Twenty Seven

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Twenty Seven


Something tells me life doesn't want me and Zoe together. Everytime I get to kiss her, something happens and pulls us apart. The worst part is that I keep hurting her.

I knew she saw that it was Hailey who called me but how could I explain to her that the reason for the call was to get her a present for her birthday?

I'm so stupid. I should've explained everything to her instead of kissing her but I was right when I thought she wouldn't listen to me if I didn't have her undivided attention. She was so mad and the kiss relaxed her enough so when it ended she was willing to listen to me. Although I did wanted to distract her, kissing her wasn't in my mind for the plan but seeing her pretty face only made me wanted to kiss her so I killed two birds with one stone.

Obviously, we had to be interrupted. I attempted to ignore the call until I remembered that Hailey was supposed to call me when she'd found something so as much as I didn't want to pull away from Zoe, I thought answering the call was my only option and I should've waited.

This mess keeps getting out of hand. I need to do something and quick before I hurt her more and more.

Thankfully, Zoe went into the shower minutes before Hailey arrived with her present and left just in time. My present was hidden from my family and her and now I just have to wait for the perfect time to give it to her. I'll probably give it to her when we get back from her birthday dinner and after I finally explain everything to her. Yes, I'll do that. In the meantime, I'll give her her space so I don't end up hurting her anymore.

My dad and Maggie were the first to arrive along with Maggie's best friend, Amy. I gave my dad a questioning look and he explained how Amy was leaving tomorrow morning on a trip with her parents and she wanted to spend time with Maggie before she left. They soon left to go upstairs to play with Zoe.

"Are you okay, son?" My dad asked me in his 'worried' tone.

I chuckled. "I'm fine, father." I mocked him.

All amusement left his eyes. "You're not. What's bothering you?" He asked me, completely serious now. It's not that I didn't want to tell him but I didn't want Zoe to hear me. My dad noticed my despair and motioned me to follow him to his study. Once there, he shut the door and asked me again but once again I was interrupted.

My mom and Jace arrived and they asked me about Zoe. I told them that she woke up after noon, ate and took a shower. "I'll go see her." Jace informed us and left.

My mom then turned to me. "I need you to help me set the guest room for Zoe." She told me.

"Why?" I asked but it sounded like I had a problem with.

I couldn't apologize when my mom scolded me. "Because I say so. Don't be rude."

"I didn't mean it like that. I just thought she'd stay with Maggie." I explained.

"She was," She started. "But Amy will be staying with Maggie tonight and besides, she needs her privacy." My mom explained and left me to go set the room up. It does make sense, the day I arrived, I've asked my mom the same thing about where Zoe would be sleeping but she should've taken the room since she arrived.

I left my dad's study and headed upstairs. I could here giggling and small talk from Maggie's room. A princess castle was on the floor in the middle of the room. Maggie had a dragon toy on her hand while Amy had a doll. Zoe's back was to me but I could see her holding a doll as well. I attempted to get blankets and sheets for the guest room but Maggie called me.

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