Twenty Five

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Twenty Five


I thought today would be a good day but I should've known that nothing good comes out of waking up early.

After attending Zoe's injury, I somehow and without being questioned was able to bring her to my bed for her to rest when I took her from Jace. I absolutely didn't want her to be uncomfortable in Maggie's bed. Jace didn't say anything about it and kissed her forehead before leaving to clean up.

I told him I'd be down soon to help him just after putting a blanket over Zoe but he dismissed me. Thankfully, he doesn't suspect of what happened yesterday between Zoe and me and I plan it to stay that way just until we decide what's going to happen.

I sat next to Zoe and tucked her hair that was falling in her head. She was still whimpering but almost unnoticeable. I bent forward and tried to kiss her pain away but first I wished her a 'Happy Birthday' against them, hoping she could know it's me.

After a couple of minutes, she finally fell asleep. That's when I noticed some details about her that made me wonder if she had slept last night. She looks like she didn't from how pale and tired she looks. She also had bags under her eyes and before when we were in the kitchen, her eyes were red as if she had been crying before her injury. 

Did something happened after I came to my room yesterday? Maybe she had a fight with Jace but no, that can't be. She was clutching herself to him and she didn't say anything that might've suggest her being mad at him. Maybe if I hadn't left her without telling a single word, I would've known if something had happened. What if it was about me her crying? I did left her as soon as my parents arrived. God, I'm such an idiot. Of course she cried because of me, I ignored her when I was thinking of an uncertain future with her. I remember her looking at me and I wouldn't dare look at her. I just left her like that without letting her know that I needed to think of him and now it's her birthday, she's injured and she didn't even get to sleep.

What a great start to her birthday but I'll make it up for her. It had to be me who hurt her, that's the only explanation. If she and Jace had had a fight, he would've told me. He's always come up to me to figure stuff out but then again, I had been sleeping but he didn't say anything about something wrong with Zoe and he looked like his usual self.

It has to be me. I'm a first class asshole. Maybe she thought I just wanted a kiss out of her and nothing more and with my record, she probably felt used. I should have spoken to her even if I didn't know what to tell her. Maybe she knew what to do about it but now I can just regret my decision.

I need to talk to her but I'll wait until she is completely rested. Also, I need to make sure that it was only me and not some other thing bothering her. Hopefully she doesn't have some shit on her life. She's too good of a person to suffer.

While she sleeps, I decided to get her a birthday gift. I forgot Jace mentioned her birthday being today and that we'll be going for dinner to celebrate her. As I went downstairs, I could hear Jace explaining to my parents what happened with Zoe. I heard Maggie asking my dad if she was going to be okay and my dad assuring her that she was okay and she was only sleeping as they left the house.

My mother awknowledge me first. "Eric, did you notice something different about Zoe yesterday?" She asked me, making me almost choke.

"Uh, no." I said. I wasn't going to tell then that yesterday I kept kissing her and suddenly I didn't want to be near her because I wasn't sure about where that was going.

"I just don't get it. She was fine yesterday. Maybe she had a nightmare or something." Jace stated after I spoke. He looked troubled and I felt even worse for not telling him and for making him worry about her when it's my fault she didn't sleep last night.

My mom sighed. "Anyways, your dad took Maggie to her friend's house for the day," She told both Jace and me and then, she turned to me. "I need to take your brother back for some tests. Do you think you can keep an eye on Zoe for a little while. I don't want to wake her up." She asked me.

I'd love to do that any time. "Actually, I need to head out for a bit. Why does Jace have to go back. Is something wrong?" I enquired, getting worried that my brother's getting sicker.

"Nothing's wrong. I need to do some tests I couldn't get done yesterday." Jace explained and I let out a breath of relief.

"You know what?" I began. "You go and I'll stay with Zoe. I can go out some other time." I told them.

"You sure?" My mom wondered. I nodded and then she turned to Jace. "Let's go so we don't take too long." My mom told him. Jace nodded and said goodbye to me before he walked out. My mom thanked me and told me to make sure that when Zoe wakes up, she eats.

They left inmediately and now I had to make a new plan to get Zoe a present. With everybody gone, it'll be easier to talk to her and ask her what really happened yesterday.

I got an idea and called Hailey. "Hey, buddy. How did it go?" She asked me before I could say anything else.

I sighed. "Not how I expected. Did you know I'm an asshole?" I asked rethorically.

She chuckled. "Yes, I know. What did you do?" She asked and I began explaining to her everything since she saw us on the supermarket until this morning. "You are a complete asshole. You just up and left without telling her shit." She shouted into the receiver, making me wince.

I ran a hand through my hair in exasperation. "I know, okay? I need your help. I need you to help me find her a present. Today's her birthday." I begged her.

"Her birthday?! Don't you have a brain?" She shouted again, making me groan in frustration, not at her but at me. "I'll help you this last time. If you screw up with her once again, I'll castrate you. What did you had in mind?" She threatend me. More like promised, I know she'll do that.

I started walking around the kitchen, trying to come up with ideas. "I don't know. I wanted to go to the mall to look for something." I said.

Hailey sighed at my response. "I'll look for something and I'll call you back." She said and hung up. I hope she finds something that Zoe'd like. I don't know much about her and Hailey barely met her but Hailey's great with coming up with stuff so I'm confident she'll find something appropiate.

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