Forty Nine

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Forty Nine


After I came back from resolving the problem with Zoe, I was able to sleep better. But I still felt stressed at the thought of running into Mindy. I was still mad at her and I don't think I can forgive her.

"I take it you made up with her." My boss stated from the doorway of my office.

"Huh?" I asked stupidly.

"Please tell me you did make up with that girlfriend of yours." He said.

I smiled at remembering my girlfriend. "Yeah, we did." I told him.

"Great, when will I meet her?" He asked as he walked and took a seat in front of me.

I chuckled. "I hope I can bring her soon. We wanted her to come for spring break but her friends along with my brother may be going so she may go as well." I explained a little sadly. I wanted to have her all for myself but I know she's loved by her friends and want to be with her.

My boss nodded. "By the way, how's your brother?" He asked.

"He's sick again. Doctors say he'll be incredibly lucky if he makes it past this year." I told him as I looked down. The last thing I want is for Jace to die but it's inevitable. What has kept me going is Jace. He's made me see that he will be better and won't hurt when he dies. And I don't want him to suffer here, fighting for his life when he could just enjoy it.

"I've told you before and I tell you once again, if you need anything, tell me and I'll help you with anything I can." He told me in a serious tone.

I smiled. "Thank you." I said. "Oh, by the way, she's my girlfriend." I added as I pulled out my phone and showed him the screensaver with a photo of me and Zoe when we went to the beach. "Her name is Zoe Bradley." I stated proudly. If I could, I would show my girlfriend off to every single person in the universe.

"Bradley?" He asked and I nodded. "By any chance is she related to Oliver Bradley?"

I nodded but was still confused. "Yeah, that's her dad." I told him. "How do you know?"

"I know her parents. Oliver and my son, Robert, are friends since college. I remember being invited to celebrate Christmas with them. They adopted Daniel Peterson, now Bradley too." He explained. I remember Zoe telling me about the situation with her brother. "I always thought those two were going to end up together." He said and chuckled.

I felt myself freezing as he said that. "Why?" I found myself asking. I feel like I was asking for a question I wouldn't like.

"Relax, boy. I don't think little Zoe would be with you if she felt something for her older brother, Daniel, which is creepy just like I sounded right now." He said and I could relax a bit but not enough yet. I think it was me being insecure on my relationship because Zoe could have any guy she wants and she's with the guy who's never been in a relationship and has had a lot of night stands to last him a lifetime. "You can't be really considering my words right now." My boss chastited.

"But what if she feels something for him and she just doesn't realize it?" I wondered in fear. I can't believe I'm asking this question. I feel like I'm betraying Zoe for thinking like this but I'm afriad of losing her. I know that's not an excuse though.

"I won't even answer that. You have to be out of your mind to think that." He said and stood up. I feel like he was disappointed in me. And he's right to think that. "I need to leave now. I can't deal with this much stupidity right now." He said at last and left my office.

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