offered and put my arm around her shoulder so I could support myself.

Of all people that could help me, it had to be Mindy. She wasn't a bad person, just very persistant. The reason I didn't want her with me right now was because of Zoe. Mindy is one of the many girls I had a one night stand with. I wasn't scared or worried about cheating on Zoe. I'd never do that, especially to my beautiful girlfriend. I just wanted to keep my past in my past. I didn't want Zoe to doubt me and I didn't want to give her any reasons for her to doubt me. She was already scared to be involved with me because of the past and the distance.

My legs were about to give up on me and my eyes were stinging by the time we made it to my apartment. I let Mindy open my door with my key and went inside. "Thank you for helping me, again. I'll take it from here." I told her but she shook her head.

"You can barely stand by yourself. I'll help you to your bed and then I'll be on my way out." She told me. I tried protesting but she wasn't having any of it. She was already helping me to my bed. As soon as I reached it, I sat. My phone started ringing at the same time. "I'll bring it to you, don't worry." She said once she saw I tried moving. The ringing stopped and Mindy wouldn't come back with my phone. I wanted to get it myself but it was getting even more difficult to move. As my head started spinning again, I laid completely on the bed and took deep breaths.

I tried thinking of something else to make me forget about the dizziness and the headache. I thought of Zoe and how beautiful she is. I thought of the day I apologized and when she let me in. Her face when she saw me outside her dorm room and her blush when I asked her to be my girlfriend. I thought of her smile and of her laugh. I pictured her in my head with her silky brown hair, her soft gaze and her cute nose and her full lips...

The last thing I heard was the door clicking shut.

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