Seventy Three

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Seventy Three


She's so beautiful.

She's the best thing that could've happen to me.

I simply love her and I don't think I'll ever stop.

But I know I should.

I waited a bit until she fell completely asleep so I could lay her on her bed. She looks so tired and she's still sick but she looks better today. I don't know what it is about this girl and at the same time I know that it is everything about her that I love. Her pretty face, the way she smiles and the way her eyes sparkled when she looked at me. Her body and how comfortable we used to be around each other. But what I love the most is her essence. Her thoughts and how strong she is. Most importantly, I love her selflessness which destroyed me but I rather have my heart broken than knowing she's not happy with me or with her self.

Angie arrived so I had to go. I'm not allowed to stay and admire her. I took one last look at her and brushed her hair away from her face, kissing the corner of her mouth afterwards.

Just as I was leaving, Angie stepped out of the room and stopped me. "She loves you." She told me truthfully but it felt like she was mocking me, making me happy just so I could realize that I couldn't have her. "If you really love her, I can help you, guys."

My eyes widen. "I'd love that but she married my brother. She doesn't want me back." I explained.

"She does. She just thinks that she's going to disrespect Jace." She said.

"If we see it that way..."

"Don't you dare finish that sentence." She pointed at me with her finger. "You, more than anyone else, knows Jace, right?" I nodded. "You think he would've married Zoe if he didn't want her to be happy again?" I thought about her words for a few seconds. She's right, I guess. Jace wouldn't have agreed to that if he knew he was going to leave Zoe alone.

"But I'm still his brother. I shouldn't be going after my brother's wife. No matter who she is." I tried explaining her or maybe I was trying to reason with myself.

Angie sighed. I could tell that I was pissing her off. "You know what? I don't think you really love her. I think you're just finding excuses not to be with her. But just remember that one day, she'll come to terms with herself that she can be with someone again and if you do nothing, she'll find someone else to love." She said and entered her room.

I do love Zoe. I love her more than anything. She's completed me. I've never wanted anyone else more in my life. Am I really making up excuses?

Five weeks later...

Zoe is looking incredibly beautiful with her long gown. Her brown long hair is down in waves and she's wearing pink reddish lipstick while her eyes and lashes have a little black in them. There's only one thing missing on her. Her smile. She's glad she finished school but she's sad because Jace's death is still recent. It's felt like a long time since Jace left and at the same time it feels like it was just yesterday when he left.

Today would've been Jace's graduating day as well but I'm confident that he's watching us with a big, big smile.

"...Jace Michael Smith."

The principal called the name which means I'll stand up and receive Jace's diploma. The school comitee informed us that they agreed we should get it. Jace had been an excellent student and that giving us his degree was the least they could do.

I stood up just like Jace would've done and walked through the stage while I greeted and said thank you to the comiteé. Meanwhile everyone was cheering for Jace, especially my parents, Maggie and his friends.

After the reception of the diplomas, we all headed back to my house. Zoe, Daniel and the rest didn't feel like celebrating without Jace so instead my mom invited them for a tiny celebration in honor of Jace. When we finished eating, Zoe decided to take a walk on the beach. I wanted to follow her and I wanted to stay where I was but the want and need of following her won.

Zoe was walking with the water touching her bare feet. She was hugging herself with the sweater she's wearing. She'd tuck strands of her soft hair when the air picked up behind her ear.

I was frozen in place as I saw her. She is unbelievably beautiful. I love her so much. She's pure and real. She's caring and selfless and I'm going to fight for her. I won't let something good in my life slip from me or let it be taken away from me just like life took Jace from me and from the people who love him.


I turned to the source of the voice and saw Zoe sitting on the sand with her knees close to her chest. She looked at me expectantly and then gestured me to sit next to her.

"How are you?" I asked her once I sat down next to her. The air picked up again and her scent reached my nose. She was smelling of mango and something sweet, maybe vanilla.

She turned to me and let her cheek rest against her knees. Her eyes shining and gorgeous. "I'm better, thanks. How are you?" She wondered.

"I'm better too." I said. "You look beautiful today." I decided to tell her. It's not like I'm lying.

"Just today?" She teased with an evil but playful glint in her eyes.

I relaxed when she asked that. I feel like she was going to tell me to stop talking to her like we are a couple. "You look beautiful every day." I said.

"Even when I wake up?" She challenged.

I smiled brightly. "Especially when you wake up... and when you smile." I teased but I was still being truthful. Her eyes widen and her cheeks flushed. Her smile faltered but it was still there. "Do you want to have breakfast? Tomorrow morning? Maybe?" I decided to leave it like that. I wanted her back but I didn't want to make her more uncomfortable. I'll let her take her time and let her realize that we can be together again on her own and on her own terms.

"Uh..." Her soft voice hesitated. "Sure."

I let out a breath in relief. I was almost sure that she was going to reject my proposal. "Okay." I bimmed. "I'll pick you up tomorrow." I told her and I didn't mean to do it, it just came to me the sudden need to kiss her cheek. It was brief but I felt everything and I'm sure she felt something to as she tensed when I did so.

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