Forty Eight

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It's my birthday!

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Forty Eight


He loves me? He really loves me? I'm pretty sure he said those words but I didn't have time to ponder on that. I was falling asleep quickly but now I felt like we were complete.

I woke up alone the next morning. It was close to seven when I rolled over and felt a piece of paper instead of my boyfriend. I sat up straight and took my phone to light up a bit so I could read the note.

'Good morning, baby.

I'm sorry I had to leave you. My flight is at eight and it's now almost six. I have to get the car back to my dad and rush to the airport so I don't miss my flight. I'll call you as soon as I land.

I hope I don't sound creepy to you but you look just as beautiful when you sleep. I'll miss you a lot but we can handle it. I know we can because I've never felt like this before.

-Eric x.'

My eyes were glassy, I could tell. I know it's too soon to say this but I can't picture myself with any other man if it's not Eric, my boyfriend. Even when I wanted to cry, I was smiling. He's very thoughtful and worries about me. And he loves me but why wouldn't he tell me?

Maybe he was sleeping and the words stumbled out of his mouth without him knowing. Yeah, that had to be it. I know that if he felt that way, he would've told me. Since the first day I met him, he's always told me what he thought and the truth. My mood faltered at the thought but now I knew that if he doesn't want to be with me, he wouldn't.

"Can you pass me another waffle?" Daniel asked Jace who was sitting the closest to the stack of blueberry waffles I was making.

Jace, Angie, my brother and me came to Violet and Robbie's apartment to have breakfast seeing as they were the only ones that owned a stove.

"Finally we are having a decent breakfast." Robbie stated as he continued eating.

"And I wouldn't be surprised if he leaves me for you." Violet added.

"I would never." Robbie told her and kissed her afterwards.

Looking at them, made me want to have that with Eric. He's my boyfriend and everything but we can't be together right now. And it makes me anxious to get over with school already.

I snapped out of my thoughts and went back to cooking. Eric and I will have that one day and we'll be happy and that's what I'm hanging on to.

Later that day, after we finished eating and watched reruns of old television shows, we decided to hit the beach. It was a Sunday but we'd be starting exams soon so we want to relax before our time is consumed by deadlines and whatnot.

"How are you feeling?" I asked Jace. We sat under the big unbrella we brought. Seeing as all of our friends were in relationships, they were goofing around with their respective one. That left me and Jace together which I didn't mind one bit. After all, Jace is my best friend.

"I had a headache this morning. I took a shower so I could relax." He said and shrugged. I know that to many, it might seem as if Jace didn't care about his health but he does. He takes care of himself but he also wants and lives his life as normal as possible. He doesn't want people to be worried about him or treat him differently because he knows what will happen to him. "It's normal though. How have you been? I feel like I haven't see you much since we came back from my house. Are you mad at me or something?" He asked in a low voice.

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