Sixty Three

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I need help with a new fitting title for the story. If you've got any ideas, please do tell me.

Sixty Three


I can't believe I called her that. That's not what I am. That's not what I do. No matter what she did, she doesn't deserve to have been called that. By anyone. Nor does anyone deserve to be called that. Especially not Zoe. That woman I love.

Why? Why?!

I will never forgive myself for doing that.

I felt so ashamed with myself that the only thing I did was leave her. How will I get her to forgive me? I wouldn't forgive me if I was her.

And her beautiful face. It will haunt me forever. I could see her heart breaking. I promised her and me that I would never break it and here I am. I don't care anymore if she broke my heart. She wanted to explain and now I fucked everything up. Just when I was finally getting my answers.

Why did I have to act like such an asshole? I have no excuse for acting the way I did. It hurt me so much to learn that she had to marry my brother and the worst part is that she wasn't doing it for her own good. It was for Jace. All I needed was her to explain. To tell me in her own words but of course I had to let my tongue get in the way.

All I wish is she had told me sooner and I wish I had listened to her.

I got out of my house as soon as I could. I ignored my mom's pleas to stay and drove away. I drove until I got to Hailey's bar. Once in there, I asked the bartender if he has seen her. He told me that she was sick up at her house and I was free to go there. I knocked and waited until her mother opened the door. She let me in and went to Hailey's room. "Come in." Came her answer from inside.

"How are you feeling?" I asked her as soon as I stepped inside. Hailey looked pale and sneezed before answering.

"Like shit just like you look. And sick. What are you doing here?" She asked as she tried sitting up.

I helped her and sat on a chair I pulled. "I hate myself." I told her.

"Why's that?" She asked. I looked down and felt a knot in my throat. My vision blurred as tears started forming on my eyes. Hailey noticed and pulled me in for a hug. "What happened? Is Jace okay?"

"Jace is okay." I nodded. "I fucked up."

Hailey seemed to understand what I meant. "What did you do?" She asked softly. If this had been another time, she'd probably be beating me right now.

"She got married." I whispered.

Hailey pulled apart from me and gave me a confused look. "Zoe got married?" I nodded. "Why?"

"You know how Jace always wanted to live a normal life?" She nodded. "His dreams were going to school, getting married and have kids." I explained, making her gasp. "Apparently, Zoe and Jace had promised to each other to get married. She never told me and I had to hear it from Maggie that they did."

"I don't know what to say." She told me. Just like me she was speechless. "They never told you that?" She asked. Zoe didn't. She just decided to break up with me and get married to him. Now that I think about, Jace said something about having a dream come true.

"If you were in my position and you get to have something you wished your entire life, would you go for it or let it slip?" I remember Jace asking me when he was at the hospital.

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