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I could feel Eric staring at every movement I made. Neither of us have said anything since he offered his help.

Thankfully, I just have to put her in bed so I could get away from him. Not that he was making me uncomfortable, well yes, he was, but not in a bad way, more like a good way, if that even makes sense.

It was just that his presence is really overwhelming. He looks really comfortable in his person and he's respectful and in top of that, he's a really good son. Nothing bad so far but at the same time, I want to get away from him. He makes me nervous and makes me shiver when I walk by him.

No man has ever made me blush with just a look but Eric has managed that. I've had only two boyfriends in my life and neither made me as nervous as Eric has but I guess it was his eyes, I still wasn't sure if his eyes were brown or a really dark green but they were, indeed, captivating and they stood out thanks to his chocolate brown hair.

I finished brushing Maggie's hair and tried to take her from Eric but he shook his head. "I got it." He said. I decided to turn on her bedside lamp and went to switch her room light off. I saw Eric tucking Maggie in and the action made my heart flutter.

He was so dedicated to his family and even though I still wanted to dislike him for breaking Jace's heart, I know I can't because I could se that his intentions were genuine, he just wanted to surprise him, he just didn't think this through.

He, finally, gave Maggie a kiss on her forehead and wish her goodnight. He turned to me and walked until he was in front of me. He buried his hands on his jeans' pockets and just stood there, smiling at me.

"Uhm, you're good with kids." He told me after staring at each other for a few seconds that felt like years.

I blushed, again, and looked down, tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear because I didn't know what else to do. "Uhm, thanks?" I told him, which sounded more like a question.

"Thanks?" He asked with amusement dancing on his eyes.

"Well, I don't know if you're complimenting me." I told him. My awkwardness was gone by now, I don't know but it was easy talking to him and it is comfortable, I just don't know what I get so nervous under his gaze.

"Well, I was definetely complimenting you." He said with a teasing yet beautiful smile.

"Thank you." I said and looked back at Maggie.

"You're welcome." He said, so close to my ear that I had to supress the shiver that wanted to spread all over my body. When did he move that I didn't notice.

I turned around while grabbing the door handle. "I think we should let her sleep." I told him and let the door ajar so the lights from outside didn't disturbe her. He nodded and stepped aside, letting me go first. We went to the kitchen to help his parents.

"You smell like a baby." Jace said from behind me but my reaction was completely different to the one I had with Eric. I just rolled my eyes and turn to look at him.

"Why are you sniffing me?" I asked him as I crossed my arms over my chest.

Jace put his hands up in surrender and just smirked at me. Suddenly, he brought his lips to my forehear and pressed a kiss on it. I just smiled at the action and then, someone caught my eye from behind Jace.

Daniel just raised his eyebrows in suggestion while smirking at me. There's nothing romantic going on between me and Jace and Daniel knows that but he loves teasing me and is trying to push us together but Jace and I just see each other like siblings. He's really protective of me like Daniel but it means nothing more.

I just blushed because the kiss was unexpected, he's never done that before, and really sweet because I know that he really cares about me. I turned back around to continue what I was doing but Eric caught my gaze but it wasn't like last time.

This time, he looked away when I saw him unlike last time, when we just stood there, looking at each other. I, slightly, shrugged at him or at me, maybe I was just seeing things and he had barely looked in my direction.

Daniel came next to me and spoke to Mr. Smith. "Mr. Jacob, I need to get going. Thank you for letting me spend time with you."

"So soon?" Mrs. Smith spoke before her husband.

"Yeah, it's time for the dance." Daniel said and winced at the word 'dance'. He really isn't a big fan of dancing but his girlfriend, Carla, invited him to go with her family. "Merry Christmas." He said and Jace walked him to the door after all of us wished him the same.

"I hope his girlfriend sends us a video of him dancing." Jace chuckled as he stood next to me.

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