Fifty Two

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Fifty Two


Good thing I had finished the two proyects I had for this upcoming week. Otherwise, I wouldn't have enjoyed my weekend with Eric.

I had barely made it to my first class as I just landed an hour ago. My head was killing me and I was falling asleep but thinking of how great this weekend was enough to make me smile and be optimistic for this week full of exams and presentations and whatnot.

"You should've gone to sleep." Jace whispered to me from behind me.

I let out a small yawn and turned slightly to him. "I had to turn in the essay." I whispered back. "I'll sleep after class." I added.

Jace simply nodded and the class continued. It felt like ten hours went by until Jace and I finally stepped out of the classroom. "How did it go with your parents?" He asked me as we walked to my room.

I was glad he was making conversation. Otherwise, I would pass out from exhaustion. Eric and I made great use of the last hours I still had with him. We showered and he took me to the airport. I couldn't fall asleep on the plane either. "It was good. Mom and dad say hi." I lied. My mom knew about my little lie and she told me that even when she didn't want me to keep lying to Jace, she understood my reasoning for doing so.

Jace didn't say anything after that. We walked side by side until we arrived to my dorm. "Go to sleep and call me if you need anything, okay?" He told me.

I nodded and stepped inside. Jace was about to say goodbye when he put his palm on the side of his head. "Are you okay?" I stupidly asked but it was the first thing to come out of my mouth.

"Yeah..." He trailed off. He rubbed the spot and smiled at me. "Just a headache." He told me but I could sense the pain in his voice.

"Do you want me to take you to the hospital?" I asked worriedly. Jace seemed tired now compared to how he looked five minutes ago.

Jace shook his head slightly. "No, I'm fine. Doctors said this was normal." He told me. "I'll go to sleep now and it'll go away." He told me and tried offering me another smile.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him inside my room. "Sleep here then." I told him. He was about to protest but I gave him a warning look. "Sleep in my bed." I told him.

"If you want to sleep with me, just wait until I take a nap and then we can do it." Leave it to Jace to crack jokes when he's hurting.

"You'll sleep in my bed and I'll sleep on Angie's." I rephrase what I said before to him.

I heard him chuckle but it was weak. When I turned around to look at him, he was bending over the bed, trying to slip in. He did after a couple of seconds and closed his eyes right away. I saw his chest rise and fall with his breathing. I wasn't worried because I knew he falls asleep quickly. I stood next to him until his breath evened out so I could call Eric and update him on his brother's health. "Hey, baby. Is something wrong?" My boyfriend asked me as soon as he answered my call. I know he was bound to get worried about my call seeing as I called him once I had landed.

I walked to my bathroom for more privacy in case Jace woke up and heard me. "Everything's okay with me. I just called you to tell you that Jace just had a headache and he's sleeping now." I reassured him as much as I could. A headache was now a normal thing with Jace.

Eric sighed. "Thank you, baby, for letting me know. You okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine. I just need to sleep, that's it." I told him and yawned.

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